This is the questions thread. Post questions about things you always thought about but never found out the answer to. Answers will be greatly appreciated
Can blind people have dreams?
Why do Americans build wooden houses? Especially in places that get hit by tornadoes and the like
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Because it's dirt cheap. Many Americans live in relatively rural areas. Building a wooden house is nothing compared to brick and mortar. -
Is it the Greeks or the Chinese hes after?
Is the Pope Catholic?
If you are brought up by two gay men does one act like a mum or do they both act like dads? Do you call them both Dad? Or do you just call them their real names?
I would * hate that.Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2013 -
I'd guess the same reasons apply to towns and villages in tornado alley. People have jobs there. I'd guess the originally European settlers there settled there to farm the vast expanses of land available. -
Why in fact did the chicken decide to traverse the road?
It always confuses me when I saw a wooden house being shredded by a big * tornado :56: -
Unfortunately, I wasn't so lucky :54: -
Is Martin and Gerry touts? :fear:
How do blind people know their * is clean after a *?
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