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Your 5 Biggest Cunts On The Planet Right Now!

Discussion in 'TalkCeltic Pub' started by cidermaster, Feb 11, 2024.

Discuss Your 5 Biggest Cunts On The Planet Right Now! in the TalkCeltic Pub area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. murphy88

    Jul 28, 2010
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    That comes down to what people’s views are as to why there is a war in Ukraine though. I don’t agree with the invasion, never have and I’ve condemned it since day one. What I would say though, in my opinion I think there has been gentleman’s agreements broken over the years in terms of NATO expansion and I can understand if Russia were to feel threatened by having NATO on their doorstep. I don’t think that justifies what’s gone on, but I can understand why it has. What’s happening in Gaza however is being done for no other reason than Israel trying to kill every Palestinian that is on the planet. October 7th just gave them an excuse to do what they have done for decades prior to that date. It’s incredibly naive to try and compare the two situations.
    Gabriel and The Prof like this.
  2. King of Kings

    Oct 11, 2005
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    The bolded is the key part in your post. The most frequently cited reasons for this war from Putin himself simply Russian imperialism and ‘de-nazifacation’.

    It’s ironic that you say it’s naive to compare each war, when the similarities are stark and your very post could easily read like something a Zionist would write to justify the war in Gaza. You say Russia feel threatened by having NATO on their doorstep, they say Israel feels threatened by having Hamas on theirs.

    Ultimately, they are both wars of imperialism started by one significantly larger military power, in an attempt to oppress and murder a civilian population while grabbing as much territory as they can. For all intents and purposes, both wars end (in a conventional sense) the second the occupiers leave the territory of the people they are killing.

    Basically, it’s incredibly naive to not see the parallels between these two wars.
    Both are based on imperialism and the annexation of territory.
    Both are justified by the perception of ‘threat’ from the other side.
    Both end the moment the occupier leaves. Both have resulted in horrific and entirely unnecessary loss of life.
    The aggressors in each case have both deliberately targeted civilians and the infrastructure they depend on to survive.

    I could go on and on. The absolute truth is - trying to downplay the obvious similarities is just an exercise in people wanting to feel more comfortable in their hypocrisy. The very same hypocrisy the West demonstrate when dealing with Ukraine/Israel.
  3. The Prof Administrator Administrator

    Feb 28, 2010
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    Good points made tbh, what makes the situation in Gaza all the more horrific is that they don't have access to the same state of the art Medical facilities that Ukraine has, amputations and smaller surgery is being conducted without anesthesia.

    The World has turned it's back on the Palestinians.
    murphy88 likes this.
  4. King of Kings

    Oct 11, 2005
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    I do tend to agree with this, particularly the bolded. It’s a horrific thing to be on the wrong side of.
    The Prof likes this.
  5. murphy88

    Jul 28, 2010
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    Israel were butchering Palestinians long before Hamas existed though, so that just wouldn’t wash about it being the threat next door, as Israel were killing long before that threat existed.

    Ukraine joining NATO would undoubtedly be a security risk for Russia though, surely you can understand that? Again, that’s not to say the invasion is justified, because it’s not, but when it comes to the actions of Russia and Israel, I understand why Russia took action, whereas Israel are simply slaughtering civilians for the sake of it. Like they have done for decades. A simple look at the death rates over the years will tell you how much a “risk” Hamas are to Israel, compared to vice versa.
  6. Callum McGregor The Captain Gold Member

    Aug 13, 2008
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    Lubomir Moravcik
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    The part in bold isn't true. Having read and watched interviews with many Palestinians in Gaza, they do not consider themselves at peace with Israel, ever. They want back all the territory that they see as theirs and very few, if any, would accept a peaceful two state solution.

    I do not support Israel or its actions in any way, but Israel leaving Gaza doesn't end the conflict there, and Israel is clearly not going anywhere.
    murphy88 likes this.
  7. King of Kings

    Oct 11, 2005
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    Yeah I know. I mentioned previously in the same post that I was referring to ‘conventional’ war. I realise that’s a loose phrase under the circumstances. I didn’t want to get into the reality of the situation (even if it only strengthens my point) because I think the whole ‘this conflict is worse’ serves little purpose.

    In truth, only one of these conflicts truly ends the minute the aggressor leaves, and it isn’t the one in Gaza.
  8. King of Kings

    Oct 11, 2005
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    They have been killing one another for much, much longer than the war in Ukraine. I have no idea why you think that means there is somehow less of a security risk for the average Israeli from Hamas than there is for the average Russian from NATO.