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Would you accept Rodgers back as manager?

Discussion in 'Celtic Chat' started by Cringer67, Jun 5, 2023.

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  1. Gurru 991

    Aug 7, 2019
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    Brendan does what's best for Brendan !!
    He isn't getting any offers from the Premier League and doesn't want to manage in the Championship so Celtic is his safety net.
  2. saltire78

    May 15, 2010
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    I answered no, because I don't think he's the best we can get and I'm still sour about how he left. But when he's announced (probably today!) he'll get my support, but need to earn back any respect I give him.

    A lot of people seem to be putting the horse before the cart on this one, so I'll clarify my position. When he's hired, he'll become the manager of our club, it will not be his team... I will support the club and the team, of which he will become part, as I have always done, with every manager, until they prove untenable or move on.
  3. LectersLuncheon

    Jul 31, 2013
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    Had a peek on the Leicester boards. A new thread popped up concerning Rodgers' apparent escape from criticism in the media.

    I'm not posting these quotes to be beligerant, or in anyway contrary, but it's very important that some of our fans start to take the blinders off over this appointment and start seeing the wood for the trees. Obviously anger at Rodgers is still very much the reigning emotion with Leicester fans, but nonetheless, it's apparent Rodgers' behaviour at Celtic has been completely forgotten or ignored on here, so here are some of the most recent opinions about him...

    The fact Spurs have chosen the current Celtic manager over him shows the footballing world (not the media) is calling him out.

    be surprised if any top-ten club touches him with a barge pole. The chairman/owners would have watched his antics last summer and wouldn't want that crap from a manager, they are probably bemused as to why he was kept in a job for so long. Also, they will look at the devaluation of the playing squad under his watch, and no club wants that.

    He wasn't backed last summer but talk about throwing your toys out of the pram. A good manager wouldn't have let this out to the media but he pretty much slated the squad which I'm convinced was the reason for our abysmal start to the season.

    If I was called not good enough by a manager who was a fourth rate footballer himself , I would be * off.

    It's the fact he kept banging the drum to the media all summer and for the first 10 games or so. Created a toxic environment which created a confidence crisis and subsequently poor form.

    He was being touted as Celtics next manager. As one supporter put it "If he can't have his own way he loses interest and loses the dressing room.".
    Anybody recognise that?

    He was close with mourinho and is a pound shop version of him. Doesn’t get his own way and throws his toys out of the pram. Plays the deflection game and blames anyone but himself.

    People get too pissy that the media ignores stories etc. but ultimately they just follow what their readership want to read or listen to and the general neutral is done with Brendan Rodgers’ time at LCFC. Equally the people what make decisions at football clubs will be aware that he’s followed a pattern of his career in his last three clubs.

    Just like a cuckoo, he walks into someone else's home and makes himself at home, (Palace's) house, is well furnished.
    After a while, the nest starts to become threadbare, as he has not been maintaining it and he has no idea what to do when it needs to be rebuilt.

    Absolute Clown ! Played poorly for so long with the same players that ripped up trees few seasons back. The players have admitted they have been *, now it’s time for Brendan to play his part the scoundrel.

    The board kept him in place for far too long when they had the power to change it. I feel far more anger towards them at the moment.

    I can't recall the journalist but I read a report that listed the reasons for our failure this season. It included the money stuff, but also stated that Rodgers had made some dubious decisions, particularly playing Amartey and side-lining Cags, who at the time was back in the team and clearly demonstrating that Rodgers had been lying when he said Cags wasn't good enough.
    I think it's significant that the club have let Amartey go, with seemingly no attempts at offering him a new contract. That speaks volumes, and begs the question - if the board knew he wasn't good enough, why didn't someone challenge Rodgers when he kept playing him?!! Very frustrating.

    The bloke was an absolute end he thought he was Billy big balls better than everyone at the club his Ego to blame everyone else but himself is a joke he demoralised criticised the players in front of the media, blaming them for the poor results when in fact it was his own doing alienating players lying blaming their fitness as the issue when in fact they were as fit as Fuch.

    Rodgers started off great a couple of top 5 finishes an Fa cup & Charity shield ( Thank you for those !) then went nose diving after the 4-0 thumping by Forest he then blamed every player for his incompetent inadequate egotistical behaviour his slating of the players was unacceptable, no wonder our players lost confidence in their abilities not also being played out of positions but playing dreadful formations slagging them off it was totally inappropriate and unacceptable and should have been sacked then !

    You could see what kind of season we were going to have when he refused to make a substitution on our first game against Brentford on a warm day until a late single substitution was a token gesture, even tho we were ahead Thomas Franck changed 5 players which pushed them on to draw the game from 2-0 down a few extra minutes we would have lost that game our players looked exhausted yet HRH Brendan Fuching Rodgers refused to make more substitutions because he was apparently protesting about not being backed in the summer transfer window !

    So yes I’ll call him out he is the catalyst that caused our demise from Premier League Champs to Premier League Chumps, and the board need also to hold their collective hands up too as they should of sacked him months before they did absolutely incompetence personified now we’re in the Championship and have to rebuild to get back to the big time Hope Top can find the funds to rebuild our great club !!

    He tried pretty hard to sack himself didn't he - it began to look like he really didn't want to be there, and just wanted his massive pay-off, knowing he'd never be blamed in the media as the "lack of money" narrative was so prevalent.

    Personality issues between Rodgers and Soyuncu being the sole reason as to why Amartey started so many games last season....probably more times than he did for the previous four seasons put together. No surprise that he's not being retained though, even though he was the third longest serving player behind Vardy and Albrighton of course...

    Part of me thinks that he wanted to sabotage the start to the season in order to make the point to the board, thinking once he got his way he'd easily win enough games for the club to meet its targets. Some of the decisions especially in the first 10 games or so were mindboggling.

    Its time to put this to bed really, we had 1000 pages before he cleared off and nothing that can be said about the man has been missed. Otherwise we will still be going on about it in ten years time alongside our 250th failed attempt to find a "right winger".

    Here we are 3 years later and we still don't have a right Winger. It's not as if it's hard to find a natural right Winger.
    The man hadn't a clue about picking players.

    As fans we don't know the details of the financial dealings, or the personality clashes, or the contracts and agreements within the club. But we sit there and watch every minute of the games - not just the MOTD "highlights", or the post match interviews, or the media gossip. Most LCFC fans have been driven mad by the constant "Brendan wasn't backed financially" statements in the media. Yes he didn't get any money, but those of us who were there know there's a * of a lot more to it than that!

    If you can't see the * pattern here then our support have literally lost their collective minds.

    I for one am devastated by this appointment.

    Let me clear, I am BEGGING to be proved wrong, and I'm busting to be able to put my hands up in two seasons time and declare I got it spectacularly wrong.

    I just don't see it panning out that way. Not with Rodgers.

  4. Jeannie Gold Member Gold Member

    Mar 22, 2006
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    I think most of us will identify with a lot of that summation but we're taking a bit of a more pragmatic view of his appointment. As I've said before a stream of good managers aren't exactly flocking to our door and in this case, whilst most of us are apprehensive, it might be better to try and get behind him for the sake of the team. Too much negativity will find it's way onto the park. Yes he's inheriting a very good situation right now and yes I worry about the changes he might make to spoil that but he has a reputation to mend and that might serve us well in the short term.

    I will never trust this man, like I will never trust or get emotionally connected to any other manager again, but If we get 2 great seasons I wont miss him if he moves then on the back of that. For most of us it's not about revisionism where he's concerned as a man or manager as I think that we can agree with a lot of the above. At least we now have a clearer idea of who and what he is and the blinkers are removed. He's not a * or an all powerful being.........he's a servant of our club and a temporary one at that who in time will leave or be replaced.
  5. Hammy89 Gold Member Gold Member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    Tbf there's no argument to be had about if he's a good coach or not.

    We know what we're getting into this time around so we shouldn't get burnt.

    The huns are rattled by this appointment.

    Leicester have over achieved for an incredible amount of time. They are naturally a Championship team that should constantly be in a relegation battle whenever they manage to get into the top flight in England. The fact that he achieved a semi final in a European competition and won a cup there shows he's a decent manager. No doubt about it.

    Am I underwhelmed by the appointment? I'm probably still upset about Ange leaving. No matter who is appointed, I hope they're backed to blow the huns out the water and make a dent Europe this season. All that matters is that and domestic trophies. If Rodgers does that, all will be forgotten.
    Callum McGregor and Jeannie like this.
  6. Jeannie Gold Member Gold Member

    Mar 22, 2006
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    I wont be surprised if we hear a chorus of "I told you so" in 2/3 years time. I will be amazed if he's here in 3! Mind you if he stays that long, picks up 3 trebles and gets us further in Europe I don't guarantee I won't fall hook, line and sinker all over again :56:
  7. Doogs. Lustig your the one, you still turn me on.

    Mar 25, 2010
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    Right, * it, I’m on board after thinking long and hard about it.

    The guys a pellet but he’s a good manager.
    Morcombe and Cumbernauld Bhoy67 like this.
  8. Skelleto

    Sep 21, 2010
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    Welcome abouard CHOOO CHOOOO
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  9. sabzz1888

    Aug 31, 2013
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    Think I've went through every emotion from hating the guy to now accepting he may just be the best candidate for the job.

    Will never trust him and we should always be prepared for the worst, just as long as we do the business on the park I think it's an acceptable appointment.
    Jeannie, TheHappyLoss and Doogs. like this.
  10. JML67 Gold Member Gold Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    New french signing?
  11. LectersLuncheon

    Jul 31, 2013
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    See that's what I think is being ignored in all of this.

    The "yes camp" are pretty much assuming that we are going to get Rodgers' for two years, and in those two years, he will come in, hoover up domestic trophies and leave. ALOT has changed in the years between, no less we now have a Sevco who are competitive, and are aiming to be more so next season.
    The added "carrot" that the club have leaked to the media about this grand euro plan is pie in the sky stuff.
    He couldn't get either Liverpool or Leicester out of the groups, with a budget 10 times ours. But he's going to do it here with an extra few million?

    It's utter nonsense.

    I don't consider it pragmatic at all to hand a manager , in our terms at least, a huge transfer budget, when his track record in the market is utterly abysmal.

    It feels like we're walking into this with eyes shut, fingers in ears and clinging to memory of his first season here.
  12. Jeannie Gold Member Gold Member

    Mar 22, 2006
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    Well we have no other option but to wait and see :39: All the wringing our hands and tearing our hair out at the idea isn't going to achieve anything. No one else is stepping up to the plate so yes we do have to be pragmatic and try to inject a little hope and positivity into this. They all learn on the job so here's hoping he's learnt enough going on his previous experiences to take us that little bit further. We also really do have to be realistic. Scotland is not going to attract the calibre of players/managers who do well in the Cl. We more often than not punch above our weight. Occasionally we stumble on a gem but as soon as their talent is discovered they're off. It's the hope and the dream that keeps us going. Generally Scottish teams are seen as under dogs in these competitions. We've been dining out on 1967 for decades! I know what I'm saying seems a huge slap in the face given the money we're ploughing into the club nowadays but when we step back and look from the outside in it's merely a business to the custodians of our game. They look at the product, the limitations and constraints and package our game around that.
  13. paulie walnuts Gold Member Gold Member

    Mar 10, 2008
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    Not sure what you mean when you say nobody else is stepping up to the plate. Desmond has seemed * bent on getting Rodgers ever since Ange left.
    If he’d offered other managers the salary he’s reported to have offered Rodgers then you can be sure that they would step up to the plate as well.
    Rodgers left us in the lurch for a bigger league, ultimately got sacked and his team got relegated, is now unemployed, but we’re now offering him more money than he was on before to come back. Doesn’t make sense to me at all.
  14. TheHappyLoss

    Jul 14, 2013
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    This is * torture :giggle2:
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  15. Jeannie Gold Member Gold Member

    Mar 22, 2006
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    DD obviously can't attract anyone better imo. Paper talk says he's being offered the earth. I wondered if the club were more complicit when he left first time around. Rumours he and PL didn't get on. The McGinn thing. Maybe DD liked him. Maybe in the absence of anything better being offered in the EPL he's taking the opportunity to try and redeem himself or improve his rep I don't know :39: I think this job is the last one he's going to get to improve his credibility. As was indicated above Leicester are a club that continually try to punch above their weight in their own league. Maybe he wasn't getting the support and were the signings his? I think our club is a far bigger club and for some reason DD is much more interested this time around. For the record I think we deserve a top manager given how big our club is and it's history but you can't deny that big names aren't being linked with us. If BR was being offered the heavens and sky above to do the job........as you say why aren't there any other candidates?
  16. Skelleto

    Sep 21, 2010
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    Brandan Rodgers is a big name imo. A top class manager. No one even seem to give a * about the fact that he got sacked from Leicester. He have been linked with top jobs like Tottenham anyway, and that is because he is a top manager and has proven he is many times.
    Jeannie likes this.
  17. paulie walnuts Gold Member Gold Member

    Mar 10, 2008
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    Yeah, I think there would have been other candidates, especially with the money we’re talking about.
    The fact that him and Lawwell don’t get on makes this even more strange.
    We should be looking forward rather than back all the time. Bringing Lennon back, bringing Lawwell back and now Rodgers. There’s even a thread on here about whether we would accept Ange back in the future. * that. The football world is big and we shouldn’t need to be going back to folk who have chosen to leave in the past.
  18. LectersLuncheon

    Jul 31, 2013
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    C'mon now Jeannie.

    It's not a case of someone stepping up.

    It's a about the club operating like a modern day institution, looking for the BEST option and continuity of identity. The likes of Kuntsen are not out of our reach, either financially or professionally. And his CV reads like a match made in heaven for us. His exploits in Europe comparitvley mop the floor with Rodgers', and I thought EUROPE was supposed to be the next step for us? Re hiring a manager with Rodgers' euro record is the exact opposite.

    We are Celtic Football Club. An institution in the game.
    We aren't getting Pep, Klopp, or Mourinhio in anytime soon.
    But the notion that Rodgers is the BEST we can do is folly.

    Tearing my hair out seems to be the best I and fellow skeptics can do. As everyone else seems to have this "nothing we can do, could be worse" attitude.

    "Could be worse" exactly how clubs find themselves stuck in mediocrity.

    We deserve better, and we should be angry that the club seem to think Rodgers' is the best we can do.
    trip2themoon and Lewis Kerr like this.
  19. LectersLuncheon

    Jul 31, 2013
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    It's funny that you say that, as I was completely shot down for saying something similar.

    In the new manager thread I was asked if I was hurt when Rodgers left. I made the comparison that ppl are not angry with Ange because he's left , at the end of a successful season, for a "big team", and that such an opportunity would probably NEVER crop up again, not in the next few years anyway.

    I made the point that ppl weren't angry about Rodgers leaving, as most of us assumed his time was up here anyway, but that he left us in the middle of a title push for a Tin pot EPL outfit. It was an opportunity he could turn down, as many others just like it were sure to come along. He jumped at the FIRST sign of an EPL side. According to the rags, Ange knocked back two similar.

    I was howled down that Spurs were * and Leicester had done this and that, and it was the same type of opportunity, and Ange leaving was entirely the same as Rodgers.

    I don't agree in the slightest.

    Simply on paper, by the very name alone, managers will raise an eyebrow at a job offer from Spurs. ALL of them.

    Does anyone really think Leicester could've got the likes of Mourinhio, Conte etc? * no. Not unless they had a new billionaire backer with pockets deeper than 70 percent of the other league owners.

    The point being is that Rodgers has proven time and time again that serving his own ego comes before everything else.
    It's not a case of caring if he's gonna leave again. Seriously, who gies a *.
    It's the inherent DANGER, of the damage he will do to this squad.

    We've a squad united, dedicated to developing AS A TEAM, and keen to push themselves for the shirt and themselves.
    Rodgers could wreak absolute * havoc on them, as he's done at Leicester.
    trip2themoon and Lewis Kerr like this.
  20. Celtic_Daft1888

    Jun 25, 2008
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    On paper, Rodgers is absolutely the best we can do.

    If someone came to you and said that we were getting a manager who took a sleeping giant like Valencia to within one slip of the La Liga title, which would have been their first in * knows how long, you'd be excited, no?

    If someone came to you and said that same manager went to Copenhagen and won every single domestic trophy on offer, you'd be happy, no?

    If someone came to you and said that same manager also navigated their way through multiple qualifying rounds and got champions league football for that club twice in a row, you'd be happy, no?

    If someone came to you and said that manager took over a mid table EPL team and got them to 5th twice, European football twice and got them to a semi final of a European competition, you'd be excited, no?

    There is pros and cons on both sides here but I think the majority of us are weighing up the cons, which mostly come from the mans character and integrity, as opposed to his actual coaching.

    You want to talk about the differences in Sevco since he left. They're no longer the laughing stock they were and are far more competitive. Guess what? We've changed since then too. We invest in the squad. We have built a recruitment team that are successful. Be unhappy with getting Rodgers in because of the man, absolutely no doubt he's got a lot to make up to us when it comes to what he says and how he does it. An attempt to slander his coaching is beyond embarrassing. Especially given what I have just pointed out to you above.

    He's a top class coach and the evidence is there in black and white.
    murphy88 likes this.
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