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What's the roughest area of Glasgow

Discussion in 'TalkCeltic Pub' started by Miles Platting, Nov 25, 2016.

Discuss What's the roughest area of Glasgow in the TalkCeltic Pub area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. superleigh

    Jan 18, 2016
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    Never been a walk in pollok tbh but i have heard its pretty rough
  2. Gyp Rosetti Gold Member

    Apr 30, 2010
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    Aye Saracen St is a riot, I pass through it going to work and you just never know what to expect. :giggle1:
  3. Parkhead

    Nov 24, 2016
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    My father says the Gorbals back in his day
  4. Swervedancer Guest

    That sounds quite frightening. The golf club is bad enough but getting chased by guys with knives? That would give me the fear.

    It's a bit comedy some random guy swinging a golf club at your motor in the middle of the city ffs some loony tunes about :giggle1:

    I've had a random guy take a big swing at me as I was walking past him once. He missed but as I turned round to see * was happening he said "do you want some mare?" I said no and walked away. about the closest I've come to violence in Glasgow. I did walk down Bridgeton after a game by mistake once wearing my scarf, got some growls before I realised where I was.
  5. PaulM1888 Moderator Moderator Gold Member

    May 8, 2007
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    It may or may not have been the husband of the women the guy I was picking up was banging at the time :56:

    The knives one wasn't funny though. Was the middle of the day just after a Celtic game. The big hill you come down towards the Forge they just stated charging at a group of us with knives. There was old women dropped their shopping and a mother had let go of her pram absolutely * herself and there was * all we could do because the wee dicks were tooled up.

    Phoned the police when we were running away and the idiot on the other end of the phone is asking us what type of knives they have whilst we're legging it away from them. Police ended up turning up half an hour later by which time we were well past the Blochairn market. Useless *.
  6. TESLA Gold Member Gold Member

    Dec 20, 2009
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    I always had the impression that easterhouse was a tim area but when I was away in germany anyone I asked said it was more or less mixed and still mad but not as rough as it used to be.

    From what Ive seen of some parts of Glasgow and I genuinely dont mean this in a bad way they would make * from the mad parts of Dublin run a * mile :giggle1: it might be how glagows built up and all but its different to what youd see here in alot of ways.
  7. Swervedancer Guest

    Aye knives are not funny at all. Shocking when there were women and children there too. Some idiots have no brains at all. Can't believe they're asking you what type of knives? * does that matter? I'm glad you didn't have to confront them even though your adrenalin was well up for it cause anything can happen in a knife fight. Half an hour is quite a while for cops to show up in the city. Glasgow has some reputation for folk carrying knives for some reason. I wish they would just stick to chasing and stabbing other wee dicks carrying blades.

    Thank * we have gun laws. I mind thinking Glasgow would be mental if we had guns.