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The Weightloss/ Getting Fit Thread!

Discussion in 'TalkCeltic Pub' started by Joe T, Dec 29, 2011.

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  1. Boruc17

    Aug 2, 2018
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    Got a 5km run and some sprint training done today. The old football training style sprints... harder than I remember it being :56: Need to get my 5km time down so hopefully the sprint training helps.
    celts67, TheHappyLoss and neilly1987 like this.
  2. celts67

    Nov 6, 2014
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    Been doing a good few intermittent fasts since furloughed Used to eat 1 meal a day in my 20's train and lose weight but into 30s metabolism slowed and I have been stuck in a rut for years .Got out it now though just still 1 meal per day but a bit less food more water protein etc and a few hours longer fasts .Smashed a stone since furloughed . Three 30 hr fasts this week and 3 hiit sessions about 700 punches a session .
    Maestro 08 likes this.
  3. Seán Mac D Gold Member Gold Member

    Jan 2, 2014
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    That's wild.

    What sort of meal are scranning?

    I'm working from home at the moment so my routine is pretty similar, getting up at the same time but with gyms closed and it being too easy to snack I'm piling it on.

    Got resistance bands that I'm going to start giving a go for training and also planning to go out runs before I'm working from next week.
  4. celts67

    Nov 6, 2014
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    It's not even really that clean mate just cold meat ham chicken even pork on a sandwich and koko noodles etc .I find to many carbs and sugar slow my metabolism so I try and stay away from juice and fill up with water and protein .The good thing about eating onced per day depending on age weight and bmr you can eat pretty much what you want and don't need to worry about your diet as much .I eat then train then sleep hungry repeat the weight comes off easy doing that .
    Seán Mac D likes this.
  5. Saul Goodman Gold Member Gold Member

    Jul 9, 2010
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    Been out running a fair bit since the whole shut down, doing a long run every week (yesterday was 17k and go up a km every week), as well as a 10k and 5k and sometimes intervals.Noticed a big difference in how I’m feeling on the last couple of runs so hopefully start to get some PB’s in the next few weeks.
    Maestro 08 and celts67 like this.
  6. MacEwan MV3 Gold Member

    Feb 11, 2008
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    Got myself an exercise bike. Been doing 20k each day and it’s making me feel a lot better mentally and physically.
    Maestro 08 and celts67 like this.
  7. Callum McGregor The Captain Gold Member

    Aug 13, 2008
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    Went for a run on Wed and again this morning. Dropped a stone since January after I noticed my weight had crept up. Going to take the dog a long walk this afternoon and enjoy a day off.
  8. celts67

    Nov 6, 2014
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    I've burnt myself out man not good 3 weeks i've been off work mixing up intermittent fasting with fasted hiit sessions .Not a good time to have overtraining syndrome with this virus going about my heart and lungs are smashed already .Hoping a good weekend recovers me but think I might need to taper and start lowering the intensity to recover .
    Maestro 08 likes this.
  9. Aidan O’Shea

    Jun 11, 2016
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    10k in 52 minutes. Pleased enough.

    Shin splints are giving me shocking grief, though. Anyone have any ‘cures’ or tips on how to manage them?
    Maestro 08 likes this.
  10. Callum McGregor The Captain Gold Member

    Aug 13, 2008
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    Lubomir Moravcik
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    You'll Never Walk Alone
    Rest is the only cure. Ibuprofen and a foam roller helps manage them, along with stretches.

    Heel raises on one leg helped me, along with deadlifts to strengthen my glutes. I can’t remember how my physio explained it but basically stronger muscles elsewhere helped to take the strain off my shins.
    Aidan O’Shea likes this.
  11. celts67

    Nov 6, 2014
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    This is what i'm getting for out the back garden .Everlast though they don't deliver to the UK but can get the stand will just need to get a 100ib heavybag .Get a we speedbag as well .Anybody who trains man defintley recommend a bag instantly hooked on boxing better than cardio and cheap as well .

    The punch outs high intensityi interval training
    Maestro 08 likes this.
  12. celts67

    Nov 6, 2014
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    The heavy bag is one of the oldest, most recognizable pieces of training equipment. Unfortunately, due to its commonality, the bag is often overlooked when searching for speed, power and endurance. Fitness manufacturers continually develop and market new products catered toward today's combat athlete. As new products are developed, old training tools such as the heavy bag are often forgotten.

    This is unfortunate. The heavy bag is perhaps the most sport-specific and effective training tool available.

    Consider a typist who wishes to type more words per minute. To increase her typing speed, she types away at the keyboard. To type fast, one must type.

    This logic also applies to the act of punching. To punch with speed and power, one must punch. What better way to enforce this simple analogy than hitting the heavy bag?

    To increase speed and power, one must hit the bag hard. Regular practice is required to develop efficiency of movement when punching. Unfortunately, it is common for fighters to coast through a heavy bag session. These individuals stick with a few basic combinations, flicking out an occasional jab while grunting and groaning to impress onlookers.

    A common heavy bag workout consists of three or four rounds on the bag. * boxers compete with 2-minute rounds while professionals compete with 3-minute rounds. These work-to-rest ratios are often followed when hitting the bag. Certain trainers intensify bag sessions by reducing rest between rounds to 30 seconds.

    Another common means of progression involves increasing the length of the round. For example, certain professionals hit the bag for 4-minute rounds. The reason for the increased round length is to "over-condition" the fighter for a traditional round. If a fighter can hit the bag for 4-minutes, a 3-minute round should be easy.

    Unfortunately, this theory rarely works in the real world. As round length increases, many fighters "learn" to pace themselves throughout the longer round. Rather than maintaining an intense pace, these fighters conserve energy for the longer round. This style of training is detrimental to a competitive fighter. During competition, these fighters will be unprepared for an opponent who maintains an aggressive, furious pace.

    Rather than increasing round length, I recommend increasing intensity through short, yet highly intense punch-out drills. A punch-out drill simply consists of a string of all-out punches thrown in rapid succession without rest. Common punch-out intervals range from 15-to-60 seconds. During these drills, the fighter will throw non-stop punches. I recommend straight punches during this drill to reduce bag movement. For example, you will throw a non-stop 1-2-1-2 (1 = jab, 2 = cross).

    These drills are extremely intense. You will essentially be performing high intensity interval training on the heavy bag. This style of training will prepare you to throw explosive combinations with maximum speed and power.

    Punch-out drills are commonly referred to as the "Olympic Drill." These drills have been used at several Olympic boxing camps. You will not find many drills that can match the intensity and effectiveness of these brief punch intervals.

    Not A Replacement, An Addition
    These drills should not replace traditional heavy bag work. The heavy bag is ideal for drilling and reinforcing new combinations. Skill training and conditioning are not the same. You can however supplement a traditional heavy bag routine with a brief punch-out sequence.

    Sample Workout:

    • 4 x 3-minute rounds - Skill emphasis
    • 4 x 30-second punch-out drills
    • Finish with 1 x 3-minute round
    This routine will begin with four traditional rounds of bag work. Your focus should be on skill development. Throw combinations, moving left to right, and right to left. Integrate head movement, feints, and combination punching. Rest one minute between rounds.

    After four rounds are complete, proceed with four punch-out drills. Each drill will consist of one non-stop combination, thrown with maximum speed and power. Allow one minute of rest between drills.

    Finish with one round of traditional bag work. At this point, you will be forced to fight through fatigue, as if you were in an actual competition.

    I recommend variety when performing punch-out drills. In the preceding example, the routine called for 30-second intervals. You can also perform a punch-out sequence with shorter, more intense intervals.

    For example, perform 10 x 15-second punch out drills. Allow 45 seconds of rest between drills. This brief 10-minute sequence is much more challenging than it appears.

    By reducing the length of the drill, you are able to maintain a true max effort from start to finish. These drills are excellent when training to improve speed, power, and anaerobic capacity.

    Power Boxing
    Another option to traditional heavy bag work involves brief full-speed, power boxing rounds. Each round will last 60-to-90 seconds. You will throw combinations with an emphasis on maximum power. This is no time to be practicing your jab. You will work solely on power punching. Each round should involve a max effort. Each punch will be thrown with bad intentions.

    Integrate a variety of punches (ex. hook, uppercut, cross). As you can see in the sample video clip below, I throw multiple punch combinations, all with maximum power.

    Sample Workout:

    • 3 x 3-minute rounds - Skill emphasis
    • 4 x 1-minute power boxing
    • 5 x 30-second punch out drills
    This routine will begin with three traditional rounds of bag work. Your focus should be on skill development. Throw multiple combinations, moving left to right, and right to left. Integrate head movement, feints, and combination punching. Rest one minute between rounds.

    After three rounds are complete, proceed with four power-boxing rounds. Each round will be "fought" at full throttle with an emphasis on maximum power punches. Allow one minute of rest between drills.

    Finish with five punch-out drills. Each drill will consist of one non-stop combination, thrown with maximum speed and power.

    This brief bag workout integrates skill work, power boxing, and punch-out drills. You will start with a skill emphasis while the body is fresh. You will proceed to power boxing, and finish with a brief conditioning sequence via punch-out drills.

    Another Sample:

    • 10 x 1-minute power boxing
    Once again, you can incorporate variety into a power boxing routine. This workout will equate to 10 minutes of max-effort punching. These workouts provide obvious benefits when training to increase power and anaerobic endurance. You will train the body to throw power punches round after round. Increased punching power plus increased punch output is a dangerous combination.

    These sample routines will greatly intensify a heavy bag workout. Do not limit yourself to "traditional" heavy bag training. You can achieve numerous benefits with short, intense drills on the bag.

    Balance intensity throughout the week. One session can be geared more toward skill development (ex. combination punching) while another can emphasize power and anaerobic endurance. Do not be so quick to overlook the heavy bag. The heavy bag is perhaps the most effective, sport-specific conditioner of all.

    Hit the heavy bag hard and often.

  13. jj81

    Feb 22, 2011
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    Just watched thor pull 501kg for new DL record beating Eddie hall's 500kg , Eddie been hating leading up to this as it's not done in comp due to covid, all plates calibrated and weighed before going on the bar and a strongman ref reffing, prob has more like 515kg next time , unreal strength
    celts67 likes this.
  14. Saul Goodman Gold Member Gold Member

    Jul 9, 2010
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    Managed to get my 5k PB today. It was 19.59 and I got it in 19.48.

    Only took me 8 months!
  15. celts67

    Nov 6, 2014
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    Smithy likes this.
  16. evilbunny1991

    Feb 2, 2010
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    Let the People Sing
    Been building up the home gym, will be cancelling the gym membership once we get back to normal, frozen currently.

    Got a 15 powerbag
    Got a freestanding punch bag

    do 2 powerbag workouts a week, comprising various exercises

    2 bag workouts a week

    1 5KM run

    Aim is to get a kettlebell and some dumbbells but they are like gold dust at the moment.
    celts67 likes this.
  17. celts67

    Nov 6, 2014
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  18. celts67

    Nov 6, 2014
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    Holy s--t man that magic 50 thinking I was going to add punch outs and cut the rest probably the best workout i've done in 5 yrs with 15 kg that took me nearly 25 mins but feels like it'll keep the beer off for a fortight .
  19. celts67

    Nov 6, 2014
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    Muscles are still sore cause of that magic 50 tried massaging them read about rolling the muscles. Got a freestanding heavybag coming might help me mix the boxing training up with some kickboxing . A free standingbag more suited for kickboxers mma fighters etc .This guy looks good man check the drill at 14.21 .Think i'll be trying a couple of hundered kicks .Did a couple of Muay Thai classes yrs ago but switched to boxing so never got to develop any power on the kicks .Just had thai pads but needed to kick much more .Hope this works for Muay Thai couple of hundered kicks ..

  20. _DannyBhoy_ Gold Member Gold Member

    Aug 13, 2013
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    Thinking about starting doing 20km on the exercise bike 5 days a week.