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The Bank Of Celtic

Discussion in 'Celtic Chat' started by SK89, Jul 8, 2024.

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  1. Drakhan Nac Mac Feegle Gold Member

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Jimmy McGrory
    Fav Celtic Song:
    You'll Never Walk Alone
    The test for the way the club is run is going to be the new format for CL. We will be playing until after Christmas for a change and every match will be a must win as they are knockout matches even though it’s in a league format.
  2. Drakhan Nac Mac Feegle Gold Member

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Jimmy McGrory
    Fav Celtic Song:
    You'll Never Walk Alone
    We had the chance to do something and blew it.
    That chance was when sevco were in the lower leagues. Our support should have demanded action then but were too busy gloating over dead club.
    Should have held our board and the SFA as well as the SMSM and the * refs to account for all that they did or didn’t do.
  3. SK89

    Dec 19, 2023
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Tom Boyd
    Fav Celtic Song:
    The Celtic Song
    The Board are definitely in last chance saloon with a lot of the supporters and they know it but don't seem too bothered either way,during the Hearts game last December they said that they were "bemused" with the Lawwell GTF chants and Nicholson didn't seem bothered with the supporter having a go at him who was then ushered out by a steward.
  4. Officer Doofy Come to me, human man Gold Member

    Jul 5, 2011
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    People who say "but look what happened to the huns" are genuinely * idiots.

    We can afford to spend more money than we currently do. What most sensible fans want us to do is stop buying five projects at £2m a pop, and instead buy two more established players at £5m a pop, for example.

    It's really not that difficult.
  5. SK89

    Dec 19, 2023
    Likes Received:
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Tom Boyd
    Fav Celtic Song:
    The Celtic Song
    We can definitely afford to shop in the £5m-£6m a player market but our Board choose not too, they prefer cheap punts between £1m-£3m which is holding us back.
  6. Officer Doofy Come to me, human man Gold Member

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Aye. And we all know that the fee isn't everything - MOR cost £1.5m for example.

    But football has evolved. Getting real quality for those fees isn't easy.
  7. honda Gold Member Gold Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    The difference between a 1-3m and a 6m player in reality is probably contract length. I actually think we'd spend it if we thought the player was good enough. I just think our scouting department currently exists of who rodgers watched on the TV. Mostly unrealistic targets :56:
  8. Bad Ambassador

    Jan 15, 2024
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    Celtic symphony
    I agree, I think what we are all hoping for, (and doesn't feel like too much to ask or expect), is that money gets reinvested back into players. A solid centre back to partner CCV would make an instant improvement in the first team in theory atleast. MOR and such players are a rare opportunity and we don't need to spend 10 million on them, the outlay is fine in my view but the obvious question is, how are we not able to even push the boat out a little bit. Spend half of jota money on one proven player? I have mixed views but there does come a point where lack of activity is going to make fans lose spirit.
    If the board keep looking at the huns though and basing our potential off that, then we are in for a rough near future in the champions league I think.
  9. Martybhoy53

    Jul 28, 2013
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    East Renfrewshire
    Backward thinking shower of tight fisted *. Gnats chuff FC.
    Blochairnbhoy likes this.
  10. NomDePlum

    Aug 10, 2017
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    I don't have a season ticket, been waiting for years, and go based on getting match day tickets when they are released, the odd ask via connections or spare season tickets from friends who aren't going.

    Last year was the hardest to get match day tickets for quite a while. Didn't see too many being sold outside the ground or empty seats either. So wouldn't hold your breath on that one.
  11. henriks tongue

    Sep 1, 2008
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    How many great players and possible sporting success have we missed out on because of our lack of ambition and unnecessary penny pinching in Lawell era?

    We know about a few like McGinn, Toney etc but there will be many others that fell at or before the first hurdle due to the prospect of having to break a 25 year old transfer and pay structure.

    Almost makes we weep thinking about it.
    It's negligence.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2024
    Blochairnbhoy and SK89 like this.
  12. Ryanm1984

    Jan 16, 2022
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    Champions league is something fans in the past have looked forward to and it's games everyone wants to go to but I never bought the package last year and likely won't again this season.

    If the club don't give a * about competing in it why should the supporters pay top prices to watch it?
    Sween, Morcombe and SK89 like this.
  13. SK89

    Dec 19, 2023
    Likes Received:
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Tom Boyd
    Fav Celtic Song:
    The Celtic Song
    I don't think it will be worth watching us in the Champions League this year as it will be another humiliation no doubt, We will sign players but only "Lawwell Projects" and finish bottom of the group as per usual, We will never be a top side in the Champions League while Lawwell is running the Club in any capacity.
    turks1888 and Ryanm1984 like this.
  14. Ryanm1984

    Jan 16, 2022
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    They have absolutely * all interest in being anything other than make weights. Happy to be in it and collect the money but that's it. Don't give a * about the decades of reputational damage they have caused on at that level.

    20 years without winning a knockout tie under Lawwells reign while that * basket case across the city have reached 2 European finals despite being on the bones of their * for last 15 years
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2024
    turks1888, Twisty and SK89 like this.
  15. BigDoggyWoofWoof

    Aug 2, 2019
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    There's clearly been a lot of empty seats at Parkhead this year. I'm not in a CSC either but been offered a fair few tickets from those who are.

    I don't think there's any arguing that people are not as engaged with the club now as when Ange was in charge, which likely translates to spending less money overall. Had last season not been so close it would have probably been even worse.

    Think about the last time Brendan was in charge as well. Squad was terrible, football boring, results predictable. I reckon if you went through our financial statements, you'd see revenue go down across a load of metrics when the team's mediocre as compared to when things are flying. It's just common sense that's how it'd go.
  16. Morcombe

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Kyogo, Jota, Abada, Taylor, McGregor, the whole team!
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    Let the People Sing, This Land is Your land, Over & Over, Green, White & Gold, Hampden in the Sun, E
    They won't be getting any money out of me for european tickets, we're gonna get skelped at this rate, I just hope we don't finish 36th.
    Ryanm1984 likes this.
  17. The_Bhoy

    May 20, 2020
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    Absolutely anyone; can I make a withdrawal from the account please?

    The board; absolutely not.
    Blochairnbhoy likes this.
  18. T.Rogne25

    Jul 10, 2010
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    Under your bed.

    Surely it’s safe to speculate to accumulate on some signings that are apparently in the works at that point.

    Ridiculous amount of money for us to be sitting on with seemingly no plan, head of recruitment or signings.
    Sween likes this.
  19. Lecs

    Dec 1, 2011
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    Coney Island
    A few posters have already hit the nail on the head, but the stark reality is that our ambition as a club is to win the league.

    Not to do it in style, but merely to win and beat the huns. Simple as that. As long as we're marginly better, even a bawhair better than them, then our board is quite happy.

    It took Warburton's team to pap us out of the Scottish cup in 2016 before the board got the finger out and got Brendan Rodgers in the first time.

    It took the huns to stop 10 and win the league by 20 points before our board got their act together and brought Ange in, and immediately let Ange sign his own guys, nae * about.

    They currently have a manager who we seem to unanimously agree is better than a lot of the * they've had, albeit he and his team bottled it at the crucial part of the season, but they have this circus going on at their home stadium, they don't have the dosh to really make a dent in the gap, so again our board won't show any urgency.

    If Clemente somehow signs some superstars and they get a bit of a lead on us then our board will probably kick into action.

    It's just no good enough, we've neglected what we are all about as a club. We identify so much with the European Cup, the success in Europe etc, everything that I think we're about, our stadium being a fortress.

    What the * happened.
    BigDoggyWoofWoof likes this.
  20. old tim

    Mar 27, 2010
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    I realise this is years old but these are examples of how the Kellys thought of the fans.1988 Cup final They put an advert in a major paper Cup Final tickets on sale in Celtic shop near Queen street station at the time.Sadly date given turned out to be a Bank holiday shop closede.After an inquisitive wondered what the queue was for (My son and I were about 3rd)they ordered the club to do something as the shop manager couldnt be reached as he was golfing according to his wife.We were led like kids in ranks of 2 down to Chris Whited office and had to pay for tickets and two young girls gave us receipts which we hoped would be honoured.They were and we won.They were again advertising tickets ,this time for an Old Firm gam 88/89 new year.Queue at Parkhead on a Sunday. We travelled my 8 year old son insisted he get his own ticket so we left Carnoustie at about 5 in the morning and were about 5th in the line .It was amazing civilised like school go for a pee and someone kept your place.Then Glasgow polis man announced if you are past this point you have no chance of tickets.Th the crush was terrible I had to throw my son over the barriers,I only got out as someone who thought I was kicking him realised I was being seriously crushed and made room to let someone else lever me over.With torn clothes and temper gone I shouted to my son to run for the car then rounded on Glasgow Inspctor totally let rip about what he was in charge off.Sure he was going to lift me but when I said my 8 year old son was loose in Glasgow you could see the Panic as his career was heading for the Swannee river if he.lifted me.Mate got tickets as he could get out reckoned his feet never touched ground for about twenty feet.Went berserk at Celtic when I got home and they sent me an autographed pictured which was authenticated.Dont know how many others were crushed but it shows they didnt give a toss then.