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Discussion in 'TalkCeltic Pub' started by angusceltic67, Nov 27, 2016.

Discuss RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA in the TalkCeltic Pub area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. Idioteque I’ll laugh until my head comes off

    May 7, 2010
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    East London
    Can any news be trusted now? How is it possible to know anything is the truth without seeing it first hand
  2. Fully87

    Aug 21, 2012
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    Glasgow, Cathcart
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Leigh Griffiths
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    Celtic Symphony
    I frequent at least ten of them sites, does that mean i am on the goverments naughty list.
  3. angusceltic67

    Sep 15, 2012
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    * them!

    Sure you only have to look at the comments section in main stream articles to see that the majority hardly believe a word anymore, sure thats why many MSM articles now have blocked comments altogether.

    They cant jail us all, they tried that in the North of Ireland and it backfired bigtime.
    StPauli1916 likes this.
  4. angusceltic67

    Sep 15, 2012
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    Cee Aye AAA Blaming the Russians again for Hitlery losing the election, but we're not allowed to see the evidence. Meanwhile the US Senate is quietly passing the "Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act"

    What they're trying to do here is silence the truth, there are two main reasons for this IMO

    1: Trump will have to be removed or replaced ASAP in order for the Globalist Cabal to continue their sick agenda, and this can only be done if the alternative media is silenced.

    2: The Government removal agenda in Syria has been a complete failure, and if the majority of people in the West find out what their Governments have actually been up to in that country we could very well be looking at a pitchfork scenario.

    Before Alternative media is silenced altogether, people should take three minuets of their time to watch this.


    The full presentation can be found here, and is well wort a watch IMO.

  5. Swervedancer Guest

    That woman said some interesting things. The white helmets sound like a propaganda tool. I've also heard another reporter saying it was very strange, the people he spoke to in Allepo said it was the terrorists who were killing them and the Syrian army who was protecting them and givig them safety but the western media were reporting Russian and Syrian bombs killing them.

    I just heard.

    The Russians helped Donald Trump win the election!!!!! :eek1:

    US Intelligence service hands Donald Trump report on evidence of Russian interference with the Presidential Election. Intelligence agencies identified Democrat computers that had been hacked by Russians in a bid to assist the election of the Republican Candidate.

    Without reading the report handed to him Donald Trump announced to the media "Don't listen to these screwballs, they are the same guys who said Saddam had weapons of mass destruction!". :eek:

    During a live debate with Democratic nominee Hilary Clinton Mr Trump said he would put her in jail if he came to power by assigning a special task force to look into her computer history and when they found evidence of Ms Clinton criminal activity he would make sure the right judge was given her case and she would to to jail.

    During the same live debate Mr Trump also said, if we can't find the evidence right now then maybe the hackers can. He Welcomed Russia to please hack Ms Clinton's computer and send him the evidence.

    Now it appears the Russians did indeed consider his offer legitimate and tried to assist him in his campaign to become the President of the USA. Also in the debate he said he would join military forces with Russia and together they would destroy ISIS in the Middle East.

    People have often questioned his ties with Russia and the influence Vladimir Putin has over Mr Trump. He has denied having any connections with Russia and has never done business there.

    I love this guy!! He's totally amazingly mental!!! How did he become the President of the USA?? It's extraordinary. It must be one of the greatest ever political triumphs. If any ordinary citizen spoke the way he does about race, religion, women, etc they would be regarded as quite a bit nuts and no one would ever think of voting for them.

    But when he does it people listen straight faced as they believe he's telling them future government policy. Not only American government policy but Mexican too! :giggle1:

    He threatened to jail his presidential rival live on air. It was one of the funniest things I've seen. Hilary's face, she looked like she didn't know where she was "err are we still in reality?" o_O How does he do it? Imagine Obama trying to pull that off during his campaign. Fox News would have been all over it!

    I want him to fly to Pyongyang to make diplomatic relations with North Korea. I bet he could pull it off. He formed a military alliance with Russia before winning the election! A long time enemy of the USA. He made peace in a few seconds :notworthy

    He's is a total wind up merchant! He'just put an oil industry expert in charge of the renewable energy dept. :rofl: Comedy genius!!