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Post something you learned today

Discussion in 'TalkCeltic Pub' started by Callum McGregor, Dec 19, 2016.

Discuss Post something you learned today in the TalkCeltic Pub area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. Spring Time Gold Member Gold Member

    Mar 21, 2009
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    I saw this as I was on the bus it really was a massive effort by him, a few of the passengers clapped him as well as he got on.
    Clapped him getting off at the next stop as well because it was the wrong bus, he thought it was the number 8.
  2. honda Gold Member Gold Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    This happened to me at high school. Sprinting up the hill to get the school bus, the driver actually sat waiting as I was full pelt, up the hill. Tie still not done up, jacket wide open, pouring rain. Had my plastic tub in hand for home ek cooking, but like a true stallion I powered on. Got to the top, hit the final 10 steps and to the top the bus sat, just had the road to cross. Driver looked at me, impressed obviously.... * waved and drove off. *.
    Silky Hoops likes this.
  3. Silky Hoops

    Mar 11, 2019
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    Some of the bus drivers are sadistic *. I think they get a kick out of it.
  4. TimFloyd Gold Member

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Jack Daniels and soda water > Jack Daniels and coke
  5. Gyp Rosetti Gold Member

    Apr 30, 2010
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    Celtic symphony
    Or Jack Daniels with a bit of ice. :84:
  6. Marty McFly Whoa, this is heavy Gold Member

    May 11, 2014
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    Hill Valley
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Fav Celtic Song:
    The Celtic Rap 1988
    Notre Dame Cathedral is on fire
  7. Forestbhoy66 Gold Member Gold Member

    May 27, 2018
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    In the shire, land between two rivers
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Danny mcgrain
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    Did hear a story once on the radio, of a school kid who’s driver was an *. Exact change or not getting on the bus. He grew up and became a landlord with a Sunday league football team. His team was drawn in the cup with that local bus depots team at home, he clapped his hands. Can’t remember who won, but every round the opposition wanted to buy in the pub they had to give the exact penny.......he was * himself ,saying about grown men all trying to get another 2p of each other to pay for the next drink.

    Karmas a * lol .......
  8. KRS-1888 Scott La Rock

    Sep 11, 2010
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    English is widely spoken in India.
  9. Jack Torrance Heeeeeere's Johnny! Gold Member

    May 16, 2013
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    The Overlook Hotel
    Had the same digital radio for years and only just realised the stations are listed alphabetically.
  10. Dalbeth3

    Apr 16, 2014
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    to many greats to be able to pick one
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Celtic symphony
    There were no gas chambers in Belsen
    Gyp Rosetti likes this.
  11. packybhoy Administrator Administrator

    Oct 15, 2011
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    In your heart
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Danny McGrain
    Through the ads appearing as banners on this site I have found out there is a monthly magazine for joggers called Runner. And strangely by chance yesterday I caught about 4/5 mins of conversation about farming pigs on Radio 4 or Yorkshire Dales FM.
    The guy they got on to talk was the editor of a pig magazine.
    A few things here and firstly would be that I have never seen a pig read a magazine. And secondly it is not a misconception that joggers run all the time without breaks. Like a physically challenging healthy obsession. Unless they read during their stretch exercises. Nah, Seriously though, who knew there were two such magazines and what was the likelihood in hearing about such obscure literature in the space of about 30 hours. What sort of stories would you write as a pig journalist or running editor? Would you even include this on your CV?

    Look at this one. * Game of Thrones nerd with Sound of music background on the front of the race issue. I always thought that was about black or whites.

    And what to * is practical pigs? A pig in no situation could ever be classed as practical. * pay money for this?
  12. leeso-ardoyne

    Feb 3, 2010
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    The universe throws up some strange stuff. I've been recognizing * like this for awhile now. Some strange stuff going on when your tuned into it. Not that I'm one of these headers that watches the secret on youtube then start posting * about their new positive mindset then at the weekend gurgle fewfbottles cider, powdering my nose talking *. But, when one believes in these strange connections it's mind blowing.

    2 examples or recent * that is crazy to me.
    Pulled into the filling station to grab grub at lunchtime, seen cd rack(all 3€) while waiting on grub getting sorted flicking through it looking for the sissor sisstors CD asait came into my mind so started looking for it, couldn't find it. Even stopped at the next filling station to see if they had it but it wasn't there. Now your probably going to think this is Billy bullshit material but it's the truth. My misses walks in and hands me a Gabrielle CD along with the exact CD I was looking earlier when I was home that night. The only * I mentioned it to was the fella works for me when looking. The CD was one we used to listen to on the way from Mayo to Belfast anytime we drove up when the kids where small and has never been mentioned in years. Strange as *!

    The other is this one goes back years when I moved to Mayo. I had bought a berghaus 3 in1 coat, proper chavy * with the 2k bracket and 1k chain. The coat cost me 250£. When In Mayo, one of my sister's male friends(16 at the time he was) was amazed at me paying that kind of money for a coat and Everytime he seen me for about a year, he didn't * up about it . The coat was threw at the back of the wardrobe in the other house, moved from room to room over
    the years in same house but never worn because I'd got bigger through training. Hadn't seen her old mate in about the same time either. Have lost weight again since working like an emigrant with my business. One winter morning this Jan, I put the coat on in a rush, pulled into to grab a breakfast roll in the filling station and there's this fella that would never * up about this coat. 15-16 * years later we bump into each other and there's me with that same coat on going to work. Some strange * again. At the time I bought it, standing like Billy big balls with chest out thinking top man for spending that on a coat as us daft * do to wanting to hide so the * wouldn't think I'm.a tight * with same coat on all them years later :rofl::rofl: .the * that goes through ones * up head :giggle1:

    But to summarize, some * up coincidences going on to not be some sort of connection we can't explain. More similar stuff but to long to write.
  13. ScottBhoy+

    Aug 12, 2009
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    I’ve had some unbelievable coincidences in my time on this earth that I’m convinced of some kind of higher power or that events are already mapped out for us all and all we do is live it.

    Anyway, for the poster above. The joke would have actually been on the guy complaining how much you’d spent on that jacket. Still using it after 15-16 years shows it was a wise a shrewd investment and money definitely well spent on a high quality product. €250 for something that lasts that length of time is a bargain would have been my argument and shut him right up:56:
    leeso-ardoyne likes this.
  14. leeso-ardoyne

    Feb 3, 2010
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    Na, I'm.a paranoid *. Anytime I wear it to work now I'm looking out for the * incase he sees me in it :rofl::rofl: .Still a great coat when it's raining/windy. Made for * weather and TBH, whenever I found it again, it was still in excellent nick so now I'm making sure I get my monies worth :rofl:.
  15. scuzzy Gold Member Gold Member

    Mar 30, 2018
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Henke, KT, Naka, Lubo
    Fav Celtic Song:
    fields of athenry
    Neymar's still a *
  16. clonbhoy

    Apr 21, 2008
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    I don't get what's unusual about it. I have no interest in running up hills myself, but if I did and given the fact I like a magazine every now and again, I probably would have a look.
    My aunt and uncle used to read ones like 'Practical Pigs', because they kept pigs. He had a farm, sold it, built a house with a plot of land and they tried to become reasonably self-sufficient. He knew the basics of keeping pigs, but they said these magazines were invaluable, especially with getting their kids to help. They saved money and got some quality produce. There are probably tips in there for professional pig farmers too. I mean, if you have lived all your life in a flat on a high-rise it might be a bit odd to be buying this, but is it any odder than buying a football magazine?
    What seems normal to us will be lunacy to someone else. I know people who used to buy the Autotrader when they have no intention of buying a car. None! They would pay money to look at pictures of cars they didn't want to buy. There again, most of them couldn't understand my obsession with football or music.
  17. Callum McGregor The Captain Gold Member

    Aug 13, 2008
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Lubomir Moravcik
    Fav Celtic Song:
    You'll Never Walk Alone
    Never thought I'd see a discussion about a magazine about pigs, on here. :giggle1:
    bagforlife likes this.
  18. clonbhoy

    Apr 21, 2008
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    It depends by what you mean by widely, but the general rule of thumb is that about 1 in 10 people in India can speak and understand English to a good level. That's rising steadily, for a variety of self-evident reasons, but it appears to be even lower than I originally thought, my guess would have been 20-25%.
  19. packybhoy Administrator Administrator

    Oct 15, 2011
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    In your heart
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Danny McGrain
    Supports my statement. And now a few more know about it.:34:
    bagforlife likes this.
  20. StevieBhoooy!

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Not something I learned today ...
    (Last week but the applause/ silence discussion reminded me)

    When the Qatar 2022 World Cup comes round...

    If they had a minutes silence consecutively for every migrant worker who has died (so far) in the construction of the stadiums ....

    ... it would be half way through match 45 before there was any crowd noise.

    It’s utterly criminal that the event is taking place there.

    Worse still that not one nation will forego the tournament on ethical grounds.

    There are no morals in football when revenue might be at risk.
    packybhoy likes this.