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Neil Lennon

Discussion in 'Ex Players' started by romeo9535, Apr 17, 2016.

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  1. Jeannie960 Gold Member Gold Member

    Mar 22, 2006
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    I have my doubts about what happened with BR. For him to walk the way he did was huge! Something has went on that we will never know. The manner in which he left and the actions he took at the time i.e taking our coaching staff etc. suggests he was sticking it to Lawell. I don't think his departure was well thought out but more reactionary. Still he let us down. PL was quick to capitalize on our disappointment. Stories were leaking out all over the place that he was up to no good. We will never really know.

    Lenny on the other hand I will not abuse or call him names as he has tried within the limits of his capability. He's never going to be a super duper manager and it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks. He's becoming Trump like in defence of his job etc and it's like this new phenomena across society. Trump, Boris (politicians full stop) and now filtering down to people like our board and manager. There's been a shift and the kind of attitudes that we're seeing now were likely always there only people are more out there, open and defiant with it. It might also be hard for Lenny to accept that he's just not up to it and again it comes back to us putting him on a pedestal, hyping him up so much that he came to believe that he was the ultimate living legend.
  2. Breathnach67

    Sep 1, 2019
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    At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what I hope will happen nor what I think will happen. The foresight of the board however, and their inability to take action does matter. So you’re right and I see your point, it will be our biggest mistake, but we as fans won’t be the ones making it.
  3. seanm

    Mar 4, 2013
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    get to * please.support is a two way street.they can all get to *.HH
    Sgt Neppers* likes this.
  4. Bayern Bru Gold Member Gold Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    I like Haggerty but I can’t listen to anyone who’s still condoning his presence
    seanm likes this.
  5. seanm

    Mar 4, 2013
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    oh they see it alright but they dont give a * about fans.HH
  6. Jeannie960 Gold Member Gold Member

    Mar 22, 2006
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    She's a nice enough person but I think that she's like folk that remain too loyal. Even her pal Phil isn't saying that.
  7. wulliebad

    Dec 30, 2006
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    Land of the 45.
    Well if nearly all the fans thought 10 IAR was in the bag,rangers would be * from now till the end of time,they will die and fail and die again can we really blame the board for thinking the same and maybe taking this year for granted.Everyone at celtic have been caught out by their improvement this season as a team.But no one seen our collapse coming.the players for me take most of the blame,willing to give the huns the league so they can get rid of a manager.And its not the first time they have done this.
    Breathnach67 and Wee Baldy like this.
  8. seanm

    Mar 4, 2013
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    its the only way they can get rid of lennon. but they did the same to ronny deila. they didnt play for him at all.sad days.HH
  9. andybhoy94

    Feb 3, 2010
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    I'd be shocked at this stage if we won the cup final purely because I don't think there's a single player left in the dressing room that wants him to succeed, I think most turned after his petulant outburst after Ferencvaros and thought he'd be long gone by now and the rest have followed constantly listening to his *.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the boards decision is as much of a * you to the players as it is to us, Mcgregor's comments after the sparta game were probably as close to a player coming out against the manager as you can get without actually coming out and saying the guys * get rid.

    It'll all come out eventually with the various parties trying to put their own spin on what's went on and nobody involved will come out of it well because the only ones that have been really * are the fans every other * involved will take their riches and move on.
    Wee Baldy likes this.
  10. Wee Baldy

    Oct 28, 2020
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    That's the thing that saddens me the most about this whole *. They are well paid "professional" football players who, if football really meant much to them and they had some personal pride, would give their all each time they played no matter what their relationship with the manager was. I know when I played football I never wanted to loose and gave my everything so, surely its not too much to ask from guys who get paid handsomely for doing something that we would all love to do.
    Breathnach67 likes this.
  11. JamesM09

    Aug 13, 2014
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    Seen a few of these tweets this morning. Oh so predictable. The Blind Faith Brigade always come out around Monday night/Tuesday morning.

    The problem is people want to virtue signal. Some people are desperate to be the one that had 'Blind Faith' and 'bought a ticket even when we lost'. These idiots don't * get it.

    Blind Faith is not a virtue, it is a vice. It is something that is easy to do because doing something constructive is so much more difficult. For example, giving up a season ticket for a year.

    How about you grow up and see the bigger picture? There's * fences outside Celtic Park and mounted police at an empty stadium. Normal guys that turned up to protest are being hounded by the police. The club is spreading lies and exaggerations about loyal supporters.

    How * stupid do you need to be? As if everyone is just angry about losing a few games. That's not the reason people are turning on Celtic for * sake.
    The Dude, seanm and theweeman like this.
  12. wulliebad

    Dec 30, 2006
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    Land of the 45.
    I remember when ronny was in charge \0/ passing a ball to a team mate who was on the touchline and he misses the pass by maybe....15ft only for the ball to go out for a throw.The play back then was noticeably poor.Go forward a few years and i see the passing against the saints in our last game,more than once we just passed to one of their players and it was normal for us to fail to make more than 2 or 3 passes before losing the ball.I do not accept for one second that these guys are even trying. I wonder if they turn up for the cup final because their medals are at stake and blow hearts away,Or will they use it to insure lenny goes.
  13. JamesM09

    Aug 13, 2014
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    They done it for 18 months. Lennon got worse and more arrogant and the thing collapsed.

    They put their best foot forward for 18 months and Gavin Strachan was their reward.

    For *'s sake we owe these young players better coaching and tactics than that. No wonder they chucked it.
  14. joemc

    Apr 10, 2009
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    Absolutely no embarrassment at all , I've quoted facts not made up pish or hearsay /assumptions that are meant to be taken as gospel .
  15. Tim-Time 1888 Always look on the bright side of Life Gold Member

    May 19, 2012
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    No we really do know what happened. There are numerous examples showing how rodgers was and is an utter *. Perhaps the best one was his Danny McGrain story.. for that * rodgers to make that up, while McGrain had to sit and listen to it, was shocking but summed up rodgers perfectly, so lets not attempt to rewrite history now.
    Mr. Slippyfist and FannyHaddock like this.
  16. Twisty Champions Again !!! Gold Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    Yet here you are making up stuff to absolve NL of any blame. No facts there I see ....
  17. Jeannie960 Gold Member Gold Member

    Mar 22, 2006
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    I am not trying to rewrite history. He let us down big time and all the rest was noise. He was duplicitous of that I have no doubt. But surely even he must have realized the magnitude of what he was doing at the time. How that he would be hated throughout our support for the rest of time. All I'm pointing out is that our board are equally duplicitous and that we will never know the true story. I liked BR when he signed and had complete faith in him until he did what he did and like everyone else I won't get over that but it doesn't detract from the fact that we will never know the truth. I can't believe that Danny McGrain let him get away with that story it was shocking. Did anyone ever ask Danny about it?
  18. JamesM09

    Aug 13, 2014
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    I don't know why people feel the need to rewrite history all the time. Fair enough if significant evidence comes out, but mostly it's just people forgetting what actually happened. Suppressing bad memories is not healthy.

    No one left Lawwell blameless when Rodgers left. More or less everyone agreed: Lawwell is a * that drives away good managers, but Rodgers is a rat for not waiting until the end of the season. There's no need to rewrite it.

    Some people are even trying to paint Deila as a good manager now, which is baffling.

    In a few years, Lennon will be a great manager again who was * over by the players, or possible even the support.

    It's nonsense.
    Tim-Time 1888 likes this.
  19. Breathnach67

    Sep 1, 2019
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    The White and The Green
    Of course the players take a large part of the blame, many of them are not pulling their weight. But those who are look aimless, at a loss as to what they are supposed to be doing and that falls on the management team, they are completely inept tactically and by all accounts don’t want to communicate with eachother, I’ve seen the suggestion that Lenny should’ve been allowed to pick his own backroom team and I would have to agree but at that same time, any manager worth their salt can operate with and lay out instructions for any coach he may be working with. The whole club is a an absolute mess from top to bottom and the signs were there this time last year let’s not kid ourselves.

    Edit: the second part of that I’m just venting, it’s not directed at you.
  20. King of Kings

    Oct 11, 2005
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    I think it’s more difficult than we realise.

    I’ve been in jobs where I’ve been fairly well paid, but as a fairly young, ambitious guy, if I don’t feel as though I’m being recognised and most importantly developed - I would quickly lose motivation.

    I would still be there - I would still probably have no issue clocking on for much longer hours than I was contractually obliged to - but my heart simply wouldn’t be in it. I’ve seen it time and time again as well, with some really good people. The moment they feel as though their development has stalled is often the moment they begin to lose interest.

    We often talk about our inability to attract or retain players because of financial limitations, but I actually think this is a much bigger factor than money. If you’re a club that’s seen as progressive and develops your players, both in terms of their skill level and meeting their career aspirations, players will naturally want to join and stay for longer. If you’re not, they won’t.

    Could I really blame any of the likes fo Edouard, Christie, McGregor, Ajer etc for think “what the * am I even doing here?” Nah. If I was in their shoes I would be asking myself the same question.
    Tim-Time 1888, Big els and JamesM09 like this.