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[Mafia] Mafia 12- Winter is coming

Discussion in 'Competition Corner' started by Account Deactivated, Aug 28, 2017.

Discuss Mafia 12- Winter is coming in the Competition Corner area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. M.E.T.H.O.D MAN Straight from the slums of Shaolin

    Jun 20, 2013
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    His name is bob ya * :giggle1:

    and he said ODWC is holy...but he's still a zombie so its okay.
  2. Mr. Slippyfist

    Dec 20, 2009
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    * so it is lol.
  3. Idioteque I’ll laugh until my head comes off

    May 7, 2010
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    East London
  4. Account Deactivated Gold Member Gold Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Scott Brown
    Majority has been reached, no more posting, @CheGuevara or @Minty shut thread please.

    Will reveal in a couple of hours after my tea, you all need the break.
  5. Mr. Slippyfist

    Dec 20, 2009
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    Oh aye, he said ODWC came back as Holy, not Obaf :56::56::56::52:
  6. Account Deactivated Gold Member Gold Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Scott Brown
    BorobobX6 Eddie l, Che, obaf, Slippery, keano, idioteque
  7. Account Deactivated Gold Member Gold Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Scott Brown
    Day 5

    Madness, madness and chaos, the group had managed to kill Tim-Time a mafia *, but lost a strong player in Dazza. Dazza was part of the trio that had seen the afterlife and came back along with Obaf and Boro. The group had been hit with the news that winter was coming a day sooner than expected and after today, there was only 4 days to go until winter would arrive, then it wouldn’t matter who’s skeleton would sit on the iron throne.

    The weather was no wet windy and * minging, the group went to the pub to get over the * weather. Walking to the pub, Bob was talking about how he had been having visions in the fire about each member that was left alive and that told him who was who. The group at first where interested to know what the fire said about the, “What does the fire say about me?” Idioteque enquired, “That you will have 2 children called Englebert and Patricia” Bob replied, “What a * * name Patricia is” Keano remarked. “Erm lots of people are called Patricia, Keano you *” Scotia said, before Che spoke up from the back and said “Lots of *”. The mood was clearly still tense. As Bob went on how he was some sort of mystic meg, Eddie was still pondering why the White walkers where called white walkers, “surly black walkers exist, what happens if a black man dies by a white walker, is he a white walker or a black walker” Eddie mumbled to himself. Before long though, he paid attention to what Bob was saying, along with Obaf, Keano and Che. It had previously occurred to the group that when Obaf was brought back to the dead that he lost all his power, and that when Bob came back a voice in the sky had told them Bob had lost his power yet here he was talking about being some sort of * mysterious *. “We should kill this boobless tart” Eddie said to Obaf, Obaf nodded in agreement, he looked at Keano and Che who both looked at Boro, before long Boro was walking and talking to himself ahead of the others, in a world of his own talking about a baking recipe. “First ill add the moths, then the orange tasting onions, then ill add flesh, yes, yes this could work, ill make onion flesh moths” Bob said to himself, before he realised he was a few paces ahead of everyone Deebo charged up to Bob and delivered the swiftest of headbutts. Bob was knocked on her back and dizzy, “* sake what are you doing, you just hit a women you * * named *, no one likes the name Deebo it sounds like an inbred * cheese make” Bob growled, but Deebo wasn’t the only one who made issue with Bob, soon Ourdaywillcome stepped on one of Bobs hands while Scotia stamped on the other. “Bob, we no you are a walker, you have no power here Gandalf the grey…” Che said before being slapped round the back of the head by Obaf “that’s lord of the rings you * stupid *, we should make you your own programme lord of the dings and you can be Frodo Baghead with your * useless play in this” Obaf aggressively said towards Che.

    While Obaf and Che argued, Ourdaywillcome didn’t * about, he moved off Bobs hand and told Eddie, Scotia, and Idioteque to lift Bobs knees up while he placed daggers facing upwards towards the back of Bobs knees. The group did this and when bobs knee’s where pointing up, Keano kicked down on them and Bobs knees flew onto daggers, the daggers pierced though the back of his knee caps while Obaf proceeded to * in Bobs face, Bob screamed “Not again” as this was the second time bob had suffered a painful death, to add to Bobs pain, Scotia cut off Tim’s * and decided to start sowing them on where Bobs old * had been cut off, only the needle was covered in dog jobbie, Bob felt the dog * burn his flesh as his knee’s where still in agony and his eyes stung of *. “Time to see what team you’re really batting for” Idioteque said and he stamped on Bobs throat and crushed her adams apple into the back of her neck. Bob was dead for a second time… Keano noticed a card in of Bobs shoes and it read…

    [​IMG] Bob was mafia, he had been converted into a wight for the white walker army!

    Night actions in please those that have them, please no one post until I say so
  8. Mr. Slippyfist

    Dec 20, 2009
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  9. borobob

    Jun 7, 2017
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    "you * * named *, no one likes the name Deebo it sounds like an inbred * cheese make”
    Game was worth it just for that :)
    Saul Goodman likes this.
  10. Scotia Gold Member Gold Member

    Apr 11, 2007
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    here and there
    Fav Celtic Player:
    you wear the hoops thats good enough
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    over and over
    right just in , was on page 47 when I left , typed today but thread shut before I could post
  11. Account Deactivated Gold Member Gold Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Scott Brown
    No posting cunto's still have a number of night actions to get
  12. Account Deactivated Gold Member Gold Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Scott Brown
    Night 5

    Night 5

    Town had struck a telling blow on the white walker scum, the town had the numbers and the confidence, the tide was turning, but walkers still remained and Winter was still coming…

    After watching the death of his once old friend Bob, Che decided to take in some of the crisp winter air and go for a walk in the city gardens. It was night and the city lamps were not the best after most of the city had ran outside to a local sports stadium called Headpark in anticipation of seeing a defender of the goal, those people where left disappointed. Still Che was enjoying his own company and needed to clear his mind after having his * burnt alive.

    Che walked to the flatlands in Brooklyn where his uncle used to live on east 53rd, he wandered over to his uncles old apartment and just started into nothingness wishing his Cunto brother Minty was with him. As Che stared into the vortex of cuntland, he heard a voice come from down an ally across from him, “Chicken dippers” the voice vaguely said. Che couldn’t afford not to go check it out, he was a true warrior and if the voice was correct and chicken dippers where on offer, he was gonna have a party. Che wandered down the ally, the sound of mice crawling beneath him didn’t worry Che, he got to the end of the ally and found nothing but a dead end, “Must be my imagination” Che mumbled to himself, as Che began to turn around and walk back down the ally he turned straight into something he did not expect, “Hello Che” it was someone Che knew, but before Che could reply the person knock Che to the floor with a swift hammer blow, the killer then pulled out his ice cold dagger and sliced Che’s tongue out as well as cutting across Che’s pupil leaving him blind in one eye. “Captain * eye” I shall now call you the figure said, Che like many before him who had ran into this killer, new his fate.

    There would be no * around here, the killer wasn’t happy with Bobs death, the white walker turned Che on his stomach and cut straight into his back slicing down his vertebras, the killer pushed Che’s back flesh to one side and ripped out his shoulder bones, twisting them outwards like wings, the killer than pulled out some salt and grinded it into Che’s wounds, the pain was legendary, the killer than added pepper and garlic before pulling a spoon out and began eating Che’s * fleshy back. After the walker had eaten some of Che he got up, gathered up some rope and made a noose, “Its mafia Che my lad, someone has to hang, someone always has to hang..” and at that the killer put the rope around Che’s neck lifted him up towards a conveniently placed set of stairs tied the rope on one end and left Che to hang and choke…

    Some hours later as Dawn broke the group stumbled across Che’s now rotting body, “* me he smells like Ainsley’s cooking out of ready steady cook” Slippery said. Idioteque noticed a single card on the floor beneath Che’s body, the card read….

    [​IMG] Che was of course Town! And he was also known as Ser Davos the onion knight!

    @Mr. Slippyfist
    @Eddie The Bhoy

    Sorry @CheGuevara, find solace that you will soon be added to the dead thread to be with your fallen comrades

    8 remain... Takes 5 to Lynch
    Deadline Tomorrow 9pm...
  13. obafgkmlt The Unseen Fenian American SpaceTeuchter

    Oct 1, 2015
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    The Police States of America
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Big Jules
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Let the People Sing
    So Bob said ODWC was innocent

    Trick or protecting his brother?
  14. M.E.T.H.O.D MAN Straight from the slums of Shaolin

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Well done spotting Bob's * up slippy, proves you're not a walker but i still think there is 1 mafia left so not saying you're completely innocent as your vote was noticeably absent when we voted Anton to be lynched. You even suggested he might be mafia and were active but didn't vote which isn't like you as you had voted in the previous two lynches

    However me and you were the only two to jump on Bobs fuckup and Obaf actually defended him and then voted Che and played it off as a joke when we called him out on it. That was very dodgy and I don't know what to make of him taking so long to help us get someone that was obviously a walker lynched.

    Bob's first death was by a familiar face and now Che's too, I'm gonna sound like a mad conspiracy theorist again but it reads like someone has been secretly resurrected. I don't have too much faith in that theory though.

    @Mr. Slippyfist what do you reckon of Obaf defending bob after it was clear he was a white walker and then voting che as a "joke"?
  15. Mr. Slippyfist

    Dec 20, 2009
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    Rest your mortal soul, and may allah grant you entry to the afterlife brother. RIP che.

    Nah, I think bob the * was at it tbh.
  16. obafgkmlt The Unseen Fenian American SpaceTeuchter

    Oct 1, 2015
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    The Police States of America
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Big Jules
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Let the People Sing
    I seriously warn you against this again

    You've now seen evidence that we're informed by V if someone comes back as a white walker. I'm 100% town.
  17. M.E.T.H.O.D MAN Straight from the slums of Shaolin

    Jun 20, 2013
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    I said i don't have much faith in that theory so don't focus on it.

    why did you try to back up bob when it was blatantly obvious he was a walker ?
  18. obafgkmlt The Unseen Fenian American SpaceTeuchter

    Oct 1, 2015
    Likes Received:
    The Police States of America
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Big Jules
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Let the People Sing
    OK point one: we have new evidence to support my argument because V told us that Bob was resurrected in the night. No such thing happened to me. To ignore that evidence is Mafia behavior.

    Two: it wasn't blatantly obvious he's a walker. He said he had a vision and the 3-eyed raven can do that. I was trying to consider all options.

    You need to get off this tirade against me. I don't trust how strongly you're pushing anymore.
  19. obafgkmlt The Unseen Fenian American SpaceTeuchter

    Oct 1, 2015
    Likes Received:
    The Police States of America
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Big Jules
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Let the People Sing
    What evidence do we have that Eddie is town? He seems to have pretty masterfully avoided the spotlight so far.
  20. Mr. Slippyfist

    Dec 20, 2009
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    Appreciate due to the nature of the game no-one can be completely trusted, but I assure you I am 100% not mafia/walker/night * or any other creeps involved in this mindfuck of a game.

    At this moment, i THINK obaf may have been joking, but I wasn't completely joking when I said the thought of him and bob being in cahoots hadn't crossed my mind.

    Not sure what to make of yourself, but you've been pretty on the money for the last couple of lynches so you certsinly are nowhere near my radar for the the time being.

    The * who haven't been voting regularly are the ones most for the watching the now.

    And actually now as I'm typing this and rethinking bob's claim that ODWC was "holy", we know he was trying desperately to bluff us, and I'm fairly sure he was confident of convincing us - that pulls ODWC into it.

    Think he was trying to throw us off the scent, possibly...