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[Mafia] Mafia 12- Winter is coming

Discussion in 'Competition Corner' started by Account Deactivated, Aug 28, 2017.

Discuss Mafia 12- Winter is coming in the Competition Corner area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. ourdaywillcome! Gold Member Gold Member

    Nov 22, 2009
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    Down Under.
    Okay mate, only at night, okay. Use it tonight.

    You are voting for me because you think I am mafia (yes?), so get rid of me.
  2. Mr. Slippyfist

    Dec 20, 2009
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    That's a lynch majorith for TT.

    ODWC will need to keep one eye open if TT is who he says he is....
  3. Keano88

    Aug 11, 2012
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    He can't use it if he's lynched tbf.
  4. Tim-Time 1888 Always look on the bright side of Life Gold Member

    May 19, 2012
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    Someone with a brain
  5. Account Deactivated Gold Member Gold Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Scott Brown
  6. Account Deactivated Gold Member Gold Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Scott Brown
    Day 4

    Day 4

    Since both Dazza and Bob had been reborn, the group of warriors remaining where absolutely *, they had no idea what the * was going on and had no idea whether they could trust either of them.

    The group decided to once again stay together and try to oust the mafia within by going for a walk to the brothel. Once inside the brothel it was empty, Tim-Time came in last, he had been under immense scrutiny for some time, as he walked in Idioteque said “Phooooor * me, can you smell that perfume”, “Iv just farted, that’s probably it ourdaywillcome” replied, “You smell like Boro’s rotting fishy * at the best of times, its deffo not you” Obaf shouted at Ourdaywillcome. Tensions where clearly high.

    As the group sat and started to debate who could be mafia inside their group, fingers, swords, toe’s and * all started to point towards one person, Tim-time. Although Tim had claimed to be some half breed dire wolf who hunted white walkers, few believed the claim, non more so than ourdaywillcome who constantly provoked Tim calling him a “Fet Wart, and a soppy wet *” Tim wasn’t impressed but he had no time to jest with Odwc, “I’m town you mincers, Im * town and tomorrow ill hunt white walker, I promise” Tim said sincerely. The promise fell on death ears, “To long you have slipped your way out of trouble, too long you have lied through your teeth to save your skin, no more Tim, no more” Deebo declared and at that, Idioteque and Eddie drew swords and made advances towards Tim, Tim drew his sword and swung at Eddie missing widely before Idioteque slashed behind his legs and knocked him to the floor. “Only a * girl would swing like you Tim” Idioteque declared while Che said “Bah * it does smell of cuntfume in here”. “What now, are you gonna lynch me like you lynched the others” Tim sarcastically said, but there is no lynching in this story, “Send our regards to the dead and tell them I look forward to my return” Bob said, “You’re a * freaky * you aint you ya titles, fish * *” Deebo said towards bob. While they argued pathetic insults towards one another Che noticed something on Tim, “Does, does Tim have *?” Che asked. Tim did indeed have *, Tim was hiding all along he was a women…

    The group then decided there was only one thing left to do, * Tim to death. Since Odwc was the main chaser in Tim it was only right he got first go, pull his trousers and pants down lads ill * penetrate this *. Scotia also went to join in but was stopped abruptly by Che who said, “Scotia you * *, I no your secret, you’re a bald *, you walk in the room and your hairline walks in 10 min later, you can * off, im * this * not you” And at that the group forced Tim onto her knees, Odwc from the front, Che from the back, they where at her like a * motor, Che’s nick name at home was the “drill” and you could certainly see why, he was back and forth penetrating Tim * cavity quicker than Gamboa can sprint, before long, che was * Tim so fast and his * was rubbing against Tim’s unshaven * hair so much that Che’s * set on fire and he * out blood and fire inside Tim who tried standing but still had a sliced leg and fell straight back to the floor, the fire flung threw the inside of Tim’s body and out of his minge and straight into Ourdaywillcome’s face, along with blood and period, soon Ourdaywillcome had a face full of a fire, period and *. “hahahhaha we can call him * face from now on” Slippery gleefully declared, while he said this, Tim took his final breath and said “When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die, there is no middle ground” And at that, Tim was dead… Keano noticed Tim had a card inbetween her * which said…

    [​IMG] Tim-Time was indeed Mafia, his role was full of *, he wasn't just any mafia, he was the mafia role blocker also known as Cersi Lannister!!

    Night acitons in please those who have one... Still no posting until I say!
    ourdaywillcome! likes this.
  7. Account Deactivated Gold Member Gold Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Scott Brown
    Night 4

    Night 4

    The group stood over ODWC who was rolling around on the floor with a half burnt, half minge smelling face while Tim’s body still burnt on the ground. The burning of bodys normally excited Che, but not today, his * had turned into a pepperami following It setting on fire. The group decided enough was enough for one day, they had killed another mafia scum and surly only the white walkers remained, they didn’t no how many, but Town new they had the numbers.

    Dazza on the other hand was just relived that he could finally get off his chest that he was the White Wolf and the king in the North, Jon Snow. He decided to head back off to his room for the night and rest after a successful killing of Tim. As he wandered back he noticed how the weather was ever changing and getting colder, Dazza was in his summer clothes still and had just bought a new pink top to go over his armour. Dazza got back to his room, and went to bed…

    The night was dark, and full of terrors… As dazza slept, there was someone, or better still something lurking in the shadows, Dazza didn’t check his house over before he went to bed. As Dazza dreamt peacefully about Unicorns and a new central defender for Celtic, the shadows began to move and room grew ever colder. Dazza felt a shiver in his sleep, he must of left a window open, no matter, he tried pulling the covers over himself but instead ended up tugging on something far more sinister, a blue arm… Dazza awake but was quickly knocked out by the monster…

    Dazza awoke some time later, he was tied up to a wooden wheel inside his house, his mouth stitched together, his ears where stitched closed and both his nostrels where stuffed with rotting flesh. As he struggled the blue shadowy figure walked in, it was a face Dazza new, a face he had trusted… The monster first drew out his blue sword and sliced both of Dazza’s Achilles heels, then he did something random, he opened a jar of honey and started rubbing it over Dazzas body. Dazza was screaming inside with pain, but monster kept rubbing, Dazza’s full body was covered in honey. The beast then cut dazza all over drawing blood, cuts to the chest, face, qauds, * and stomach, the cuts where deep, but not deep enough to kill Dazza, this would be slow, very slow… The monster then brought in a large container, he opened the lid of the container, It was ants, * red fire ants. The beast chucked the container towards Dazza and the ants craweled all over him, biting away at his flesh and running inside the cuts nesting themselves inside Dazzas eyes and body. A group of these ants made there way up Dazzas japseye and started to nibble, before the blue beast walked off he cut the ropes dying Dazza. Dazza thought he was free and tried to make a run for it but his achilies heels where sliced open and he fell to the floor straight into the rest of the ants, they covered his body and ate him alive as the monster walked off singing the words “It was far across the sea, the devil got a hold of me nananana…”

    The following morning the group noticed Dazza missing, as they went to his house they walked in to see he eaten corpse along with a * load of ants. Deebo and Scotia cleared the ants and saw it was Dazzas body laid dead, Scotia saw a half chewed card next to where Dazza lay and it read….

    Dazza was town! He wasn't just any town, he was the two life Townie and the King in the North, Jon Snow!

    @Eddie The Bhoy

    @Mr. Slippyfist

    10 Remain, it takes 6 to lynch, Deadline 8Pm tomorrow

    Sorry @Dazza and @Tim-Time 1888 you played the Game of thrones and lost, you will be added to the dead thread soon enough
  8. Mr. Slippyfist

    Dec 20, 2009
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    * well played ODWC!

    Well played indeed!!!!!

  9. Mr. Slippyfist

    Dec 20, 2009
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    What's the scores currently at then?

    Many Town are dead, and many mafia are dead?

    @V For Vendetta
  10. obafgkmlt The Unseen Fenian American SpaceTeuchter

    Oct 1, 2015
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    The Police States of America
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    Big Jules
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    Let the People Sing
    I hope this puts an end to your theory @Eddie The Bhoy. We were told Bob was resurrected as a white walker.

    So what's the plan, do we kill Bob or try to find the Night King first?
  11. Mr. Slippyfist

    Dec 20, 2009
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    Who said that?
  12. Account Deactivated Gold Member Gold Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Scott Brown
    3 Human mafia dead
    1 white walker dead
    4 town dead
  13. Keano88

    Aug 11, 2012
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    Well done ODWC and well done BOB as without your vision I doubt TT would have been lynched.

    1 White Walker dead
    Ramsay, Baylish, Cersei dead.

    If we're assuming there is 3 Mafia per faction then it looks like we have cleaned out 1 faction by the fact that there was only one kill last night - which was a White Walker kill.

    Any chance you can use your vision again Bob or is it limited?
  14. M.E.T.H.O.D MAN Straight from the slums of Shaolin

    Jun 20, 2013
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    * telt yous there was zombies- i'm catching up atm
  15. obafgkmlt The Unseen Fenian American SpaceTeuchter

    Oct 1, 2015
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    The Police States of America
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Big Jules
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Let the People Sing
    Sorry I only quickly read through V's write-up of his resurrection. I missed "was this his power" and only read "something more sinister"

    Ignore me
  16. borobob

    Jun 7, 2017
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    You kidding?
    Everything I've done has been pro town. I have a vision that lynched Tim Tim and you want to lynch me? Weird town play that
  17. obafgkmlt The Unseen Fenian American SpaceTeuchter

    Oct 1, 2015
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    The Police States of America
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Big Jules
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Let the People Sing
    Cool your red *. I missed the entirety of last day because it happened while I was sleeping. Admitted my mistake
  18. ourdaywillcome! Gold Member Gold Member

    Nov 22, 2009
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    Down Under.
    What's the reasoning for killing Bob? Bob was second to vote for TT, his vision was highly influential for the lynch.

    Based on that, I sort of trust Bob now.

    I think we should look into those who didn't vote for TT. @Keano88 - We had discussions regarding TT and you didn't vote, what are your town credentials?
  19. Mr. Slippyfist

    Dec 20, 2009
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    Hawd on a minute, something that's just caught my eye reading back over the last few pages:

    This was the last sentence in V's write up for the LAST night...

    Regardless of who or what allowed Bob to come back, Bob had no more power.

    Then this is what partly led to a lynch on TT in yesterday's goings on...

    So, if rob had no more power, then how the * could he have a vision?

    I dunno if it is something negative towards us VT, considering it got a prevalent piece of * lynched, but that is slightly confusing...
  20. borobob

    Jun 7, 2017
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    Just read that.. Oh and I don't have any *... Some stupid * cut them off?