Was wondering what your views and experiences are of south of Ireland football fans towards Celtic?
I find that whilst many are ( mildly) sympathetic, they take the * on account of not as 'big/good' as English sides.
I find this disappointing as :
1 there are no great Irish club teams
2 they should be big fans, given links and history ( national flag etc..)
They mostly seem not to 'get' Celtic. What is your experience and view? Should we do anything to try and strengthen their support?
I would most welcome views of Irish men and women on here.
Discuss Irish views on Celtic in the Celtic Chat area at TalkCeltic.net.
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Im Scots born living in Eire now for 5 years & i agree with you mate.. but when you do find real Celtic fans here (ie not 2nd team after man utd/liverpool) they are real good Tims
10/4 Kemosabe Gold Member
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Sadly, and surprisingly, I think you are right. The EPL seems to have captured the imagination more than supporting the Hoops for a lot of people.
Their loss though. :50: -
gerard1888 Gold Member Gold Member
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most people down south do follow the EPL but thats all they do
99.9% of them couldnt even tell you where old trafford or anfield where -
Most Irish people I have come across think of Celtic as a * team and they are confused of's to why you would support them.
I tend not to give a * what they think. -
a think its a generation thing if you ask most 30 and upwards people they would have supported celtic as kids but now kids just want to support the teams that are winning or that are quite big clubs ie man u, liverpool
Gabriel Beidh an lá linn Gold Member
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There is a serious lack of Celtic coverage from the media. The media especially TV channels are obsessed with the EPL. So with no terrestrial TV coverage it is hard to market Celtic. The state owned TV company would often have us believe that all of Ireland support Manure.
gerard1888 Gold Member Gold Member
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celtic is part of irish history and anyone from Ireland who cant see or understand this and go onto to support english football teams from the same country that slaughtered the irish people for hundreds of years, is just something i'll never understand. i dont no what the figure is now but a few years ago there was 7500 celtic season ticket holders from ireland, you would be lucky to have 1000 season ticket holders between the hole of the EPL in ireland
thailandceltic From Immigration to Domination
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Dont worry folks there is plenty of us still here spreading the word and fighting the good fight!!!:ynwacelti:celt_2::ireland:
The North of Ireland has a massive majority Celtic support per population than the south. Personally, I believe its a cultural difference with having to deal with the troubles over the last 40 years. The Norths republican culture, wherein basically every young male (and in time females) was everything green white and orange, This includes songs, football club (THE only ''Republican'' club), flags and most importantly people.
The people are in my own opinion, the most important factor. I believe that the Scottish people were a lot more interested in the republican side of things in Ireland over the last 4 decades than the majority of the Southern Irish people, possibly a side affect of the Celtic fan culture itself, they sort of fed off each other.
There are of course a huge amount of Southern Irish Celts, but perhaps the success of high profile Irish players playing in England led them to follow the players themselves rather than the team, leading to inherited support?
Just my theory, im sure debate will ensue. -
thailandceltic From Immigration to Domination
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No offence mate but i think thats bullshit. There is a large amount nationalists down south and far more Celtic fans down here that up North.
The simple fact of the matter is nowadays is the EPL is on Irish TV 24/7. The Spl gets no coverage here whats so ever. -
My point is that every youngster who was born catholic (to be frank) in a certain range of years was bombarded with the Celtic/GreenWhiteOrgane/Wolfetones/Ardoyne/SouthArmagh scenario. Per population, I doubt there is a higher amount of Celtic support in the in South. Im looking ways at the minute to look into this.
Im not in any way trying to trigger a ''were more repbulican than you debate'', and if this goes anywhere near that im stepping back. Simply putting my veiws on the Irish Support of Celtic FC. -
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As a born and bred Dubliner it is sad to see so many Irish people look down at Celtic and make derogatory comments. But having said that these people are typically nothing more then gloryhunters. They all claim they "support" Liverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal, Man Utd etc and belittle Celtic. But really they are sheep who just gobble up what is presented to them so much by the meida and they are glory hunters too with no real loyality. I mean come on how many Brigton or Norwich shirts do you see anywhere in Ireland. Fact is if Celtic suddenly had a huge injection of cash and become a Champions League force like Man City style suddenly all these bandwagon people would be claiming they love Celtic.
Me I have been Celtic all the way and my love for the club is so much more then football it is all about what our ethos is about, our heritage and the psoitive and open club we are. -
I regularly visit the south and meet many many football (soccer) fans who dismiss Celtic. Was watching a Celtic game in the pub, celebrated a goal and the entire pub looked at me like an idiot.
Perhaps our links to Ireland are not reciprocated?
Was also called a ' plastic paddy ' and a ' nearly *' by Irishmen. I find this strange. -
thailandceltic From Immigration to Domination
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I do get what your saying, I personally think and correct if im wrong Celtic have a massive support up north due to the troubles and its scene more of Symbol of who you are, as in im a catholic so I wear a Tic top. As in maybe down here because there is no divide as such its not seen as that important.
Look I dispear at the dimise of The Celtic support in Ireland but I think its mainly due to the EPL and not the lack of nationalists. -
The football fans I was talking about are not arseholes, by the way, they're all sound which makes it all the more confusing to me. Seems like the love and link and passion comes more from Glasgow to the South rather than the other way round.
Maybe it's because Celtic is the immigrants club and not seen as club of the mother country.
Shut them up, by the way, with interest when Celtic dumped their Liverpool out of Europe and Naka burst their Man United net.
Wish I hadn't needed to though.. -
thailandceltic From Immigration to Domination
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thailandceltic From Immigration to Domination
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