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Ireland World Cup Qualifying

Discussion in 'World Football' started by emmetmcl, Oct 25, 2009.

Discuss Ireland World Cup Qualifying in the World Football area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. The Celtbot

    Dec 28, 2007
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  2. Craigyjac.

    May 4, 2008
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    How many English players missed the chance to play in a world cup semi-final/final because Maradonna cheated, in what I believe was a worse manner. Was this not in the middle of the last reccession?
    Picture the scenario, this happens for Ireland against Germany in a qualifier for the next world cup, who will all be shouting for a replay then?
    Not many on here I would say.
    I am gutted that there is no-one to support at the WC but i completely disagree with a replay, it will change football completely.
  3. Craigyjac.

    May 4, 2008
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    Henry says" I thought about quitting after the uproar of last week, the French FA have let me down".
    No Thierry, the only person who let you down.....was you.
    Cheating *.
  4. mmmikey

    Jul 24, 2005
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    Also @quagmire

    I'm not disputing whether it was a foul - clearly it was. But in the long line of "cheats" which is a pretty loose term let's be fair - Loovens yesterday for example when he picked up that yellow was cheating. It's not a conscious, thought-out, blue-printed bank heist. It was an impulse act that may or may not gain an advantage, hardly shameful. For example, was it not Nakamura that dived against Man United before THAT free-kick.

    Basically what I'm saying is there is a fine line between fouls and cheating, if any line. It's the referees job to distinguish fouls from non-fouls and in this case Henry got extremely lucky. But to call it shameful, disgusting and whatever people have been saying is just sour grapes. There have been bigger fouls in bigger games and bigger fouls in smaller games that haven't been overturned which is why I'm struggling to think people are going to start now?

    What's this rubbish about owning upto fouls? Off the top of my head Vennegoor getting assaulted in the box in the relegation scrap on Saturday. Did Upson go running after the referee and say "Er can you stop play, that was a foul"? If Hull or Westham are relegated/survive by a point and the club plummet from there are people going to tell me that's smaller than a one off World Cup for Ireland?

    Did Puyol against Arsenal after hacking the crap out of Henry approach the referee and beg for a card? No, and neither should/did Henry. As a Scotland and Celtic fan, I've sufferred all sorts of injustices that could fill a book, which is why I'm struggling to see what exceptional piece of cheating took place to warrant a replay. Exceptional piece of misfortune mixed with opportunism resulting in good fortune I would say, not quite The Italian Job...
  5. Silenzio

    Mar 24, 2009
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    Don't know it it has already been posted, but the cover art for the new World Cup game has leaked:

  6. Blantyre Bhoy

    Sep 18, 2009
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    Henry is a disgrace, he saw the chance to set-up the opportunity for Gallas and he took it. He would do exactly the same next week if the same opportunity arose again, it was cheating then and he will now be branded a cheat for the rest of his life.

    I wonder what the response from Fifa would have been if the same incident had happened against Brazil, Italy, England, Germany or Argentina in a similar play-off situation, I think we would have been waiting for the date for a replay, yes I'm sure Mr Blatter would have intervened for the good of football, double standards again by Fifa, no doubt Plantini called in a few favours from his pal Step Blatter !!!
  7. eire4

    Jan 5, 2006
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    It seems everyone has had something to say about Henry's cheating except for Platini who has very conspicuous by his silence.

    I will say it does seem as if most of the French team would rather the game was replayed as clearly they are completely embarrassed by what happened. But not Mr Platini it seems nor Domenech either it would seem.
  8. monkjack1999

    Nov 3, 2004
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    two things which let this sort of thing happen week in week out first players should be able to be banned after the game has happened for cheating but uefa bottled it with the eduardo incident if players knew they'd get 3 match ban for diving cheating they'd stop it. secondly the media need to come down hard on cheats i know they have with henry but week in week out they just brush it aside, cant stand watching premier league games on sky and at end of it when talking bout drogba/ronaldo/gerrard/eboue diving they ust say oh well he's a brilliant player isn't he NO their cheating slags villify them embarras them make them look stupid