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Illegia's UEFA appeal fails - Going to CAS. FAILS AGAIN

Discussion in 'World Football' started by dazza297, Aug 11, 2014.

Discuss Illegia's UEFA appeal fails - Going to CAS. FAILS AGAIN in the World Football area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. Skelleto

    Sep 21, 2010
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    Fav Celtic Song:
    Boys of the old brigade
    Legia telling us to be "honourable"? "56" Coming from the club with one of the most disgusting fanbases on planet earth :56: Should not be let in in the first place untill you and your corrupt police can make it safe for other fans that make the trip to Warzaw
  2. Millerntor

    Nov 17, 2012
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    You clearly have no idea how a plc operates. That's your fault, not ours.

    Eight of the 25 spaces are for reserved for locally trained players of which no more than four can be association-trained players. If you don't have eight then your 25 man squad is reduced accordingly. Who were these eight?
  3. Metlson

    Jun 5, 2010
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    Good post. I personally think it is harsh that legia were kicked out but the precedence it would set would cause too ramifications. I think Celtic have done the right thing and avoided getting involved in the situation
  4. damian13ster

    Aug 8, 2014
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    Here is a list of 23 players:
    Bramkarze: 1. Łukasz Budziłek, 12. Dusan Kuciak, 91. Konrad Jałocha
    Obrońcy: 2. Dossa Junior, 4. Igor Lewczuk, 15. Inaki Astiz, 17. Tomasz Brzyski, 25. Jakub Rzeźniczak, 28. Łukasz Broź
    Pomocnicy: 3. Tomasz Jodłowiec, 8. Ondrej Duda, 18. Michał Kucharczyk, 20. Jakub Kosecki, 21. Ivica Vrdoljak, 22. Michał Kopczyński, 23. Helio Pinto, 32. Miroslav Radović, 33. Michał Żyro
    Napastnicy: 9. Marek Saganowski, 11. Arkadiusz Piech, 13. Wladimer Dwaliszwili, 45. Adam Ryczkowski, 70. Orlando Sa

    Bolded are those who are home-grown in Legia. Thats already 7 so at least one space would be available for use if they wanted to.
    So yeah, looks like they didnt use all of their options, there was no need against amateurs from Ireland. You cant seriously suggest they would cheat to gain advantage in that game? Get a grip.
  5. damian13ster

    Aug 8, 2014
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    Celtic commited PR suicide
  6. dazza297

    Apr 24, 2010
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    You are just hurting ! The rules don't say if you are winning comfortably and this substitution won't in anyway influence the result then you can break the rules . It doesn't matter ! If the world is on legias side then why didn't 8 multinationals in that panel see your point !
  7. damian13ster

    Aug 8, 2014
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    Because those 8 multinationals follow strictly a book. That's their job. I am not saying that decision should be chagned for * sake. People really need to learn comprehensive reading........

    PR has to do with media. World media is on Legia's side here and question reputation of UEFA, their competitions and Celtic. Those are the facts. That's why not doing anything instead of stepping up and at least agree to a meeting is a PR suicide.
  8. Mr Hoopy

    Jun 13, 2009
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    No, you tossers tried to do that for us. Try as you may but Celtic FC and our fans will never submit to bullying tactics that are trying to discredit the traditions and heritage that is Celtic football club.

    Have a word with yourself, stop being a fud and let UEFA do their * jobs :bbpd:
  9. Drakhan Nac Mac Feegle Gold Member

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Jimmy McGrory
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    You'll Never Walk Alone
    Sorted for you.
    Red Bold. Maybe you should learn how to structure sentences first and your spelling before slagging people off about their comprehensive reading skills.:icon_mrgreen:
  10. damian13ster

    Aug 8, 2014
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    Meh, if it was Legia's job, those articles in NY Times, the Guardian, Norwegian, Dutch, Swiss, British media......*, thats pretty impressive :D

    Of course, true fans won't turn away and neither will your board. But you will lose fans who aren't as closely tied to the team and you just lost potential fanbases all over the world. And that's what brings money. Celtic is slowly becoming a local club instead of a global corporation and actions like that just speed up the process. Couple of years, couple of decisions like that and you will be slightly more relevant and slightly better (because of decreasing budget) than Hearts.

    UEFA told Legia that Celtic is the only one that can influence the decision so its natural that Legia is doing their best for that to happen. And since the public is on their side because the result on the pitch is on their side......it is causing a lot of harm to Celtic and UEFA, potentially pushing them into changing that decision. And if that's not the case......oh well, trust me, Legia made out of this situation way better than Celtic did
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2014
  11. Darnok

    Oct 8, 2011
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    Are these goons still on here moaning?

    Damian, get this: no-one cares what other teams think of us. Move on.
  12. damian13ster

    Aug 8, 2014
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    Darnok, get this: those are not other teams, its fans from other countries. It is sponsors. THEY BRING THE TEAM MONEY. Without money there is no team. So YOU SHOULD CARE if you care about your team.

    Whats so hard to understand about it?
  13. Mr Hoopy

    Jun 13, 2009
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    Point being it was a decision made by our governing body and not by Celtic :31:

    Celtic will always be a global brand because of our heritage and history and clubs like yourself will always try to put us down and try to make us look bad at any opportunity because you are jealous of our successes off and on the field.

    And comparing us to Hearts is just bonkers :56:
  14. Darnok

    Oct 8, 2011
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    We still don't care.

    Go and help us along our path to destruction, the comments page on all of these manifold news stories would be a good place to start. You can hit us where it hurts...apparently. :smiley-laughing002:
  15. murphy88

    Jul 28, 2010
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    Why should Celtic have the decision overturned when we did absolutely nothing wrong. Your appeal will more than likely be laughed out of town also. Why, because Uefa have only followed their own rules in this instance.

    Had you been thrown out the competition, I would have said that it was harsh, but you weren't thrown out. You had to forfeit 1 game. Unfortunately for Legia, that resulted in you exiting the competition. I actually think Legia are embarrassing themselves now on this, desperately looking for someone else to blame for their own mistake, it's getting rather cringeworthy.

    Let me ask you one question, answer truthfully. If this decision had been made, but Legia had won the first game 5-1, so went through 5-4 on aggregate, would you still be moaning about the decision?
  16. damian13ster

    Aug 8, 2014
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    Come on man, tahts just being delusional.

    Of course, it was a decision made by governing body. There is no arguing with that. But do go on foreign media and see what they ahve to say about it. Average person goes on to read that and sees that Celtic is a team that stood by and saw 'true fotball die' (paraphrased from NY Times article). So he is not going to go to wikipedia to look up teams history (there are teams who have had much more success in the past and much more tradition anyway), but will think to himself 'what a bunch of * that werent willing to step up'. Now, do you think he will want to spend money on the team?

    And yes, comparing you to Hearts is bonkers, but without having a semi-decent opinion outside of Scotland, without having major sponsors, is Celtic really going to be much stronger than some local club? No. And by tarnishing your good name, even in situations like that where the club wasnt the one who initiated the process, you are losing credibility in face of sponsors and those potential fans.

    That's okay if you don't care. Some people are just not able to understand the bigger picture.
  17. damian13ster

    Aug 8, 2014
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    No, because then the better team would have advanced, but I would still advocate for putting a word 'may' in that rule.
    And Celtic could have this decision overturned to save their face, because bad image created by this situation will cost millions. Of course they could do that because they still believe that things should be decided on a pitch like said in Mioduski's open letter but we all know thats long time gone, so it could be purely a financial decision.
  18. Green Socks

    Oct 4, 2013
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    So what do you want from us then? You just said it wasn't our decision, you just said it wasn't our fault but people are going to see it like that anyway.

    Why should we care? There's nothing we can do, Legia * up and have now made us both look bad, only difference is that we're going to make a profit out of it. No one at Celtic cares about this anymore.
  19. Sonny7

    Mar 25, 2009
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    It was an administration mistake you say? Exactly, that's what it was .. but it happened you's cheated. It was a mistake but it still happened. The player wasn't allowed to play and you's played him. That's cheating!

    Am just back from Spain and there papers/media agreed you's cheated and deserved to lose the 2nd leg 3-0. I would imagine plenty more agree that cheats shouldn't be playing in the tournament.

    Away and cry somewhere else:55::102::55:

    Woohoo Champion League:party:
  20. damian13ster

    Aug 8, 2014
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    Again, read the * topic you are responding in. You CAN do something. In fact you have all the power you need in order to change something. You just choose not to, which is understandable from short-term financial perspective, it just makes you look bad, as being reflected by the media. And no, it is very questionable whether you will make a profit out of it. If you advance to Champions League, so you will have a short-term profit, but every time Celtic is mentioned because of their results, or anything else that has to do with CL, the way you guys got in there will be reminded. And as you can see by the outrage over this across the world, this is not good for sponsors, so it is not good for the team financially in the long-term. So profit is questionable.

    Now, if the appeal somehow is decided in Legia's favor, you just got a shitload of bad publicity and got nothing out of it.

    If you lose with Maribor then you will have only 2 million euros bonus for advancing to 4th round as a profit, assuming you would make it to EL anyway, and the effect of this whole situation on club's image is going to be way more costly than that.

    So in 2/3 scenarios you actually LOSE money, and in one of those scenarios it is hard to judge at the moment.

    And I am not the only one thinking that:


    Situation showing that a team can take a higher stand:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2014