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Illegia's UEFA appeal fails - Going to CAS. FAILS AGAIN

Discussion in 'World Football' started by dazza297, Aug 11, 2014.

Discuss Illegia's UEFA appeal fails - Going to CAS. FAILS AGAIN in the World Football area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. damian13ster

    Aug 8, 2014
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    Actually, you can register 25 players and only 23 were registered so no, your assumption is wrong.

    Hadouken: I am aware of what happened, and I am not * off at Celtic (although it would be nice if they at least agreed to a meeting with UEFA and Legia), or UEFA (although rules should leave some room for interpretation, like 21.2 does). I am just saying that this decision is not what sports is all about.

    Also: no, so far Legia is receiving a lot of support. Some are even saying that there is more than 50% chance that we wouldn't get into CL anyway, being the unseeded team, and that 2.1 million bonus for advancing to 4th qualifying round would never get the team such publicity all around the world and make the brand more recognizable and sympathized with.

    Legia comes off as a small team, which absolutely destroyed huge Celtic on the field, then because of small mistake from administration (no ill will from the team itself) got kicked out from the competition and the guys who were spanked on the pitch got to progress. So now the board of Legia tries to fight the decision that kills what's truly important in sport, against big-* organization and against Celtic who benefits from such thing already for the second time in 3 years. How the * does Legia come out as a bad guys?

    Legia's fans love their new board. They invest in the team, are heavily involved, and then get the best out of * situation like that. If by some miracle decision by UEFA is changed there will be songs written about them, especially since previous board wasnt very liked by the fans.
  2. Sean Daleer Show Israel the Red Card Gold Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Cracking post.

    Not as cracking as this thread being out of Celtic chat where I hardly ever see it though. :smiley-laughing002:
  3. HoopyD89

    Apr 25, 2014
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    Some rules are bad or unfair or unjust. This rule is neither of those, It's entirely justified. Suspended players can not play and can not appear on the bench. You * up the registration in TWO (2) * games, not one game, two. You * up three times in total.

    1) Failed to register player correctly in order to serve his suspension
    2) Failed to register player correctly in order to serve his suspension
    3) Failed to notice the above errors and played a suspended player

    Legia had multiple opportunities to make sure all the paper work and registrations were correct and proper, You had weeks in between our second leg to identify any problems with your team sheet. The fault is sqaurley with you.

    The rule can not be overturned, I would argue and the disciplinary board probably argued and the arbitration committee will probably argue that the article relating to your punishment is fundamental to the bodies ability to enforce suspensions and by over ruling the decision weakens the rules for suspensions and the bodies ability to enforce them. That would bring the game into disrepute. You breaking the rules and being punished according to the rules does not bring the game into disrepute.

    The rule can never be touched otherwise suspensions could be ignored and that's something that FIFA/Uefa or any other league or cup association can not risk.

    Games and Football is a game, are based on rules. It is understood that all team's or players agree to play by these rules when they enter the competition, That is sporting integrity. Sporting integrity is not about who is better. It's about playing by the rules and accepting the result.

    Legia have no right to be treated exceptionally, nor should you expect the rules to be amended to suit you. The rule is in place for an incredibly good reason. The rule is more important than Legia or Celtic. Accept it and move on and concentrate on the competitions you are in, Maybe next year you won't make the same misakes.
  4. Sean Daleer Show Israel the Red Card Gold Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Things would have been decided on the pitch if your club had followed the rules like everyone else has to.

    Honestly, all this crying is reminding me of the huns and their whingeing and blaming everyone but themselves.

    Give it a rest, you * up and UEFA have set in stone rules they must abide by (for reasons succinctly put by Hoopy in my post above)

    To deviate from these rules would result in anarchy and every club and their dog attempting to flout them.

    It's harsh, it's unfortunate but the rules are there to stop people taking the * so it has to be clear across the board, any grey areas and it all goes to *.
  5. HoopyD89

    Apr 25, 2014
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    To be honest I can't see that our fans or clubs would ever have gotten along regardless of the result between us. Not when Legia fans show this sort of support, that's *'s not on in Scotland.

    White power, is that what you Polish call Tipex? :bbpd:



  6. damian13ster

    Aug 8, 2014
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    No, the * up was done once, since you register players for the 2nd round, not for 2 separate games, but the * up was actually done by the person who believe they know the rules instead of double checking.

    Doesn't matter. I am not advocating for removing the rule. I am advocating for wording 21.2 and 21.3 the same, with the word 'may' being included there.
  7. HoopyD89

    Apr 25, 2014
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    Sounds like a good idea to you because you * up and that rule is what nabbed you. It does not need amended, The rule is perfect as is the punishment. Tell me will Legia ever repeat that same mistake?
  8. damian13ster

    Aug 8, 2014
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    Reread my original post and stop making an opinion about my intentions from other users' whining and argumentation. I just said that I dont expect the decision to be changed. Is the penalty not adequate to the crime, yes it is. Thats not going to change either. Did Legia destroyed, buried, * on, and danced on Celtic's grave on the pitch by beating them convincingly in Warsaw and then humiliating them at home? Yes, they did.
    Are they going to play in 4th round? No.
    Those are facts and I am not advocating to change them. All I said there is that Legia's board did brilliant job when it comes to making as much off of this situation as they could, getting the club publicity all over the world in such a manner that sees Legia as a victims here, making reader sympathize with it, while making UEFA and (les so) Celtic look bad. Just read the article from NY Times and say you disagree with that. This * just went worldwide and sponsors are not going to like it. That's why last week I said that when making a decision, also a PR side has to be considered. If Celtic let go voluntarily of their spot (and that wouldnt be doing a favor to Maribor like some here suggested without having any knowledge about it), then they would be praised all over the freaking world, making a reader favor for them and increasing the fanbase in countries where football is only starting to grow (US, Australia, developing countries in Asia, etc.). Now, what happens if
    a) they appeal is successful as unlikely as it is?
    b) if Celtic loses with Maribor (not that unlikely)

    You come out as * (not arguing whether its right or not, its a fact because of the way media shows news) who have questionable values and all you took out of it was 2 millilon euros for making 4th stage of CL qualifications.
  9. damian13ster

    Aug 8, 2014
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    For next decade, probably not. Then people get complacent again and who the * knows? It might have happened to anyone. 4 people had that list in hand and they could catch the error, and unfortunately all got complacent and didnt double check on the same time. It is very unlikely as can be seen by it being the first time in team's history that such thing happened with the current system being in place for a long time. Could have had happened to absolutely anyone, just a bad luck that all people got complacent at the same time.

    No, the rule is not perfect as the punishment. UEFA's slogan is 'we care about football'. Football lost in this case as UEFA itself admitted when saying they would like to rule otherwise but unfortunately there wasn't a loophole left. So even the freaking organization who set the rule things it's wrong. Who are you to argue otherwise?
  10. Sonny7

    Mar 25, 2009
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    Stop bubbling mate. Your team * you's over.. you's cheated. Absolute disgrace. Away and cry to UEFA as Celtic never made the decision and don't have the power to change it.

    You's got sorted out accordingly. . Don't cheat again and you's want be in this position again.

    Enjoy the Europa League:50:


    CL :party048:
  11. DJ CJ

    Jan 25, 2009
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    I'm Everywhere
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    Let The People Sing
    Legia are so bitter about Celtic over this, it's cringeworthy now.
  12. Torq

    Jul 25, 2005
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    Poland, Baltic Sea coast
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    "Magic" Żurawski
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    You'll Never Walk Alone
    Well, lads, you can certainly keep repeating the "rules are rules" mantra, but you must see that repeating it, after being owned 6-1 in the tie, is extremely damaging to the reputation of your club abroad.

    It is not only The New York Times, The Guardian, Reuters, BBC, ESPN and all the major English language media. It's bigger than that now: it's been reported in Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish, German (I especially enjoyed the articles in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and Der Spiegel) French and Italian press as well, and guess what--the world's opinion is on Legia's side.

    So maybe (just maybe) it's not UEFA and Celtic who are right, but the rest of the World?

    I think the entire matter hangs on this fragment of Mioduski's letter...

    ... in the eyes of World media (and it is the most often quoted fragment too).

    Here's a good article...


    ...and another...


    And, of course, certainly, by all means, you can keep repeating your "rules are rules" mantra, but think for a moment how does that make you look like in the eyes of the World--Legia looks like a small club, who * up the paperwork (these things happen), but Celtic... I'll leave you to brood on it.

    That's all I have to say about it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2014
  13. WolfOfParkhead

    Apr 23, 2014
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    All about the collective
    These things dont happen. These things rarely happen at sunday league level so stop blaming celtic for your clubs * up and realise this completely your own fault ye broke the rules its that simple. We were awarded our 3-0 in accordance with uefa rules theres been no backhanders or shady deals the rules have been followed the way they should be.
    Ye have been knocked out fair and square, no club in world football would reactly differenly to way celtic has so stop playing the victim to people who have no say in the decision
  14. Torq

    Jul 25, 2005
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    Poland, Baltic Sea coast
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    "Magic" Żurawski
    Fav Celtic Song:
    You'll Never Walk Alone
    Wow! So, what are you saying? "Rules are rules"? But it has been said a cuntillion times--why repeat it again?

    And it is not about Legia or Legia fans anymore--it's the media and football fans all over the World.

    This fellow...


    ... is absolutely spot on.

    So, forget about Legia for moment, and your favourite "rules are rules" slogan, and ask yourself this--who is right, UEFA and Celtic or the rest of the World.

    If your answer to this is "UEFA and Celtic", then I congratulate you, and there is nothing more for us to talk about.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2014
  15. Mystic Penguin

    Sep 10, 2009
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    The decision has nothing to do with us. UEFA has told us we're back in the Champions League and we need to play Maribor and that is it. I doubt anything we say would make any difference.

    I doubt Legia would be trying to help us get back into the Champion League.
  16. Mystic Penguin

    Sep 10, 2009
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    Republic of North Lanarkshire
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    Amhrán na bhFiann
    You keep saying UEFA and Celtic like we helped make UEFA's decision.
  17. Torq

    Jul 25, 2005
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    Poland, Baltic Sea coast
    Fav Celtic Player:
    "Magic" Żurawski
    Fav Celtic Song:
    You'll Never Walk Alone
    It's been discussed before, mate. Yes, Celtic could have had a say in the matter (the relevant fragments of UEFA regulations have been posted many times, and I won't risk closing this thread by repeating once again everything that was said before) but they chose not to.

    This is about something else, something new, namely the fact that it's no longer a Legia-Celtic matter, but something that is observed and discussed worldwide.

    And the rest of the world is on Legia's side: everyone can see that we won the tie decisively and that the "suspended" player being brought on the pitch had abolutely no effect whatsoever on the outcome of the game.

    It is my strong conviction that we would, but it's been discussed before too.

    But you agree with UEFA's decision, and you keep repeating "rules are rules", so you are on UEFA's side.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2014
  18. WolfOfParkhead

    Apr 23, 2014
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    All about the collective
    Its like talking to a wall when it comes to ye legia fans. Ye broke the * rules will that ever register in your heads.

    Yes uefa are corect. The governing bodies decision will always be kept to the rules in matter like these and if uefa find some loophole that will allow ye back in without celtic being needed to agree and if the rules have been followed so be it.
  19. Millerntor

    Nov 17, 2012
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    You've got to feel a bit sorry for the sheer utter desperation from Legia and their fans. After making fools of themselves, and arguably bringing the game into disrepute, with their embarrassing and cringeworthy failed 'open letter' to us they have changed tact after we rightly told them in a few words to get lost - now it's all about how the media all over the World really love Legia and their fight and how there will be massive damage done to Celtic yadda yadda ya.

    Newsflash - in a few months, * even a few weeks, no-one will care about Legia or any of this. That's how things work.
  20. WolfOfParkhead

    Apr 23, 2014
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    All about the collective
    Yes but as he said we have had no influence on the decision