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How Do You Think The Club Should Deal With Leigh Griffiths?

Discussion in 'Celtic Chat' started by Dáibhí, Apr 6, 2014.

Discuss How Do You Think The Club Should Deal With Leigh Griffiths? in the Celtic Chat area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. made in ireland

    Mar 10, 2008
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    I can't get over the fact there are Celtic supporters trying to defend this Sean. They must not know or care of the history of the club.

    I don't think Celtic can do anything else but sack him. The club are complicit in criminalising and banning their own supporters for singing Irish rebel songs, some which even made it into the UK charts and which any right-minded person could not find offensive. They must surely sack one of their employees for singing a clearly racist song, while also knowing he's got previous for this kind of stuff?!
  2. McChiellini..

    Jul 30, 2012
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    Looking down on the mutants..
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    For those who are in love.....
    What he did for me aswell was slap every one of those in our support who backed him when most of us didn't..

    I agree with those that are of the thinking that thumb boy will go out his way, with outlandish comments/racist comments, whatever it takes to play up to his fan clubs/pals and in doing so make him look an even dafter * than he already clearly is..
    What he said was racist but I'm still swaying that he probably isn't and that most hibs fans have sung that about rudi skacel at some point or another and I bet most of them aren't racist either, despite the hate they all have for him..

    That being said, he knows where he's at and that eyes will now be constantly watching him because of it, his behaviour will not be tolerated here and anymore stepping out of line and he'll have * up not only his chances here but his career and reputation will be ruined..
  3. HoopswithPride

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Glasgow and Ayrshire
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    Probably explains the fine issued last week. Sheer stupidity and ignorance from Grifitths, let's be honest these very type of comments were discussed pre signing him.

    Last chance saloon for me!!!
  4. Jinky.

    Jun 12, 2013
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    Emilio Izzaguire
    Have to agree with this.

    The whole things * if they don't sack him.
  5. Sno'sLeftFoot

    Jan 12, 2014
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    At the very least the boy needs to be educated on things like this. He obviously isn't 100% on what's racism and what's banter. If he did then he surely wouldn't have been so idiotic to stand up in a packed out pub in front of people clearly filming him and singing this particular song.

    Still say he should be sacked, though. And sent to these classes as well for future reference!
  6. Sean Daleer Show Israel the Red Card Gold Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    There doesn't seem to be any other outcome.

    Anything less by the club is saying that singing about Irish heroes is more serious than racism.
  7. made in ireland

    Mar 10, 2008
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    The guy's 23 though! And has been in trouble for this kind of stuff before.

    If he doesn't know or understand that stuff like this is unacceptable, and needs a class to tell him, then I'm sorry but I don't think he'll ever get it.
  8. Sean Daleer Show Israel the Red Card Gold Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    You say the majority of Hibs fans who sing this probably aren't racist but for me, singing it is enough. I certainly wouldn't join in with anything like that, no matter how much I wanted to be part of the crowd.

    I sang about Mrs Tebbitt, I sang about David Murray but I was appalled at the Mark Walters incident.

    I knew the distinction between being an * and being a racist even back then, and i was only 12 at the time.
  9. Sno'sLeftFoot

    Jan 12, 2014
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    I get what you're saying but I'd like him to be educated on it even if he was sacked, for his own benefit. An in depth briefing and explanation as to what qualifies as racism and what doesn't is clearly something he needs to get the message through to him.

    It makes it sound like he's a kid who needs a telling off and a few nights detention almost, but if that's what it takes then so be it. Boy needs to learn.
  10. ILoveTheCeltic

    Jan 7, 2011
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    Republic of Glesga
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    Kieran Tierney
    You are judging him on preconceived ideas though.

    You think it's bad because you think it's racism. To him and Hibs fans it's not racism. It's actually the same as how IRA songs are labelled terrorist songs by some when the people singing them aren't singing them to promote terrorism.
  11. ILoveTheCeltic

    Jan 7, 2011
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    Republic of Glesga
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    Kieran Tierney
    Again though you are judging people by your standards, just because to you they are not as bad as other peoples doesnt make them bad people.

    Like some people may stoop to calling players fat, ugly and whatever. Some go further to disability, birth marks, things caused by illness or injury. Some go even further to slag death, suicide, skin colour and their countries which are seen as the worst things. But really it's all the same it's to annoy other people because you dont like them. There is no real harm done.

    For someone me singing about Murray being legless is over the top and shameful, for others it can be just calling someone fat and ugly and for you it can be mentioning race.

    Race is only seen as worse because the history of wars, slavery and all kinds of madness that happened over it. But it doesn't mean someone who thinks race is fare game in an argument is worse than someone who draws the line at disability because the person making the racist comment will probably never do anything actual racist but for all we know someone who mocks disability may go around tipping * out wheelchairs and kicking peoples walking sticks.

    It's really just all levels of stupidity, I am stupid to someone for slagging a guy for having no legs just cause he owned a team I dont like. Where as someone like Griffiths is to me more stupid to me for going to a higher level of offensiveness than I think I go to. But in reality neither of us are that bad, we don't go about causing real bother to anybody we're just daft enough to slag people in public and not really care about it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2014
  12. Jinky.

    Jun 12, 2013
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    Emilio Izzaguire
    He is using preconceived ideas about foreigners being refugees and using the word refugee in the negative context. Its nothing to do with the IRA or anything fans sing, he's an employee of Celtic, not a punter in the stands. Do we stand for something or are we just another club?
  13. McChiellini..

    Jul 30, 2012
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    Looking down on the mutants..
    Fav Celtic Song:
    For those who are in love.....
    It's not a sung I've heard before this incident,I'm only guessing that it's been sung by hibs fans plenty of times...where's hibby when he's 'wanted'..

    I know what your saying but football fans, especially ones drinking can be the biggest arseholes going and whether it be for a reaction or just joining in and only thumb boy will know If he was just getting carried away singing what he did or if indeed he is a deep uncontrollable racist. .
  14. ILoveTheCeltic

    Jan 7, 2011
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    Republic of Glesga
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Kieran Tierney
    No he's not, he's using a song create by someone else that large groups of people always sing about a player they don't like that contains offensive language.

    Do you really think the song is about refugees? of course it's not. To pretend it is to make it seem worse than it is is just lowering the bar of offensiveness to look politically correct.
  15. Sean Daleer Show Israel the Red Card Gold Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    If it was an isolated incident you might have a point mate, but he felt comfortable enough displaying his attitude all over social media, and it wasn't a chant or song football fans sing.
  16. Sean Daleer Show Israel the Red Card Gold Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Nah mate, you are way off here.

    This isn't "offensive", it doesn't stop at offensive, it * races past it into more serious territory.

    Think of the conversations that were taking place just before the birth of that song.

    They weren't discussing the state of the economy thats for sure
  17. McChiellini..

    Jul 30, 2012
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    Looking down on the mutants..
    Fav Celtic Song:
    For those who are in love.....
    I think griffiths has that personality that most people in life who come into contact with will not take well to, I can imagine that when this blows over griffiths no matter how much he's told will always be instinctively controversial and quite hot headed..
    In this recent instance he's the instagtor although I haven't viewed it myself and for me that's always worse than his first racist remark where he replied after being slated by telling the guy to go home, it was a reaction and an out of order one considering the giy was born in the same country as griffiths..

    But again, does that just not show how daft this guy is..a professional footballer sending a racist remark on a social media site accesable to millions, just as it is letting himself be filmed starting racist chants in a pub full of 'his own'..
    I honestly think he's so neddy beyond belief..
  18. Sean Daleer Show Israel the Red Card Gold Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    What is he doing off camera with his buddies if he thinks there is nothing wrong with promoting those views on social media?
  19. Soul Rebel

    Jul 9, 2011
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    I've gotta be honest i still don't find it all that offensive. I get what people are saying about our own history and stuff but for me this is like a generic football song not one specifically designed to target one culture or race. I know it's not right and he definitely needs a serious punishment and told to sort himself out, but i think it's a bit of a stretch to compare it to people attacking our own heritage, culture etc.
  20. McChiellini..

    Jul 30, 2012
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    Looking down on the mutants..
    Fav Celtic Song:
    For those who are in love.....
    Not showing off/acting up to a nationwide/worldwide audience..