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[Cross Platform] General Chat

Discussion in 'Computers and Gaming' started by Moustache, Jul 8, 2014.

Discuss General Chat in the Computers and Gaming area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. ScouseHoops Guest

    Of all the FPS for Xbox what would you buy

    Halo 5
    Battlefield 1

    Battlefield online looks ace but Halo is a big reason for buying Xbox despite having never played it (shame on me) whilst GofW is exclusive to xbox but I know little about it.

  2. Saul Goodman Gold Member Gold Member

    Jul 9, 2010
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    Crash Bandicoot Remakes coming out on the 30th June.

    Can't wait, first one was my first ever game when I was about 3. Have a 1 year old brother so I'll be getting him into it in a year or two's time. :giggle1:
  3. James Gold Member Gold Member

    Jul 22, 2009
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    Project Cars free this month is it any good ? wanted a racing game for a while
    ScouseHoops likes this.
  4. ScouseHoops Guest

    Decent but i prefer Assetto Corsa
    James likes this.
  5. Peej Gold Member Gold Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Let The People Sing
    ScouseHoops likes this.
  6. James Gold Member Gold Member

    Jul 22, 2009
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  7. Peej Gold Member Gold Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Let The People Sing
    *. Hopefully with the annoucement of pc2 it comes to ps4 next month as well.
  8. ScouseHoops Guest

    Anyones Xbox Live die on them for a couple of hours last night?
  9. ScouseHoops Guest

    Anyone know how you do screenshots in game on Xbox and get them uploaded to your gamertag?
  10. James Gold Member Gold Member

    Jul 22, 2009
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    Played infinte warfare for the first time only played zombies but I enjoyed it
  11. Moustache

    Nov 20, 2012
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    Haven't done one of these posts in a while, but there's been quite a few leaks, rumours & announcements recently (particularly in regards to both Assassins Creed & Far Cry):

    Assassins Creed: Origins

    A website called WWG, has posted an article in which the author claims to have spoken with a source within Ubisoft who has shared some details about the upcoming Assassins Creed: Origins (previously refereed to as Empire(s)).

    After this article was posted, a user on the Assassins Creed subreddit, who has since deleted their account, posted an alleged image of Origins and shared some additional bits of information:


    I've talked about Origins/Empire in previous posts on here, on pages 4 & 5 of the AC Series thread, if anyone wants to read the older rumours.


    The rumoured Damian Wayne, Batman game, which was being developed by WB Montreal (the stuido behind Arkham Origins), has apparently been rebooted mid-development according to the journalist who leaked the game's existence.

    Jason Schreier, who writes for Kotaku, responded to a user on Twitter when asked about the game:



    For anyone interested in what this game was actually rumoured to be about, here's a link to the post I made when the rumour/leak first came about (link)

    This is actually the second WB Montreal game that's had a rocky development , as their previous Suicide Squad game languished in development for years and was then cancelled at some point in the last year.

    Bethesda E3

    Bethesda has teased two new games on their official invite to their E3 showcase in June:


    The hint was that the reveals wouldn't be related to any of the IP's shown on this invite (which rules out Dishonored, Doom, Fallout, Prey, Quake & The Elder Scrolls). Most people seem to believe that the two reveals are going to be Wolfenstein: The New Colossus (the much rumoured sequel to The New Order) and The Evil Within 2.

    Darksiders 3

    Last week, THQ Nordic (the new name for Nordic Games, who bought many of THQ's IP's when the latter was liquidated) announced a new Darksiders game. Here's the reveal trailer:

    Some details (courtesy of IGN):

    IGN also posted a 'Hands On' article on their site for anyone who want's to read it (link)

    Far Cry 5

    So this one requires a bit of explaining.

    Last week the Great Falls Tribute, a newspaper based in the city of Great Falls, Montana, posted an article on their website regarding the filming of a (live-action) trailer in a old church for a video game.

    There was two key things to take away from this article:

    • The producer who the journalist spoke to was a man called Jeff Guillot (who has previously worked on trailers for Ubisoft games) and the crew was made up of people from Paris & LA.

    • Guillot confrimed that the trailer was for a game and also said the following things
      • That the production "...stretched more than 5,000 miles from California to Montana”
      • “This is a sequel to an existing global franchise,” and that "The backstory of the video game, which will be released in September, is of a world that takes place in an imaginary Hope County." (the Hope County bit seems to have been edited out).

    At first, it was thought it was related to Red Dead Redemption 2, giving the rural western setting. But when this article was posted on the gaming forum Neogaf, some interesting points were made.

    • The gaming journalist, Jason Schreier (who was mentioned in the Batman part of my post) pointed out that Rockstar doesn't do live action trailers, and would later mention that he had heard that the next Far Cry game would be set in Montana (more on this below).

    Later, VG247, another gaming website, would claim in their article discussing the rumour that the game was in fact likely to be set during the Wild West/19th Century America (although this seems like speculation)

    Interestingly, they linked to a previous article in which they reported that Ubisoft had conducted a survey to gauge players interest's in the following settings:

    However following this article by VG247, Jason Schreier would claim that he had only heard that the game was set in Montana and hadn't heard of anything relating to a Wild West setting (and that he personally though that it was a bit of stretch on VG247's part).

    Also worth mentioning is that Giant Bomb, another big gaming site/podcast group, apparently received an e-mail back in December regarding a future Far Cry game which claimed that the protagonist would be a cop:

    So, basically Far Cry 5 will supposedly be a modern Western set in Montana, following the story of a cop taking on a Milita/Survivalist group

    Injustice 2

    The first DLC fighter pack for Injustice 2, the DC fighting game, was announced last week ahead of the game's release. Here's the trailer:

    It includes:

    • Red Hood
    • Starfire
    • Sub Zero ( from Mortal Kombat)
    Need for Speed 2017

    Here's the first details about this year's Need for Speed game, courtesy of the developers themselves:

    Last edited: May 9, 2017
    Artorias likes this.
  12. Officer Doofy Come to me, human man Gold Member

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Ubisoft have confirmed Far Cry 5 and the next AC are coming this year - to the surprise of nobody, I know.

    There's been another 'leak' on details of the next Assassin's Creed. Some of it slight contradicts previous leaks but here it is. It sounds good...

    • [*]The leaks aren’t “accidents”. Controlled. Both pictures are real. The first one (where the MC stood in front of something) is very old. The second one is a picture from the Demo we’ll see at E3.
      [*]New scouting mechanic, the eagle. The eagle’s placeholder name, for now, is “Akhom”.
      [*]There are no towers in the game. You will be using your eagle for side-activities and points of interest. There’s a limit to how far you can go away from the protagonist.
      [*]The characters all speak English like in Unity. That is because of the Animus 5.0, which has perfected any translation issues of the older versions. You will be sitting in it, not moving around like in the movie.
      [*]There is a new Modern Day protagonist, he’s male and mixed race. Already a trained Assassin and has a new team that helps him achieve his task, given by William himself. William, Rebecca, Shaun all make appearances.
      [*]Modern Day is more like Assassin’s Creed 3’s with bigger areas and more character interaction. It does more to highlight the fact that Assassins and Templars still exist and are having a big impact on the world.
      [*]“Without giving too much away, a piece of Eden is used during the Exodus and the crossing of the Red Sea, playing into the whole overarching mission of the modern-day protagonist.” Not the main focus of the story, though.
      [*]Should be set between 1400 and 1200 BCE, during the Dynasties.
      [*]No naval combat. It really is only just a sailing boat used for travel purposes. It’s like in The Witcher 3, just a tad more customizable. That’s it.
      [*]The world is breathtakingly beautiful and that there is ambient stuff going on in the open seas. Better to sail than miss this stuff by fast-travelling.
      [*]You will be traveling the Easter Mediterranean with your boat.
      [*]Ambient music is in the game.
      [*]Devs have focused on story 100%. There is no multiplayer whatsoever, however there are micro-transactions like in BF and Rogue. Multiplayer is still on the cards, might return at some point to the franchise.
      [*]A lot of work went into the immersion aspect. Plenty of tropical areas. Mirages, oasis areas and various islands dotted around the sea are beautiful.
      [*]The main protagonist (in the past) is a quieter version of Altair, basically. Looks like him, slightly darker. Not black like Adé. Trilogy with him planned. Greece comes next and he’s in there. No idea about the third entry at all. He is apparently Israelite.
      [*]Combat has been reworked. Enemies have different attack patterns and will actively try to flank you. Kinda like Witcher 3, but easier to get into.
      [*]Stealth is much more integrated into the world. You can hide on corners, in crowds, in buildings and in bushes/haystacks. Imagine Syndicate and Unity’s stealth, but much better thought out and implemented. Social stealth is emphasized a lot in the game. You’ll be blending into crowds and with groups of slaves an awful lot.
      [*]Free running is the same as Syndicate/Unity, though it adds in some of the flair from Watch Dogs 2.
      [*]It’s a lot smoother and more fluid.
      [*]The reason why Assassin’s Creed doesn’t make its way to Japan is because the higher ups don’t see it being successful. They made China for Chronicles to “please the fans”.
      [*]Same thing for WW1 and WW2 settings.
      [*]The engine is a reworked version of Syndicate’s. But looks drastically different to Syndicate/Unity.
      They took Unity’s backlash very, very badly. They’ve been working on Origins so much to avoid another buggy situation. “Syndicate was about 60% complete when the backlash came to light, so Ubi shoved that one out of the door before we had the break.”
      [*]No Switch version, releases on PS4, Xbox One and PC.
      [*]Coming out later this year.
      [*]Hidden Blade used in the game is a very early version. Requires losing a finger. There’s also a bow, a shield, various swords, spears and throwing knives.
      [*]The protagonist (in the past) doesn’t have a name at the beginning. Later, other characters start calling him “Shed”, after the deity that represents salvation. A big part of the story revolves around saving your people from slavery.
      [*]The idea of an Ancient Rome game was floating around the office. Ceasar wasn’t a Templar, but shared a lot of their ideologies. Senators that killed him were part of the Brotherhood. Status of this idea is unknown.
      [*]Skills are done in a talent tree. However, the differences between the skill trees are drastically different and you can only ever have a certain amount of skills active at one point. One tree is Combat, another Stealth and the final one is Movement.
      [*]Outfit-wise, there’s a few pre-determined outfits (as there has been in every AC game). However, there are different piece of equipment that you can buy that will go over the top of your ‘base’ appearance. Imagine Unity’s equipment variation/customization, but with less pointless fluff.
      [*]Character customization is more like Unity than Syndicate.
      [*]You can put your hood on and off whenever you want
  13. Moustache

    Nov 20, 2012
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    This Far Cry 5 logo was posted by one of the Community Team members over on the Ubisoft forum, but was eventually taken down:


    The red, white and blue, could be a hint to the rumoured American setting or the fact that you're apparently playing a cop (mentioned in the last post).
  14. Moustache

    Nov 20, 2012
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    Just a few more updates from the Ubisoft fiscal call:

    • New Assassins Creed, Far Cry 5 & The Crew 2 announced
    • All Ubisoft games will have live content (I.e. Online) going forward
    • Their games are now overwhelmingly live services that deliver strong recurring revenue. As such, they aren't as concerned about getting games out quickly to hit their sales targets.
    • Due to the the above, they would like to focus more resources on their new games to make sure they're great.
    • They'll be releasing a lot more DLC and content updates for their live services.
    • They cancelled a planned sequel to a game in favour of supporting the current one 'indefinitely' (it was apparently Rainbow Six Siege 2).
    • Ghost Recon: Wildlands however will be getting a sequel sometime in the near future
    • Ghost Recon: Wildlands is the the best selling game of the year so far, For Honor is the second highest.
    • About 40% of both games sales were digital
    • Both games 'reccuring investments' (i.e.Season Passes/DLC/micro-transactions) were above expectations
    • For Honor's first two months has gone better than Rainbow Six: Siege's first two.
    • During both this fiscal year and next fiscal year were originally going to have five new game releases, but will instead have four each.
    • This year's AAA lineup is Assassins Creed, Far Cry 5, South Park: The Fracture But Whole & The Crew 2
    • They're apparently going to release a new multiplayer IP next year (after March 2018), which was originally going to be released this year.
    Last edited: May 16, 2017
  15. Moustache

    Nov 20, 2012
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    Logo for The Crew 2:

  16. ChrisMoh

    Apr 7, 2009
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    reading several rumours that far cry 5 is going to be set in montana.another one is its going to be set in the deep south.apparently about arms and meth dealers.
  17. Moustache

    Nov 20, 2012
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    Bully 2: Kevin's Back Jack

    So there could be absolutely nothing to this one, but it seems weird enough that it's worth mentioning.

    On Thursday, a Reddit user called methAndgatorade made a post showing a page from Gameinformers website that listed to a game called 'Bully 2: Kevin's Back Jack'. The page itself has since been taken down, but but here's a screenshot of it:


    Gameinfromer quickly caught wind of this, took the page down and posted this on their Twitter:


    What makes this interesting is that the cache for this specific page shows that it had actually been up on their site since the 8th May, and was only taken down on the 8th June (when it was discovered).

    Gameinfromer themselves are claiming ignorance as to how this page ended up on their site and are apparently looking in to it. It is worth mentioning however, that Gameinfromer are a fairly big gaming news site and also still publish a monthly magazine (which itself is usually a source of quite a few leaks) that tends to get a first look at quite a lot of major releases.

    On top that of all that, people also noticed that Rockstar's official online store recently added new Bully related merchandise. It could just be a strange coincidence, but you never know.

    Diablo III: Eternal Collection

    A listing was discovered on the ERSB for a Diablo III: Eternal Collection on PS4 & XB1.


    Most people seem to think it's just an updated release that includes the Necromancer class.

    Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Remastered

    A PS4 & XB1 remaster of Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen was announced last week, in celebration of the game's 5th anniversary.

    It's due to release some time in the Autumn.


    There was a leak last week of three new Telltale games last week, one of which has since been confirmed to be true.

    A Twitter user by the name of AnEvilHag tweeted out three off-sreen images of a survey that Telltale had sent out to select individuals that mentioned the following three games Minecraft: Story Mode S2 (has since been announced), Tales from the Borderlands S2 & 007: Solstice (a James Bond game):

    [​IMG] Q


    Artorias likes this.
  18. Officer Doofy Come to me, human man Gold Member

    Jul 5, 2011
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    A Bully sequel is all I need in life.
  19. AJ Styles Moussa Dembele's eyes Gold Member

    Oct 26, 2013
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    Glasgow, Scotland
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    Fields of Athenry
    PS4 Sale is decent picked up Battlefield 4 for under £4
    Artorias likes this.
  20. James Gold Member Gold Member

    Jul 22, 2009
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    7 days to die any good ?