The work this team of modders has done is quite incredible and I'm interested to try this. Best of all it's free if you already have Fallout 4 GOTY on steam. The team is also trying to contact bethesda to possibly get this published on xbox.
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The work this team of modders has done is quite incredible and I'm interested to try this. Best of all it's free if you already have Fallout 4 GOTY on steam. The team is also trying to contact bethesda to possibly get this published on xbox.
Would definitely give this a go if it comes out on xbox. The npc factions look interesting and I expect the new setting for fallout will be enough to carry the game.
My only worry is that I'm possibly past the point of fallouts combat system and have little doubt that it will be improved.
Will buy fallout 4 just for this mod, this is a huge effort for a mod team, would love to see a New Vegas 2 by Obsidian.