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Celtic Supporters Thread (contains GB chat)

Discussion in 'Celtic Chat' started by Paul67, Dec 17, 2010.

Discuss Celtic Supporters Thread (contains GB chat) in the Celtic Chat area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. Notorious Gold Member Gold Member

    Oct 6, 2012
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    I'm not the one here ignoring things

    Like I said using your hate towards the groups for other things they've done while trying to justify the police actions

    2 other posters have done the same
  2. Vade1

    Nov 14, 2005
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    Back of beyond, Herefordshire
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Larsson, Sutton, Hartson
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Fields of Athenry, Grace
    The fallout from this one game is as amazing as it is unpleasant. We all knew the consequences' of welcoming back Beelzebub's bunch of bile bellowing bas....baritones. The vile, hate filled, offensive songbook, the wrecked seating, the smashed toilets was no more than we expected. They didn't disappoint even by using pyro's, we also had the added bonus of witnessing moronic actions from Furgus'huns frenzied fools. Outside Fans were being detained with no just cause and held for an unreasonably length time without basic the requirement of water or bathroom facilities.
    But this isn't a grumble about the anti-social troglodytes and their behaviour we had to endure once again nor is it about storm trooping tactics of Scotland's finest as they shepherded football fans without any regard for social, civil or humane treatment. It's not even about whether there could be any justification for the police to act in such a way on orders by high command or by any prior intelligence gathered.
    It IS however, about Celtic and it's board. "WHAT THE * WERE YOU THINKING?". What do you not see? What do you not hear? Yes, I'm all for decent fans to come along and back their team and they're welcome...But that horrible horde of hooligans? That poisonous proportion of the population? Those vile violent vandals? Keep them away.
    Why do you feel it necessary to appease a deplorable hate filled visiting fanbase over your own? Why are you happy to erect safety netting just to accommodate these thugs and dismantle it once they have departed. Why are you content to have our home destroyed in parts just because the repair bill will be sent across the city? Do you think that is reason enough to repeatedly invite this rabble in. Is the 'well our fans do the same there (equally wrong) so vice versa' explanation a reasonable and satisfactory one? We offered the olive branch one again and once again it was taken from us, slapped across our face and thrown back. Are you also happy to receive the extra costs and 'overtime' policing bill that's required in order to provide the overhanded treatment, and permit fans to be treated so appallingly? Are you so afraid that any refusal to provide an allocation based on reasonable grounds and factual evidence, would result in financial penalties from the SPFL? Surely saving any cost of repairs/extreme policing, netting and un-netting sections for this fixture warrants a pro-active decision? Or, here's a thought, stand up to them, back the well being of your own fans and their families, support the people that contribute so much to our great club. Heed the requirements of a safe environment, listen to the grievances of the fans. Promote a friendly peaceful atmosphere in which to continue to thrive and enjoy our game. The club is a family and should be protected on all fronts against a whole manner of different threats. You, as custodians have a duty to do everything in your power to provide this. Netting them off...really? What's next...sound proofing? The old wall and trough urinals? A hole in the floor bathroom facility (for more solid materials)? Surely we reach a point where prevention has to be better than the cure.
    If a neighbour of mine came in foul mouthed my wife, smashed my television and then sh@t on my carpet while his brother bullied my kids in the garden, would I remain silent? Would I invite them round again to kick my dog? Should I have to place all my ornaments out of reach so their brood don't break them because the parents won't tell them to leave them alone? Erm! think not, not even on the agreement that I could visit them and return the compliment if I'd like.
    If they behave like this here, our next visit there doesn't bear thinking about. More incidents of injured players and backroom staff being pelted by missiles, our fans being subjected once again to a barrage of bigoted, racist, hatred and accusations of child abuse (slander anywhere else on the planet). That's assuming a number of fans make it through the gates of the underworld and aren't detained 'en route' for such offences as displaying anything green, walking on the cracks in the pavement or possessing a decent attitude. Will we see none confrontational policing on that day? (only towards one side I bet).

    Lawwell, Nicholson, Taylor wake up and smell the stench that still lingers inside Celtic Park from the weekend. You are dividing support over a situation that could've been avoided by simply "KEEPING THEM AWAY AND NOT HAVING THEM BACK". Expect more next season and probably worse to come.

    (Unless of course they find away to reinstate the ban, after all, we should play at their place first next season. A favourable result in this coming fixture will have them studying the 'reasons for refusal' handbook).

    So, "WHAT THE * WERE YOU THINKING?"...Celtic.
    markybhoy1976 likes this.
  3. Pogues

    Aug 29, 2015
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    Mate, I think it's a fair assumption that the polis have no love for the gb and this pig watch thing will only add to that. If you don't think the polis will try and * them up then fine but I do. At no point did I say it is right.
  4. jake10

    Feb 13, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Fav Celtic Player:
    whoever is our new record spend
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Go on home british soldiers
    You accused me of sticking up for the club, show me or shut the * up I'll post where and when I like crow
  5. Notorious Gold Member Gold Member

    Oct 6, 2012
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    I'm not talking about you
    jake10 likes this.
  6. jake10

    Feb 13, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Fav Celtic Player:
    whoever is our new record spend
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Go on home british soldiers
    Apologies Crow, I'm many things but never an apologist for our tory, happy to sit at the back of the bus board.
  7. Notorious Gold Member Gold Member

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Good man