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Celtic Supporters Thread (contains GB chat)

Discussion in 'Celtic Chat' started by Paul67, Dec 17, 2010.

Discuss Celtic Supporters Thread (contains GB chat) in the Celtic Chat area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. Notorious Gold Member Gold Member

    Oct 6, 2012
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    I just canny take to him though

    I don’t buy this Celtic feeling from him
  2. Random Review

    Aug 31, 2012
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    Jinky (ever) Lubo (modern era), KT (current)
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Fields of Athenry
    I hope he gets stuck in a lift for 12 hours and he is forced to listen to his own music for every single minute of the 12 hours.
    kramer1 and Mystic Penguin like this.
  3. Sloth McCausland Gold Member Gold Member

    Sep 23, 2008
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    How about listening to the wolfe tones
  4. Mystic Penguin

    Sep 10, 2009
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    Republic of North Lanarkshire
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    He's happy to sing Grace for a profit

    Rod Stewaart just does and says whatever is best for Rod Stewart.
    Random Review likes this.
  5. Qué sera sera Gold Member Gold Member

    Aug 11, 2023
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    Fair enough if you don't like him, but he's definitely Tim'd oot his nut, he's been promoting Celtic at his live shows for decades now, wearing Celtic clobber on stage, projecting Celtic imagery onto huge screens, his Celtic crest on the drum kit etc...... he's unashamedly promoted Celtic at live shows and on DVDs to hundreds of millions of people all over the world. He probably deserves a bit of credit for that, therefore in my opinion it's unfair to question his Celtic supporting credentials off the back of that.

    Having said all that, I actually can't stand the guy either, so I appreciate the general point you make. I stop waaaay short of wishing any harm on him, but I think he's a Tory * and a bit of an erse......... His ONLY redeeming quality for me is his being a Celtic fan.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2023
    Johniebhoy. likes this.
  6. Qué sera sera Gold Member Gold Member

    Aug 11, 2023
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    FFS..... I'm new here and just kinda trying to feel my way in....... Two bottles of wine and a few beers and I'm arguing Rod Stewart's case. :39:

    I can't go the guy, if he wasn't a Celtic supporter I know for a fact I'd hate him lol. :101:

    But anyway, yeah........ The Hun record chasing him down for a poppyquote was pathetic, and Rods answer was the only one he could have realistically given without committing career suicide and/or spending the next forever fighting off bullshit from the gutter press.

    Whatever you think of Rod or Poppyfest, this is a non story from Huns at the Daily Record, I've already given it way more of my time than it deserved, I'm out. :50:
    FranceCelt, Johniebhoy. and Pogues like this.
  7. leeso-ardoyne

    Feb 3, 2010
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    Most British people hated/disliked the Irish. Anyone who moved to the UK for a better life will tell you this. Yes it's changed now but not during the troubles. This isn't what I'm getting at thou. Not the ordinary people but anyone who puts a uniform on and served in Ireland is who I'm talking about. And don't for one min try and tell me these where all hard working people just there to keep the peace. This is what stupid people think they where doing here! Anyone who served in the north of Ireland is a war criminal to me. I seen it with my own eyes and I'd say anyone who lived through it carries some sort of trauma still to this day at what we all experienced growing up from the onslaught of intimidation, harassment, abuse , physical attacks and I've already mentioned the brutal murders from them. This was a daily occurance! The Brits had our people * tortured day and night! These weren't just a few bad apples ffs. Even writing this I'm shaking my head at you trying to justify that they aren't war criminals. Ridiculous statement from you.

    Catholics/nationalists/republicans where targets to them and that's the facts of it. Could tell you umpteen things about the * bring trigger happy with their rifles. Next door neighbor of mine got riddled by one of the * (same neighbor was also blown up in a car bomb) while standing at a funeral the * opened fire on our ones. All ages standing in that garden thst day when he discriminatly opened fire and the neighbor got hit in the stomach. Shots right through my birds grandma's living room through the window narrowly missing anyone in that living room thst day. The neighbors young brother out driving his car one night and Brits opened up on his brother hitting the car a few times with live rounds. His brother was very lucky non of them live rounds hit him.

    What about the * opening up in west Belfast at a few young ones out * about in a car and killed one of them, shot a few others in the car to. One even got out and run away and the * chased him opening fire at him hitting him a few times. Luckily for him he servived!

    Google about the massagar in the new lodge where they used our ones for target practice from above the flats. I forget how many they murdered thst night. They where heard laughing at how they where drooping like flies from the people in the flats below the roof. Kept reloading and shot dead a good few innocent young men that night leaving the pub.

    Go do a Google search and see the amount of children shot dead by them *. And as for the language, there's no other terms to describe them! They where * animals.

    Again, these are just a few things popping into my head as I type this! There's hundreds more incidents I could tell you about and so could anyone from the north.

    You telling me these aren't war crimes.

    As for seeing both sides to the poppy debate. Anyone with common sense sees both sides and sides with what's right. And what's right is it's a war symbol for the Brits in all wars and with thst, any decent person and especially someone who's maybe pro republican or sympathizes with the Irish people during the struggle, they shouldn't have a blood stained poppy anywhere near them and especially contributing with your hard earn cash towards anything to do with that filth.

    In a nutshell again for you. This is not just a symbol for the men who died in WW1 and WW2. It's a symbol for British militarism and shouldn't be anywhere near our club.

    And to think there's some in our support to say that the likes of me should wait outside while others in our support Laps up.all that *, well it's * disgusting. It's like being a second class citizen all over again! Sure you just sit out there untill we pay respect to the filth that brutalized your people and when we're finished, ack sure it's time for you to come in now. Not a * chance! I will stand my ground and boo anything to do with the British establishment at the home if my football club and anyone has anything to say about inside parkhead will be told to GTF!

    With that said, you might notice the anger in my post. It's not directly aimed at you. It's just anything to do with lapping up to the Brits boils my * blood. I'll stand my ground in front of anyone who tries to force me to sit it out of my clubs football ground ever and will always at every opportunity remind anyone how much scum the * where I'm my country. Very similar to what's going on in palastine the mindset of the British army and the Israelis. Anyone who grew up through it will testify this!
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2023
    oh bhoy likes this.
  8. Random Review

    Aug 31, 2012
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    Jinky (ever) Lubo (modern era), KT (current)
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Fields of Athenry
    I don't know, mate. You're arguing against things I never wrote and for things I never denied.

    What we really want is to put an end to this kind of evil, or at least for it to become rare. What you have to ask yourself is this: what attitudes move us towards that goal and what attitudes move us away?
    FranceCelt likes this.
  9. leeso-ardoyne

    Feb 3, 2010
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    You said you worked with people who served in the British army and you wouldn't class them as war criminals. See my post above where I strongly disagree!

    You said you'd contribute to the poppyvest with your hard earnt cash just so your niece would have one. Would it not be best to give her a history lesson and tell her that this is a disgusting symbol partly for savages in war times. Maybe then she wouldn't Shame herself wanting to wear one.

    Can you not see where I answered to your post.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2023
  10. leeso-ardoyne

    Feb 3, 2010
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    Ask a Jew to wear a * symbol or stand outside somewhere untill theres a min silence for Nazis then they can come in to the party. Once your brain sees this perspective then maybe you'll see ours!
  11. Sean Daleer Show Israel the Red Card Gold Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Do you know a large part of match day support come from an island historically oppressed by the very people we were meant to stay silent for?

    Know what, it's beside the point.

    Asking 60,000 people, half of whom are tanked up, to shut their traps at the beginning of the game, is * unworkable.

    You just love to have a ding dong on here eh?
  12. Sean Daleer Show Israel the Red Card Gold Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Rod Stewart is a Tory and he played Sun City at the height of Apartheid.

    I hope his next * is a boeing 747
  13. Sean Daleer Show Israel the Red Card Gold Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    I don't think that argument stands up these days.
  14. Double Dutch

    Feb 17, 2019
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    You're not very bright are you Sean?
  15. KRS-1888 Scott La Rock

    Sep 11, 2010
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    There are Lisbon Lions who were tories,and as a club we’d play over there right now no bother while a genocide is happening.I don’t even like Rod Stewart tbh but this whole ‘not a fan because I don’t like their views’ stuff is just a nonsense tbh.
  16. Sean Daleer Show Israel the Red Card Gold Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    The irony of that post, after what I said, is completely lost on you.

    I made an absolute * of it the other day and have apologised to all the right people.

    You though are an angry wee hobbit. I used to tolerate you because we we seemed to be on the same side. That's my bad.

    You need to calm down kid. You look like a * fool.
    Mystic Penguin likes this.
  17. Sean Daleer Show Israel the Red Card Gold Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Where did I say he's not a fan?
  18. KRS-1888 Scott La Rock

    Sep 11, 2010
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    You never said anything,you posted it.
  19. Double Dutch

    Feb 17, 2019
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    Mate I'm happy as Larry, I'm no the one that gets wound up on the Internet :giggle1:
  20. Sean Daleer Show Israel the Red Card Gold Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    You might want to read it again.