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Boli Bolingoli-Mbombo

Discussion in 'Ex Players' started by Keano88, Jul 3, 2019.

Discuss Boli Bolingoli-Mbombo in the Ex Players area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. The Prof Administrator Administrator

    Feb 28, 2010
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    We tried to loan him tae ISIS, but they said they had enough problems ....
  2. davidhannah

    Aug 13, 2014
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    Hope he's on that flight to Amiens before UK Quarantines France tonight again. Then again lockdown doesn't apply to Bolingoli.
  3. PaulM1888 Moderator Moderator Gold Member

    May 8, 2007
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    I’d want both gone and I’ve got posters of Calmac on my wall.

    What Boli done defies any possible logic you could apply.
  4. Spring Time Gold Member Gold Member

    Mar 21, 2009
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    how have we been hammered? I Must have missed something.

    just seen the story.
  5. HoopyT Danny McGrains Bearded Army Gold Member

    Nov 11, 2006
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    Hammered by having to miss 2 matchdays which will no doubt be scheduled somewhere between a trip to Ibrox/Pittodrie and a Euro game knowing this lot. All because we didn't micro-chip an employee and chain him to the goalposts in Lennoxtown.
    freitassen likes this.
  6. Sydneysider

    Aug 7, 2014
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    So Amiens were interested in this pillock ( who is clearly unhappy at Celtic, and the feeling is mutual ) and surprise, surprise he takes a weekend trip to Spain and is filmed / photo'd.

    When its exposed ( as it obviously would be) he expresses no remorse and thinks its no big deal.

    Then we have to pay to get rid of the xxxx and then sell him at a bargain price to Amiens who are located about 150k from this * birthplace ...

    No, not suspicious at all...
  7. lazyregula

    Oct 11, 2008
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    Let the people sing!
    I thought that but then in here: https://spfl.co.uk/news/coronavirus...wTehNTBAWRCmX3yHFme02a8uM-1A6S8J_AvelwQyzIhg0

    SPFL Disciplinary Proceedings - Aberdeen FC and Celtic FC

    Following investigation, the SPFL has opened separate disciplinary proceedings against each of Aberdeen FC and Celtic FC for alleged breaches of the SPFL’s Covid-19 – Requirements and Testing Regulation.

    Unless this is unrelated?
  8. Notorious Gold Member Gold Member

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Article from big Sutton in today’s record

    Boli Bolingoli behaved like an idiot. That’s not up for debate.

    I had to smile when Neil Lennon said he might struggle to get back into the dressing room. Struggle?

    If it’s like the dressing room we shared at Celtic, Bolingoli would have been lucky to get out of it in one piece when the news of his stupid Spain jolly broke, never mind back into it.

    The Aberdeen boys were also guilty of being careless when they went into the pub as an eight.

    You can’t condone rule-breaking. But I’ve got to be honest, I’m also getting very uneasy about the way footballers are being treated and talked about by politicians plus other people.

    In fact, I’ll go a step further. Some of the language used by Nicola Sturgeon and Jason Leitch last week actually made me very angry.

    Leitch said that a bubble system has been designed because players are privileged and getting to do things the rest of the population aren’t. What’s that then? Go to their work?

    That’s what footballers are being put in a bubble to do – to go to their work.

    Just like the staff at supermarkets, or those who work in the hospitality sector, or those who are going to office blocks.

    They aren’t getting sent on free holidays to Barbados. They’re going to work to do their jobs, which their employers pay them for.

    How’s that privileged?

    Leitch had a meeting on Zoom with the managers and captains at the beginning of the week and I was disgusted when I heard the way he spoke about it.

    Mentioning how he had reminded them of their responsibilities, he actually said: “I didn’t miss them, I think you can be assured.”

    Didn’t miss them? Who does he think he is, John Wayne?

    I’m loath to criticise any person who is trying to keep people safe, let alone the National Clinical Director. But you can criticise such patronising language – it’s not helpful.

    Covid-19 is very serious. No one takes it more seriously than me. I was deeply annoyed at the English Premier League talking about start dates at the beginning of the pandemic when people were dying in their thousands.

    My dad is high risk so I don’t like to go out for meals or anything like that at the moment.

    But I know my boys are going out for some food and a pint here and there. That’s fine because I know they’ll be super careful.

    Bolingoli’s indiscretion was disgraceful. What he did was indefensible. It was a blatant lack of respect for everyone. The Aberdeen boys were guilty more of a bit of bad judgment.

    We all know there are plenty of people in the UK who are doing exactly the same as the Dons guys did. There are loads of people being caught breaking the rules and they are getting a slap on the wrist or a warning. Maybe even a small fine.

    I’m hearing discussions about players having to do community service if they are caught breaking the rules. Community service? That’s a term linked to people who could be sent to jail. It’s preposterous.

    Of course, it’s all too late. If they had put the correct measures in place to start with we’d not have had these recent issues.

    If the punishments had been a fine of six weeks’ wages and a six-game ban for any player, I’d bet we wouldn’t have any rules breaks.

    But now, as usual, it’s about authorities being reactive instead of proactive.

    Players will feel they simply can’t go out to restaurants or cafes any more.

    It annoys me that these lads feel they can’t go over the door now when boys and girls around Scotland can go out with three of their mates for a latte or a pizza.

    Sturgeon said she’s asking members of the public to make huge sacrifices in how they live their lives and how she can’t have privileged football players just deciding they’re not going to bother.

    The First Minister gave out chat about yellow cards, how the next incident will be a red and football could be shut down.

    But when her Chief Medical Officer was caught breaking the rules at her holiday home in Fife I don’t recall any talk of Holyrood being shut down.

    In fact, if I recall correctly, Sturgeon initially chose to keep Catherine Calderwood in her job until the sheer weight of public pressure forced that situation to change.

    Let me make this clear. I’m not defending Bolingoli or anyone who flaunts the rules with such blatant disregard.

    I’m also not saying the Aberdeen boys didn’t do anything wrong in the current climate.

    But some of the talk is over the score. Footballers are easy targets.

    It was the same at the beginning when people were demanding they take pay cuts and make donations to charities as well as the NHS. This when TV, film and music stars weren’t even getting a mention and some were laying off staff.

    These lads are like prisoners now. They won’t even be able to go to the garage for petrol without some vigilante holding a mobile phone and trying to take their picture to get them into trouble.

    If you think being allowed to go to your work and do your job means you’re privileged then that makes every working man and woman in the country going to their graft every morning privileged at the moment.

    But do you think a milkman, a mechanic or a plumber who breaches Covid-19 rules is going to get community service or singled out for a personalised lecture from government?

    No, nor me. So why should footballers be any different?
  9. DonnyCelt

    Jul 21, 2010
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    Anybody seen what that fat * Boyd has spouted in the Scottish Hun this morning? :99:
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2020
  10. honda Gold Member Gold Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    "I like pies, get those pies in my belly, I'm a fat hun who's a fat * anaw"

    Along those lines surely?
  11. Twisty Champions Again !!! Gold Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    Naw, because I wouldn't wipe my * with it let alone give them money to keep printing * and paying hun * like him.
  12. Jo-Jo-Buffon

    Jun 18, 2009
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    port glasgow
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    walk alone on a champs league night
    Apparently we knowingly broke "the rules" and should be minus 9 points , if it was the Huns he would be saying the same???

    Also he spends £500 a night on his dinner
    DonnyCelt likes this.
  13. Spring Time Gold Member Gold Member

    Mar 21, 2009
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    We stand a good chance of getting blamed then.
  14. MagicBallBhoy Gold Member Gold Member

    Aug 1, 2008
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    government politicians are all up their own arses, wee nicola and pals too

    remember boris johnson at the start of the pandemic telling us all boasting infact publicly how he was shaking hands with folk, whilst at the same time his sage covid group were urging that the government should tell people not to shake hands

    politicians are far too removed from the public they are supposed to serve and far too much in a bubble of like minded arseholes with superiority complexes

    why you hanging around with huns ?
    Gully Sands likes this.
  15. celtic warrior

    Aug 29, 2007
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    Can we just send out a massive ad saying we'll pay £10mill for any club just to take him from us.

    * bin the *. Games in hand or not, he's singlehandedly * our start to the season, unacceptable during any season but with the powder keg of it being for the 10 as well as the pandemic it shouldn't even be debated, * get him off the books immediately.

    Don't care if he lives in UK still, sack him and let him go claim universal credit until Lochore Welfare come sign him up and let wallow in semi pro Scottish leagues
    seanm likes this.
  16. Jeannie960 Gold Member Gold Member

    Mar 22, 2006
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    Got to say I don't see a lot wrong in what Sutty is saying. I'm for independence and I will vote for this shower to get it but he's right about the language being bandied around right now by Politicians and their aides. It's arrogance and patronising and it will remembered when the dust of independence settles. The rules should have been set by football governing bodies from the outset of this thing. There would have been no need for Gov interference.
  17. Foley1888

    May 15, 2008
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    I think Sutton makes a good point about the SFA/SPL see all this about sanctions for breaking rules, these should all have been worked out before the season started back up.

    There was months to agree this with no football instead of now retrospectively coming up with a punishment after the event. It’s the same with deciding what to do about postponements of games and if the league needs to be shutdown again.

    Any professional body you would have thought would have been keen to iron this out an avoid last seasons toys being thrown out the pram antics.
    seanm likes this.
  18. Peej Gold Member Gold Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Genuinely this is one player I would be happy to see us rip up the contract and pay him off.

    What he did wasnt just idiotic, it literally has put people's lives at risk.

    He was absolutely * last season, a run of 3 games and we all started taking to him as a comedy cult hero as such, but he was still * and never actually learned anything to develop his game

    He's useless. He's wreckless,

    Get rid.

    Sent from my MAR-LX1A using Tapatalk
    seanm and CH4 like this.
  19. CH4 Gold Member Gold Member

    May 30, 2009
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    So is this daft * still here ?
  20. Notorious Gold Member Gold Member

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Neil Warnock has revealed he tried to sign under-fire Celtic defender Boli Bolingoli on loan for Middlesbrough last week.

    Bolingoli has received heavy backlash for breaking quarantine rules by taking a secret trip to Spain before the Hoops’ Scottish Premiership match against Kilmarnock on August 9.

    Subsequently, Celtic’s matches with St Mirren and Aberdeen this week were suspended – and his actions could see the Scottish Government put a halt to the current top-flight season.

    Warnock is attempting to add recruits to his Middlesbrough side ahead of the new Championship season, which starts on September 12.

    And Bolingoli, a £3million signing from Rapid Vienna last summer, was on his list of targets.

    He told talkSPORT: “I rang Celtic last week asking about Bolingoli on loan! It’s a good job I didn’t get him, isn’t it?”

    Asked if he would go back in for him, Warnock replied: “No, not now. It’s just one of those things.

    “We lost about five or six players and we’ve only signed one at the minute.

    “We’re trying to catch up and it’s difficult in the current market.”

    Celtic boss Neil Lennon has cast serious doubt over Bolingoli’s Hoops future, admitting it would be ‘very difficult’ for the now quarantined player to be welcomed back.

    An irate Lennon said: “I am livid, it’s a total betrayal of trust.

    ”He took a flight to Spain on the Monday and flew back on Tuesday – one day in Spain, no logic to that – and decided to keep it to himself

    We couldn’t have done any more as a club to maintain the standards. This is a rogue who has gone off tangent and decided to do something very, very selfish.

    “He trained all week in this bubble and was part of the squad for Sunday and put everybody at risk, the Kilmarnock players and staff as well.

    “We were livid and appalled. We have been bitterly, sorely let down by the selfish actions of one individual. He blatantly disregarded instructions.

    “The players are angry, disappointed and frustrated. It’s just not good enough. It’s just simply not good enough.”

    tarboltontim likes this.