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Ange Postecoglou

Discussion in 'Ex Players' started by Mr. Slippyfist, May 29, 2021.

Discuss Ange Postecoglou in the Ex Players area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. PaulM1888 Moderator Moderator Gold Member

    May 8, 2007
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    My exact thoughts and I don’t think he’s that person.

    In the eye of the storm with the rat we maybe never said it out loud but ultimately everyone knew he was a narcissistic * and leaving us in the lurch after the whole ‘I love you’ act was always going to happen.

    Ange isn’t that person so if his intention was to be here for a long time and he’s telling us he’s invested in this club as much as he is, if he leaves from that there’s no real coming back from that in terms of legacy with the fans. Some may disagree with that but it’s the truth.

    All that being said we’re dealing in hypotheticals here and he’s done nothing whatsoever to think he’d leave us after the regular sycophantic public comments.
  2. Al Bootyerbaws

    Nov 7, 2011
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    See that Open Goal interview with Ange is the sound a bit * or is it just my telly coming the *?
  3. bhoy_wonder Gold Member Gold Member

    Aug 11, 2010
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  4. themouth1888

    Jun 23, 2011
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    Only thing I'm holding on to is a previous interview when he said we would be surprised how long he was here for.

    He must have known other teams were or would eventually look at him. So unless he was just saying * to get us onside why have things changed??
  5. Captain Brown Gold Member Gold Member

    Aug 28, 2006
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    He's * staying.
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  6. Drakhan Nac Mac Feegle Gold Member

    Jan 9, 2012
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    If Ange goes, sack Lawwell
  7. Notorious Gold Member Gold Member

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Ange Postecoglou and Steve Blair are tight.

    Tighter than tight. 'Blairy' as Postecoglou calls him.

    The duo formed the closest of bonds at South Melbourne, where they were team-mates for a decade in the 1980s and 1990s. He is someone who is part of the Celtic manager's inner sanctum.

    Blair has read all the social media reports and watched the rumour mill go into overdrive regarding his best pal and a switch south of the border to Tottenham Hotspur. The Premier League side will reportedly step up their interest after Saturday's Scottish Cup Final against Inverness.

    But Postecoglou's pal remains unconvinced and doesn't see him leaving Celtic.

    The 61-year-old reckons that the grass isn't exactly greener on the other side, feeling Postecoglou has some unfinished business in Glasgow - particularly when it comes to the Champions League.

    It is his opinion that the Australian is not ready to throw the towel just yet as he would be turning his back on so much.

    Blair admits that the Postecoglou he knows is intensely loyal and that leaving a lasting legacy at Celtic is paramount to his thinking.

    Blair said: "Leaving a legacy at Celtic is really important to Ange. In my heart of hearts, I don't think Ange will go to Tottenham Hotspur.

    "I think he has unfinished business at Celtic, especially in the Champions League. He wants another crack at that competition. That's what I think drives him.

    "The Ange I know is loyal and true to his word. All his comments tell you that he is focused on the job at Celtic and what he wants to do.

    "Nothing in life is certain and it could happen. I just don't think it will. If the Liverpool job was up for grabs and they were interested in Ange then it would be a totally different story.

    "A lot of people hear what they want to hear or see what they want to see with regards to Ange. He has even made comments like he will be around for longer than people think. He has told them these things.

    "Celtic are on the cusp of a world record eighth domestic treble. Nobody would have predicted that when he first walked in the door. I had mates calling me over here when he was first linked with the job asking, "Ange who?"

    "He wasn't a name to the Celtic supporters and they were not having it as it was not what they wanted. Now look at the transformation. He has done an immense job of inheriting a shambles where the fans were protesting about everything.

    "Ange has managed to unite every member of the Celtic family. He came over to Scotland himself with no backroom staff to a foreign land and revitalised Celtic in their desperate hour of need. That is just crazy.

    "I have heard all about the likes of Jock Stein, Tommy Burns, Martin O'Neill, Brendan Rodgers and people like that down the years and to see that it has all sunk in with one of your best pals is like a dream.

    "He has a wonderful knack of saying all the right things at the right time and being the statesmanlike manager that a club like Celtic crave.

    "It is sort of like fate for him as well as he was a Liverpool and Celtic fan growing up. We were always talking about Celtic when we played for South Melbourne, so he has been indoctrinated with all the chat from a very early age.

    "It has all come full circle with that now as he gets to walk out at Celtic Park every week to the strains of "You'll Never Walk Alone". That's really special for him.

    "I've told him every time he walks out that tunnel and the Celtic fans are singing that song, I am sitting right on his shoulder singing it in his ear!

    "I'm sure he reads texts like that and thinks, what the * is he talking about? He is used to it. He probably just thinks that's Stevie... again. I am as proud as punch of him and what he has achieved at Celtic. My heart swells with pride every time I watch him.

    "Whenever I text him he always gets back to me despite having a million and one things to do. I always get a thumbs-up as he hates letting people down but he understands the weight and the pressure of it all. He handles it all so well.

    "Ange has also got the buy-in from the Celtic board, the Celtic players and most importantly the supporters. He understands that bond and what it means and why Celtic is more than just a football club.

    "If he wins the eighth domestic treble, he will create a world record but more importantly for Ange he will be lauded and up there alongside Stein, O'Neill, Rodgers and Lennon as treble-winning Celtic managers. That's an amazing achievement and absolutely brilliant.

    "That's why I just don't see him building that rapport with the fans, with the club and everybody connected to Celtic worldwide and then all of a sudden just turning his back on them.

    "I know the guy personally and he would not do that. He just would not do that. I just can't see that happening."

    Furthermore, Blair believes it is high time that Postecoglou was rewarded with a bumper contract rather than the one-year rolling deal that he is currently on.

    That would reaffirm Celtic's commitment to Postecoglou as well as ensure that any potential suitors would have to fork out plenty for his services, just as Leicester City had to stump up £9 million in compensation when they plundered Brendan Rodgers from Glasgow's east end.

    Blair is adamant that if Celtic came up with a suitable package, then Postecoglou would put pen to paper and hand the club a massive boost heading into the summer.

    He insists that would be the biggest statement of all by Celtic to tie their most highly prized asset on a longer-term deal.

    "I would love to see the club do their bit now and fully commit to him," Blair continued. "They have appointed Ange and they have seen what he can do. He can bring success and he can play attractive football. Celtic are scoring goals and the fans love what they are seeing.

    "Now Celtic need to reward Ange - don't they? Get him off this one-year rolling contract and reward him with a deal worth two, three or five years, whatever it is.

    "I think he would sign a new contract. It also sends a message to Tottenham, or any others for that matter, that if you want Ange you are going to have to pay top dollar for him.

    "You are going to have to compensate Celtic for him because they value him highly. I would like to see Celtic do that now.

    "It would consolidate in him that Celtic are fully invested in him and right behind him.

    "I look at the pictures and his wife and his family all seem really happy. Ange is competing in the Champions League and he is winning silverware. He is absolutely adored by the Celtic faithful, so it is happy days.

    "Long may those happy days continue for Ange. As long as he is at Celtic, of course."
  8. leeso-ardoyne

    Feb 3, 2010
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    Enough zeros added to a number and everyone changes!

    In saying that thou, I'm now in two minds he is going. Menntal torture it's been all day with it. All watts apping each other about off tomorrow and hitting Glasgow for the cup final then all the * with him leaving thinking it's a cert to now after his interview thinking he's staying. Proper * of a head * it's been.
  9. Raoul Duke

    Jan 29, 2015
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    Exactly. Ange has no allegiance to the club prior to joining, if someone like Tierney can leave right before 10 in a row then anyone can move on. However, I think Tierney was obviously told to go by the board so they could cash in.
  10. The Prof Administrator Administrator

    Feb 28, 2010
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    Say Hello To My Little Friend ....
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    Money talks.
    Noskeil and Blochairnbhoy like this.
  11. Blochairnbhoy

    Jan 26, 2017
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    He was told to go mate to fund lennon rebuild
  12. Mr Cleansheets

    Jan 21, 2013
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    ...it always says goodbye.
  13. RalstonFanClubPresident

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Spurs have a tour of Australia :fear:
  14. BhoyFitz

    May 13, 2023
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    Kerry, Republic of 32
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    That’s the thing; Ange is a straight-shooter and I can’t see how he’d have said if he knew there was a chance he’d have been off.
  15. King of Kings

    Oct 11, 2005
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    Maybe he meant we’d all be surprised when he left within two years?
  16. Sean Daleer Free Palestine Gold Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Again. Listening to the man for the last two years you do not get any sense he is driven by money.

    I don’t expect him to be here 6/7/8 years but every word out of his mouth until now just screams that Spurs is not a club for him. Soulless cash machine with supporters with unrealistic expectations and certainly won’t buy a narrative of the sort of things Ange espouses on a daily basis and has led to us adoring the man.

    Nothing about all of this makes sense.

    If he does go I’ll never trust anyone again. Rodgers burned me. Ange will break my heart. :giggle1:
  17. Sean Daleer Free Palestine Gold Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    That’s a fair point haha. Ambiguous enough comment to give him wiggle room on integrity :giggle1:
  18. JML67 Gold Member Gold Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    just on a side note - * bookies, * journos and * pretend ITK *.

    & * Spurs.
  19. littlekennie

    Aug 4, 2007
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    helensburgh scotland
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    Big news that Chelsea didn’t get cl football as it wipes round about 100 million right off their budget something they cant afford on accounts from Deloitte chelsea after wages have round about 100 - 150 million left over which is I’d assume their transfer budget as their wages is 71 per cent of revenue which was the figure before all these new players came in on big deals and and spent 600 million that’s the next 5 years transfer budget all gone now they figures and talking about included champions league football in regards to revenue so where is the money gonna come from to pay toward the transfers …. They need to sell players pronto as way things stand just now they are breaking ffp protocols

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  20. littlekennie

    Aug 4, 2007
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    helensburgh scotland
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    four leaf clover
    Big news that Chelsea didn’t get cl football as it wipes round about 100 million right off their budget something they cant afford on accounts from Deloitte chelsea after wages have round about 100 - 150 million left over which is I’d assume their transfer budget as their wages is 71 per cent of revenue which was the figure before all these new players came in on big deals and and spent 600 million that’s the next 5 years transfer budget all gone now they figures and talking about included champions league football in regards to revenue so where is the money gonna come from to pay toward the transfers …. They need to sell players pronto as way things stand just now they are breaking ffp protocols

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Dublin Celt likes this.