stokes on the bench ,ki starts, ledley left back. Is it just me or do we not seem to pick up a ridiculous amount of injuries in training. makes u...
how many times have we seen it
foul on juarez shocking. hunnish officials
its workin forme
Im gettin pissed off with all these injuries. somethings not right with the training because for the past 2 seasons we have had a ridiculous...
naylor was a better defender
awful again tonight. not a left back. plays like a poor left mid. always out of position,poor tackler. not good enough
fair comment mate. i voted him my player of the year his 1st season . think his crossing is poor at times but thought he was immense tonight. if...
i am sick of mowbray. i cant get my head round that the puffa jacket wearing knob used to be a centre half. jog on
vinny jones:icon_mrgreen:
the fact is mowbrays trying to build a team and he has identified people who are not in his plans, therefore they need to go. strachan had too...
i would want mcfadden as part of the deal
isle of wight festival
caldwells saying in the daily mailthat mowbray wanted to keepm him and that it was lawell who ko'd it. Thats all good and well as im not bothered...
zaluska hinkel loovens mcmanus fox mgeady ki crosa mginn samaras fortune
went all in 4-0 celtiuc. wish id gone to the real bookies:54:
withnail and i