Ah, the age old youth development subject. Was I being too optimistic when I hoped for a Hibs-style youth revolution at Celtic Park under...
Ibrox isn't really the place to experiment in new formations and line-ups to be fair.
Glad to see the lad do well, but the SPL, even in it's current form, is a step up from the Oceania leagues.
Even if he got as far as Glasgow he'd take one look at the contract offered to him and bolt back down to London quicker than you can say...
Anybody having a serious go at McDonald needs to remember that the days of being able to spend big money on quality strikers like Hartson and...
Two posts and one typo in and he's already got some action on the go. I am goo-ood.
There not some kind of horrendous sex act involved in that is there? Because I can live with that.
S'up guys. I was obviously inspired to join up after our wonderful performance against Vienna. :87: Anyway, nice to meet you all, I'll try not to...