you dont have to go on my threads. what would you rather discuss ...
If you had scrolled down you'd have saw how many times ive posted ... My argument is a simple celtic are more accepted IN IRELAND than scotland ....
Just wondering if you think we will ever have the second highest gate on average in britain again - or are we poised to decline further
didint say he was a legend was refering to his ability . he had an outstanding record with sporting lisbo.
I Agree with alot of that - I mean the whole singing thing is a grey area at the min i agree singing oh ah up the ra is outdated and pointless ....
quite a lot actually
the scottish media is chewing at the bit . if it could ban tri colours from park head they would. deep seeded hatred of irishness in scottish...
Celtic did exsist in ireland and had huge crowds .. they went by the name of belfast celtic but had to disband because of a secterian attack on...
But I am just pointing out you would be unable to wear celtic jersey at a national scottish game the way you can at an ireland games. Or maybe ive...
As I wrote that I remembered the lisbon lions right away - although many of them were second generation irish . Their grand parents were Irish...
Just watched the Ireland game there- witnessed an identicle celtic huddle by the celtic players, celtic jereys wore in the stands just as common...