i know kayal was probably at fault for their goal but he was our best player but dnt be fooled athletic had one or two stone wall chances - we...
this season mate
Do you think he looks lazy in some games and ive personally saw lennon scream at him for just giving up after losing the ball
He doesnt run his heart out even when hes playin crap. which infuriates me. he wouldnt be in my pub team. his goal had a shade of luck on sat
What would people rather win . Uefa cup (europa league) or spl. Personally this season this question is particularly difficult as we are currently...
would have loved to have went - public sector strike / early kick off would two days of work coming from belfast :(
Rennes can still qualify they win there next two games and we win our next two then we both go through pretty tight group then
is the stadium going to be less than 50000 god if so this is a shame :(
George believe me from inside the IFA he has been tipped as a very very talented young man .
Hello Mate I do agree that there is an overall loss of interest in Celtic in popular culture in Ireland over the last few years – that is...
No they are
Well there you are they are scots based. I am IRISH based i travel to dublin to watch ireland. Believe me id be surprised if celtic were not the...
How would you know im in the south all the time and there are huges amount of celtic supporters just look at the jerseys at a roi game.
Mate couldnt agree more there are Celtic murals all over west belfast celtic bars and and celtic shops . Still believe the biggest club in...
Sorry but but celtic our in no doubt in the top 3 most supported teams in Ireland . Manchester united , liverpool And celtic . In belfast alone...
season tickets this year? how much did people pay for thier season tickets this year?
i really want to beat them they are struggling in la liga atm
Is there any programmes on sky / espn that do a european round up of all the major leagues i.e portugese and stuff
what a treat that was a scottish barcalona today - could have been 7 or 8 with penalties .
fizzed out here st mirren move the ball well altho havnt caused us any problems in the danger areas