This is the only way he would leave this year. wont happen though, Mogga must have had a word with the board and told them what everyone knew....
We need two CB's 2 creative technically gifted midfielder, maybe the Korean guy? An other A clinical striker. O Dea back For me thats five...
This is a good story mate and not a deflection at all. The Celtic Trust is going to table a motion to get rid of the Chair and biggest...
Its a genetic flaw.:icon_mrgreen:
I have followed Celtic to Germany twice and both occassions had a great time with the oppossing supporters, no trouble at all. I think that...
No chance. Killen is a carthorse with no pace, touch etc. We need quality in and Killen was never that. Two from MAF Sammy and The Fat Kangaroo...
Great gpoing forward but like the rest of them cannot defend. Prone to get caught out od position far too often.
Good heartfelt post and for me sums up how i also feel. The board have to make a decison soon. Nobody could watch that bunch of imposters and...
Mogga has to deal with a sack load of shite players that strachan bought. He will succeed, but only if the board back him. That squad of players...
LMFAO! You should be in the Diplomatic Corps:icon_mrgreen: You are bang on the money though. Mick is no more a player than I am the...
He's checking his nail varnish.
House. He's not good enough. A great Tim, but so am i and I canny remember Mogga asking me to be club captain...apart from that once!:icon_mrgreen:
I am by nature a greetin faced bastard. I have spent the last three years lamenting the decline of our wonderful club and hated the single debt...
It wizny me
Plays a mean Clarinet anaw!
This game is as exciting as watching my goldfish swim round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and...
What age are you? And, do you have an agent?:bbpd::icon_mrgreen:
I wish he would take Calamity Caldwell and also Mick and Loovens to be honest. The three of them couldny keep weans oot a close! Who told him...
On a shitty day you would take this nae bother. Like to see a bit more flair and a few more goals but im a greedy effer.:icon_mrgreen: