Do you now? You know the Logan lad well then? Since you're so easy to belief professional footballers pretend to be racially abused to get players...
Spot on. Sick of Celtic being more of a PLC and less of a football club.
played off the park tonight :(
Any streams lads? I'm in the States right now. No access to even the radio stream.
I'm in the States now troops, so anyone know of any links online for the game online? Cany miss the first competitive game of the season!
Hmm, you who have a problem with him training with the huns, or the fact he was training with a team in league 1 or whatever need to get a grip....
some strike that!
This stream keeps on cutting out for me, anyone got a better one?
Anyone know of any streams that work on the iPad? Or even just audio?
top man. Cheers :50:
anyone got a stream for this by any chance? :)
mill on mill action in scooter land. Feel like I have wandered into Narnia or something...:56:
He's more likely to sign on the dole than sign with us now.
Finnbogason and Pukki will be thinking they have dodged a fucking bullet now. Embarrassing stuff, 1 up front.....reminds me of when Scotland...
cheers bud
any decent streams for this folks?
no streams then?
anyone got a good stream?