if it was between douif or lafferty thn tht would been better bt douif jst cos hes Scum
no no no
a got zebra through about a month ago looking forward ma new seat last one was big pole so this time am in main upper row b
a have moved seats got email sayin celtic keep ur old book but if a ve moved then its different seat n section any one no wen books gettin sent oot
looks like good finisher
think he has alot abllity be good goalie think last year we need matchin winning saves like kenny miller goal was joke bt a think hes alot better...
Rab Douglas
Its something that feels right never been a prouder fan Born Celtic
am in turkey first old firm game any one think that get moved to sunday or saturday early kick off
Been Linked Wif Valenica now (N)
a think jauez is crackin player hope see more but mexico said 5players been postive for doping hope jaurez isny one them
if izzy injuryed thn mulgrew will slot in n if hes injuryed ledley can play there Lb is not main area Gk Striker n cb depends who goes maybe a...
soo funny henderson 20m jones 15m carroll 35 kayal 2m is it still april fools
Looking forward to do it in europe season ticket has been renewed :D
huns one was brilliant a knew a guy in hun section fucked off cos of it
end of this season celtic done alot huddle what was best one we done motherwell last game was for me
dont have link just heard few folk might be yassine el ghanassy says on wiki but not true source
heard celtic have signed a belgain wonderkid has any one heard anything
Steve Guppy
does any one think thomson looks like pepe or is it jst me