Hand on my heart i fucking knew it would finish 3-2 said it to my bird and all. roy of the rovers stuff, Romanov eat your fucking heart out LOL
thought hartley was the jambos best player today would love to see him wearing the hoops but as for the score line... GIRUY hartley you fucking wank
Jingle all the way, oh what fun it us to fuck the hearts on new years day GIRUY you manky swines, even with the ref onside you couldn't get...
belfast john the only decent member left on this motherfucker :50:
wonder why anyone would ban you ?????
not made p[ublic just all the window lickers kept off it, if you want to make it public be my guest it will be your own downfall. :50:
Last night as I lay dreaming of pleasant days gone by My mind been bent on rambling to Ireland I did fly I stepped on board a vision and...
LMAO thats why i had to give the football up to much attention on my pet snake
read ppls PM's ????????????? what are you talking about you window licking cunt
no cunt hits a Dub and gets away with it, robbie is from tallaghtfornia i doubt some gimp with dread locks touched of him, drug cheating cunt that...
i wouldn't delete it i'm not that petty
smilie bhoy :rofl: what qualifications have you got to be working with drug users apart from the fact that your an ex-con - duuuuh
I don't remember him saying he left
Once again loyalty binned :38:
cheers YT i'll delete it then
I have to confess i stole 1000's of V's when i was a bookie I don't want to be a cheese eater but ...................so did duffy, HH, and BB
dubsbhoy = mikeybhoy my real name = sparky ?? Neds
what does that mean ??
will i pull the plug on this ?????????????????????????? nah not my stlye