There are a few people in my local bookies who like to laugh at Celtic, saying we think we are better than we are , we are living on our past and...
Aberdeen play St Johnstone this Friday, if they win there's no way we should demonstrate on Sunday. That is a must win game, we then have to go to...
Doesn't look like he has gone yet so to answer the question could we lose the league, playing like we did yesterday we probably won't win again...
Was afraid of this, this is a unique situation in more ways than one, we are supposed to win easy. They have nothing to lose, they can be relaxed...
Very interesting article in the Guardian, I don't think we want Rodgers as our next manager, even if he would come. I was reminded of Brian...
Its obvious from his remarks after the game he's worried about winning the league now. To say the players have no confidence or belief is an...
Where is Ronny, is something going on
I'd forgotten Lawwell was in Zurich, its just a pity he wasn't at the game tonight, that might, just might save Ronny
I genuinely think Ronny is gone now, there is real danger of losing league
Who gives a fuck about 10iar, I just want my footbal team back
I didn't realize Lawwell was on £900 pa., is that really true, if it is there is the root of the problem. I have seen this syndrome in utility...
I have said all I want to say about Ronny a long time ago but I feel so depressed with whats happening at the moment, I feel the club is at a...
Extraordinary thread, most entertaining for ages, the poor OP hardly got a mention, serves him right though, goes to Las Vegas for the weekend,...
Where does this idea come from that Ronny is a person of great integrity and loving kindness? Evidence?
You cannot turn up at a football club with this blue sky plan, if that is what its called, and fit the players into a slot you design for them....
What I am asking myself is have we reached the bottom of the decline yet. Watching those Celtic fans in the rain yesterday I get the feeling we...
I grew up in Belfast, a divided city , but here was something wonderful done by Catholics and Protestants together, it was so romantic and...
Just curious here, but how would being in a stadium with 100,000 fans watching say Liverpool adversely affect a "real" Celtic fan. Would you...
2 examples from yesterdays game, 1. GMS runs to left wing, looks up, Griffiths is only player in the box, totally surrounded. GMS loses ball (or...