Son of bitch Neymar. In Spain we know as the pool man. Are they in crisis. To crush.
No, but do not want to discuss, you will not see me but for this post. peace.:bbpd: [IMG]
jejeje. I have many friends and some of my family with the colors of the Palm(era). The derby is more familiar. but I'm also green and white, I am...
Gold Medal, ugly shirt [IMG] And the numbers... [IMG]
Thank you all for the welcome. Excuse my English. PD: This season may be in Old Firm in League Cup and Scottish Cup. Am I wrong?
I am Spanish. Native of Seville and big fan of Real Madrid, Sevilla FC (my birth club) and supporter of Glasgow Celtic. And all celtic...
That's not entirely true, friend. The Ultra Sevilla FC group is very united and are leftist ideology. I'm from Sevilla and Nervión (Barrio...