it was obviously a good performance and they will take encouragement from that but a loss is a loss, would have been the biggest shock in years...
F1 bores me too but there is huge skill levels, nerves of steel and concentration required, 1 wrong move and your a dead man. theres skill...
I don't have a chip on my shoulder at all, maybe im just associating rugby with a certain type of individual, which is probably generalising. but...
yes but what its become now is no more than a promo tour, a money spinner for sponsors. I cant see why the pick of 4 countries cant beat...
this lions thing is only a media driven marketing scam and all the sheep that follow it are even worse. rugby is an absolute rubbish game to start...
that was the first replay Kilkenny have lost since 1985 which is a massive record. you could see how Kilkenny are reliant on shefflin, who dragged...
sorry but I don't think I am, they have a huge underage pedigree, they have consistently been winning or at least getting to minor and u21 all...
don't get 1 for the sake of it, wait till you know yourself, nothing worse than being permanently marked with something just for the sake of it.
did I say a team could win an all Ireland??????????? no, I was referring to the cavans/monaghans/fermanaghs of this world. apart from 4/5...
they are the 2 best teams in the country but mayo wont bee too far away, hard to know where mayo are really seen as they havnt been nor wont be...
thats exactly my point, teams with less ability than others are training their teams to be so fit and physical, would they not be better employed...
its not just the defensive systems, there are too many mismatchs in the championship too, some awful 1 sided games, a champions league or a tier'd...
that isn't what I meant and you know it isn't. skills of the game are being abandoned for fitness and strength. I think teams are getting...
tactically astute or win at all costs to the detriment of the game? football has become too cynical, intercounty players are like robotic gym...
this defensive northern football is horrible to watch, allow a team have the ball in their own half and get as many men back behind the ball,...
Olympus has fallen typical American hero propenganda bullshit
wanking ned devine shadow wanker
this boys wank (life)
the wank (basketball) diaries
wank (growing) pains