because he never gets one! whats the use in throwing him on for 4mins at the end when we're desperately needing a goal! what the fucks he...
trust me mate they are fake! i got the barca home and although its a really good copy, its 100% hooky. material is different from the ones in...
i read a couple of weeks ago that Commons had been bulking himself up in the gym, for more upper body strength etc. think he may have shot...
i got the new barca home from soccer triads. its defo a fake, but its one of the best fakes ive ever seen. i compared it to one in the shop and...
stokes has more talent in one of his pubes than that prick boyd will ever have!
ive seen lennon put stokes out left a few times now and it never works. IMO stokes is far more effective in a more central position when he much...
i actually thought he looked pretty comfartable on the ball!
i think Matthews will fill in for izzy when mark wilsons fit
I'll hold my hands up and admit i looked down my nose at the signing of big Chico but have totally changed my opinion of him! He has been...
big dans starting positions cause him all sorts of problems sometimes. hes also as slow as a week in the jail! i will say ive been well...
if celtic had died, i'd have died with them!
the fact that were only able to affoard lower level players is down to the pishy wee league we play in and lack of interest in it. doesnt take...
no doubt hes a massive talent! ive not someone with his dribbling skills for years! get off his case!
what a bullshit thread! wilson is an unsung hero! did you see celtic playing last season?
i usually agree with most of what phil usually says, but im afraid i dont agree with much of this article:38:
god her poor family! RIP Amy! :shamrock:
really liking this top!:50:
yas! mon the polar bears!:celt_2: