hope its 20th july instead of august! :d
i'v got a feeling it will be killen and skippy upfront.
i like the pink benfica 1, shamrock rovers 1 is also nice.
Matthew-CFC if theres any spaces, and if its still on. i'm away on the 16th tho.
Samantha Janus :50:
got the new arsenal top today,:50:
saw him playing a while ago, he as absoloutley rapid, he can play LB aswell
anybody remeber his freekcick agenst barca last season ?
i would go for koren or borja valero,i could have seen us making a move for bednar if he was on the party powder!i wouldnt mind us going for that...
my dads got that covered ;)
liking the benfica home top. sponsor's always ruin the portugese teams tops tho! Saint Etienne away is a cracker!
just realised that i'm going to miss the second round champs league qualifer and possibly the third round as well, the qualifiers are usually on...
good penalty save by khune, but villa made amends
love the new arsenal top:icon_mrgreen:
quite shit last week, hopefully its better tonight.
is that it completely finished ?:54:
1 more person anybody ?
i thought liam lawerence was english