ahhh cool cheers marie n cheers onion ;)
hey i have heard people getting into trouble over trolling and have no idea what it its can anyone shed some lght on it?
there is no way lenny can leave stokes out of this match hes been a goal machine recently hes on fire keep with the hooper stokes partnership and...
it really bothers me that ppl on here say hes not celtic class hes kept how many clean sheets in how many matches do you kno anything about...
fuck sake ness's goal was a screamer lol hard to beat that!
I say 2-0 stokes and commons to score but were due giving a team a thrashing so heres hoping :)
i liked mcgeady but he didnt want to be here. i thot it was a funny move to go to russia seeing he is good enough for prem or the LLP but we have...
sorry if this is in the wrong forum but i dont kno where to post it but my friend in australia sent me this on facebook and found it rather funny...
i wouldnt sell him we are not in such a state financially that we need to sell after one season we need to keep best players to play in europe so...
Firstly - Please tell me your kidding about both highlighted the team needs game time together if there going 2 gel the reason we slipped up...
whats the deal with forrest is he injured??
im sorry but why do people say rest players like kayal who is just back fully fit from injury he needs game time and this games isnt a walk in the...
i dont care the line up for the OF as long as we beat those broke fucks!!! hail hail :celt_2: