Ended up a fuckin wee rat. Canny mind who we were playing but i mind at parkhead, he scored and immediately turned to give the "get it up ye" sign...
Did the local school weans design that one? :smiley-laughing002:
Talented as fuck, shite attitude. Would have been up there if his head wasn't up his arse. Saw Berkovic there as well, he was a good player with...
I like mine poached when i can get it. Not only because i like it but it makes me feel like a fancy cunt.
I think if you stared at one of those tops for long enough you wouldn't need an eccy :smiley-laughing002:
Yas! Love a bit of Dimmu.
Jeezo ye need to warn me before puttin some of these up, i nearly had an eppy!
Cod liver oil and multivitamins my friend. I probably get one cold a year, if at all. Get on it.
Fuck man ive been wantin to see them for god knows how long!! Think i'll grab a couple of tickets myself.
Nice one. My dad was at that gig actually, said it was crackin.
I'm not their biggest fan either, but still a good comeback none the less.