LOOOOOOOOOADSA MONEY!! :smiley-laughing002:
That is the same with all American comedies. "Good morning" hahahahahaha "why are you saying good morning to me?" hahahahahahaha
The RUC are going easy on them for the simple reason that it is their kids rioting.
Escobar. It is written by Pablo's brother Roberto. One of the most interesting books I've read. The money he had was unbelievable.
People with MS are the best ones to judge if it works or not.
House at the End of the Street. Thought it was brilliant and had a good twist at the end. One I think I'll go out and buy on Blu-Ray!...
Poor wee guy needs a doctor
"That's pure jailbait, you're a blue-lighter" "I'll take ma boot aff yer arse" "He's just hit a pure whitey after that bucket. Heavy ambulance case"
Keep us all up to date :50:
If places like Poundland clearly have places for people to work why can't they give people a job? If the tories get another term I wouldn't be...
Exactly. What a load of shite.
not working for some reason?
Thanks for the team talk Michelle
When you hold a door open for someone and they completely ignore you!
I believe that drug and cosmetic testing should be carried out on convicted rapists/paedophiles.
Not bothering this year, far too depressing. Welcome in another new year of tory government. :54:
chicken tikka with mayo on a piece.
We should give them a run out