when the world cup was given it was a joint venture with England & Wales being co-hosts ..I would have had the opening ceremony in Leeds like has...
Burgess ?? England have ;acked harmony all week with stuff that has gone on off the field ...McNamara will resign after the WC he looks out of...
Yep it is 2am always has been :50:
Too Many roundabouts in Skem !!!
Got Peter Gabriel tonight in Manchester ...:50:
Has there been any firm interest or is it just what lenny said the other day ?
Sorry !! :56::56:
I think if the union had common sense in the first place then it wouldn't have come to this . To me ineos put their cards on the table in the...
Good stuff , common sense prevails , those that voted against change should think themselves very lucky to be given a chance to still be in...
With the evidence in front of them they did the right thing ....
A seat ripped out costs money to replace end of story one is one too many !!! i remember the threads on here when the huns played and ripped seats...
True if he was in manchester or Liverpool he would have a real one by that age !!!!!
if the company is wanting to put £300m into a company in this day and age surely a pay freeze for the workers is a small price to pay for this :50:
Where did they say they were slashing wages of the workers ? I think you will find it was a pay freeze . Millions of workers have had to do the...
So your happy with the behaviour of the Ajax fans last night then ? They were scum end of ...
Make them play behind closed doors !! I think it's pathetic people saying it's ok to rip seats up and chuck them and even blaming the police ,...
Sky plus them :86:....looking forward to watching the Samoans ...down with the Irish lads again tomorrow morning for their training session :50:
Just subscribed to it all matches are live ...28 games altogether , minimum of 2 months and a tenner connection fee so just under £30 for all that...
What is the right thing ? Accepting new terms and conditions and having a job wether it be a small pay cut or freeze , it will ensure their...