The oldies are coming out the night
Most of us called Guidetti a diving bastard during the game. Last week? Never heard you.
Came up on my recommended for you vids, haven't heard it in years. Top tune.
I bet Odonno was naked in the lake
Sorry hunni. I didn't really mean it, well not his family just him.
It would be funny if it wasn't so fucking sad. A flare and they ask the manager about it... your whole fanbase singing about being up to their...
You'll feel sad for a few days afterwards :smiley-laughing002: I regretted it straight away.
That's enough meow.
Diddy cup.
TC doesn't do rational after a game, post it in a few days :smiley-laughing002:
It's from the film Super Troopers. Fucking terrible but it gets stuck in your head :smiley-laughing002:
He'd have done fuck all like he usually does in Europe.
Nothing to see here...
Hartson had it spot on, should book players that act like that to the ref to get someone booked.
:smiley-laughing002: That's going to take more monthly donations to run the server now.