This game on bt?
Class.. be good if it inspired other clubs to do the same
[IMG] right there mine.... too many votes for harry potters cousin but fuck it am away for hours kip before work
if you where a unionist who else would you vote for really.... its no tory die hards
[IMG] Thats a pumping
haha a fucking hate aberdeen man, cept the aberdonians tims the rest are genuine bawbags
greens apparently split SNP vote for Edinburgh central can see them doing well
Dumfrieshire Dumfrieshire Dumfrieshire Dum frie shire, someone drew the border wrong gee them cunts to England
Dumfrieshire isnae in Scotland im no having it give me a hundred shetland islands over those bastards anyday
Dumfrieshire can we no just make the border aroon they cunts
Some parts of edinburgh are good haha
ill say SNP for all glasgow bar shettleston
labour came 4rth in edinburgh west lol
sheep shagger town changed big time since oil industry fell on its bum, wonder where they'll swing
so far SNP: 31 (+3) LD: 3 (+1) CON: 2 (+1) LAB: 1 (-5)
would almost feel sorry for Labour .... but nah
fair play salt n sauce bams
ayrs no rural fs, can understand farmers voting tory but still want them to catch the black plague
lol fair play
labour screwed man SNP romping it