You came home to lead the green and white :BR1:
Boyd going on about the mismanagement of how the team was ran since they won the behind closed doors league… even then they were spending more...
Poor philliple… more excuses :56: poor cunts been thrown to the wolves.
This is better than Jerry springer :56::56::56::56:
Big Sutton got Boyd on strings lol the things ye love to see
If there’s ever gonna be a top manager after playing for Celtic it will be Callum mcgregor, he speaks and understands football better than most
Here btw… a fuckin love Brendan. What a fucking manager, what a fucking team. :BR1:
Yaaaass… even when he’s played pish he still comes up with that. The reason you can never take the captain of Celtic off
Wee man’s sparked some life into us… penalty no?
What a legend jimmy Forrest. Come on son
Good bit flat now… can’t let them get back in it or it’s gona be a nervy affair. Get the next goal come on
No chance, no matter how pish he’s playing
He really is
Right that’s them had their wee cameo time to step it up again boys
Don’t even know the name of the guy who hit that out for a corner there but he’s injured/shat himself