I'll be delighted if he goes and we get £10m. Vastly overated and a serious under achiever. One good game v Rangers in 5 seasons and hardly...
He's still a Fulham player as far as I know - but wants to play in France. To be honest, I was not that impressed with him. Seemed like a...
It would be funny if Bellamy returned to haunt Rangers. I hear the teddy's have just lost Wilson to Liverpool. Meltdown! Brilliant!
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You need five or six games just to get match fit, I'd rather have too many games than two few in preparation of Braga. Also we have one large...
McCourt's fitness issue might be a mental thing. Maybe he doesn't think he can get any fitter. He is also a wee bit injury prone but I think...
I am a smoking facist and would ban it completely from society, but I am not sure smoking is his fitness problem - Cruyff was a chain smoker, so...
Last thing Celtic need to do is get rid of skilful players. McCourt has got it, he (and Celtic) just need to work on his stamina and fitness....
There are a few suprise omissions from this list of worst ever. For example, Chris Killen, Willie Garner, Steve Guppy, Momo Sylla, Frank Munro,...
Has to be Scheidt...just because he cost us a lot of cash, but Du Wei was just as bad on the park. Though both players never got a run of games so...
Like the Murphy, I'm not bitter!
I guess it's got to be a case of wait and see. Lenny said an interesting thing the other day about Murphy. Lenny said "He'll take a few hits for...
Possibly Bellamy or Keane up front if McGeady goes...and possibly Campbell or Wilson at the back instead of Loovens.
Zaluska Cha/Hinkel Loovens Rogne/Hoiveld Mulgrew Brown Juarez Ledley Maloney Fortune Rasmussen
Rangers came above us in the SPL and they are mugs!
If Celtic can't overcome Braga - then we must seriously need to re-think from top to bottom. If we want to compete at the highest level in Europe...
Nope, we have new players and a new management team in place. Quite different.
I am not suggesting it will be EASY! I am just saying we should go through if we play to our capacity and get our act together. How many...
Is that the same Sporting Lisbon and Porto that were beaten in recent years by arguably one of the weakest ever Rangers sides?
Sampdoria, Auxerre, Spurs, Werder Bremen or Seville. Auxerre is probably the easiest.