What have your night actions been?
I am being stitched up here. Scum are tiptoeing around it, but rest assured that they will push for me to be lynched today, not Aidan, or anyone...
Who said that my role was x-shot? You happen to be right: my role is 2x Commuter. How would you know that though?
You were offered Cop, Deathproof, and JOAT? That's quite a hand. Was Deathproof a town role?
How do you know that Valhalla targeted you?
Dykes? He's away to QPR.
I've sent my night action in advance this time.
He's done nothing to justify his price tag, at least.
I have no reads on anyone. I might try to catch up with the thread tomorrow, but I'm busy.
If I'm killed, consider the possibility that I have been jailed/roleblocked.
My other role is Town Commuter. Scum can choose between targeting me tonight, or risking the possibility that I investigate them.
I'm sure that Milan were terrified.
Hail, hail, Neil Francis! KTF! WATP!
I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but he is fucking pish.
Character: Ed Sheeran Role: Town Role Cop + x Actions: investigated Keano (N1), none (N2)
Were any of the players who died last night treading on anyone's toes?
Who did you roleblock on Night One?
Did you jail me on Night One?