Honestly don't really care now, same for O'Riley. Loved them when they were here but once they've gone, they've gone.
Agreed. Don't normally care much who wins POTY but it'd give me a wee warm fuzzy feeling to see Daizen with the trophy.
I think Dinamo Zagreb's a great move if he's determined not to stay tbh. I'd take that all day over a shitey middle of the road English team....
We can all agree I was bang on the money with Bernie though aye?
He has so many levels to go up too. Frightening prospect. Once he gets a bit of consistency and learns how to use his physicality a bit better...
Aye good point. Maeda ahead of Kühn for sure.
Hope he kicks on just so we can start singing Shloop Jeffrey to Sloop John B.
Sinisalo Ralston Trusty Scales Shloooop Bernardo McCowan Hatate Kühn Kenny Yang
Get his wee daughter signed up for the women's team pronto.
Looks every bit a £9m striker just now.
Gorgeous in every way. His balance, control, and quick feet are truly world class.
Commentators have got to start calling him Jeff. Can't take much more 'Shlooop'.
That lovely range of passing in behind will be so important against Bayern.
Never leave Daizen-san.
Second half was as enjoyable as it gets. Our winger options are a fucking joke now :BR1:
De Bruyne regen.
I think it's cause it's reversed in selfie mode. For unlucky cunts like Brendan (and me) with slightly crooked noses, it always looks weird when...
Aye the Mick Nicholson follow up smells like shite to me.
Best description of him tbh. Cunt wouldn't know how to hide if his life depended on it.
Aye, double jointed elbow for sure. Big double-jointed ambidextrous gorgeous maverick bastard.