He's never going to be our main striker. He only needed to look up and we had 2 players in position to score. Still some glaring weaknesses in...
If he keeps GT on he's sure to get himself sent off
we have been terrible so far
yep GT is abysmal and Idah will never be our main goal scorer. we need a change
fgs it's like a battlefield the way they're all going down
3 down and none of them need treatment :56:
These offsides are late eh
get taylor off now
I thought he was immense
I just hope that we can keep them all and add a couple more!
should have stopped for the head knock but tbf I think the ref just let the game run for most of it.
they can hold their heads up high and Brendan got it all spot on tonight
awe didn't deserve that
Well done Celtic. We could have had a few goals in that half.
does he think he's playing rugby
shutit you:56:
unreal tackle that
and our Yang with assist again :100:
aye opinions are a funny thing :84: