Juventus, although it's unfair doing the choosing method. The tournament organiser always has the best team.
it was a joke, stop acting like a wee smart arse :56:
Great original banter there maxa :56:
have you even won a game of fifa maxa? ever?
It's just sad folk who are trying to find something else to blame other than their poor performance.
exactly, spot on :50:
this is why i love talkceltic :56:
Fixed that for you :50:
I dont even not like him. I'm just utterly sick of the arse licking that goes on about him in this forum.
biased view.
agree with that, however I intend no sarcasm as you do.
official statement from EA this is what most of the 'scripting' comes from, if you are in the swing of momentum you may feel it is easy to...
Thread* Which got closed, for me doing the same thing? But just because it's Messi, it's tolerated for some reason.
Do you have to keep digging this thread up every time messi does something?
Dont start your shite, i was being perfectly civil. Your best position is the bench :50:
im not disputing that, stat's mean nothing if you don't play for the team anyway.
You were excellent at that position, and swapping you for a less capable player seemed stupid thats all :50:
I think position wise, you should be a little more considerate tbh mate. Last night you jumped straight into the CAM spot when zander left, no...