I do, however I wouldn't say I have a particularly great Corner or FK routine. I do have a great long throw tactic that works quite well though....
I've only got Manchester United and Celtic saves going, at the moment. Nothing too demanding or labour intensive. I think forums in general are on...
Champions remain. Class is permanent.
Good to see you giving it a bash again. I think this year's edition is good if flawed. It makes me sad the game isn't more popular amongst the...
What's his personality type? I'd imagine his bravery must be really low
Sounds like the way to go, man. What was your coaching and manager experience before starting save?
Dominating with Celtic and just can't let go...Keep resigning and taking on new club, then reloading where I left it. Worst was when I left for a...
77 percent?! :56: Good thing in a way so many people are on Jamesy's side now; hopefully it'll be like this the other side of Quarantine when he...
McGeady had bags of talent. Even now in his old age, he's tearing it up for Sunderland. Not surprised to see Jamesy ahead of him in this poll, but...
I ordered the Lite one just yesterday off Nintendo direct. Seemed handy enough to me. Got one for the missus as a gift with the Zelda game....
Not sure about the other boys but Gegen Pressing is an OP tactic for this year's edition. Also, I would only set defensive line to 'high' never...
Share your tactics and we can help.
Nah man, be lucky to see another ASOIF book. George is done
As much chance of him finishing the series, as there is of the show's final season being redone :55:
My poor county of Armagh :55::55:
As we head into the final stages of this season, please keep the faith. Trust in Neil, trust the players, trust the board (*gulp*). We are on the...
Huge point!
For untold number of windows we have needed to sign a new centre half. I really want us to get in at least one in the summer. Ideally in Europe we...
Fucking knew it.
Release. His time here is done. Had enough of his shit!