Wether he did or didnt he gave him reason to book him again
Dallas is a wank but he took his time and even looked at 4th official take your blinkers aff
You play from the back and you play from the back our way... we are fucking lazy as fuck with it with nobody near you surley you carry the ball...
Slow boring .... 3 at the back doesnt work on a tight pitch hopefully we turn up second
Ofcourse i was being a sarcastic dick but his ego wow :56:
https://i.imgur.com/j67d3MB.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Y58S6M5.jpg
Ill cut out my profile tell me how to upload
I mailed him on instagram a few weeks ago he was playing golf and i wrote watch you domt injure yourself... His replys got personal and claiming...
It What we have needed since wanyama left we need a bit of rough in the middle a bully boy im actually excited to see him hopefully next friday
Dont see any of the new boys getting a sniff what you think? Gone are the days new players stepped right in
A power house who strolled it at killie so easy street at us with him and yer boy from leicster ill be happy especially after the last fee weeks...
The way rodgers was speaking it wasnt just about leaving the talks where about ive seen 4 different prices over social media im not giving up hope...