Never seen a red card for decent in my life
You think he couldnt have lasted ?
The problem started from last season we where in decline most of last season just before we lost the winning streak the treble made it look non...
Gonna just pump thum
I know its mad to say but the defence seems to be the least of our worrys since boyata and benkovic start its our threat in front of goal thats...
Nonsense why wasnt boyata subbed then
He was motm by far unreal why he was taken off
Noticed this a while back if we dont meet huns we could be playing the saturday unless they move it to the monday
Theres no need for all these major changes honestly
Think killie where better last year although depends what side turns up for us hopefully see malumbu and mikey make an appeerance
How do you expect a boy to play decent when nobody behind is giving him the service or balls to run on to
That was painfully hard to watch
Jpt says he doesnt think lights will be used tomorrow that doesnt meen they wont i guess but if they dont question has to be why
Red bulls informer
By rules if not here 24 hours before im sure a 3 0 defeat not entirely sure
Come ahead
This the night to show off these lights?
He 100 percent was but trying to claim he whipped the card out as soon as it happend is nonsense
St mirren where pressing the first half man for man why at that point where we not free flowing the passing and suck thim in to push higher up the...